Episode 43

999 24 1

Jimin POV

I stared at my phone blankly. Normally at this time Seulgi would be messaging me. But lately, she seems to be more distant and quieter. I tried asking her what's wrong but she just brushed it off. I can't help but worry about her.

"Jimin, would it kill you to put your phone down for an hour at least?"

I looked up and saw the hyungs staring at me. I sighed and kept my phone before smiling and joining them for practice. After the end of years, we had been working hard with the next comeback. Namjoon and Yoongi hyung was so sure that this comeback would be a hit and our breakthrough. I never doubted them eventhough I always had thought 'I Need U' was our breakthrough song.

"You fine?"

I turned towards Taehyung who was next to me stretching as well.

"Well asides from Seulgi sort of acting weird lately. Nope." I admitted as I stared at the mirror.

"Well maybe she is just stressed out or something. I mean they had a comeback not too long ago and it's natural for them to feel stress and all." He replied.

I nodded along to his words with not much sense to it. I don't know if it was after he dated Irene noona. But Taehyung has been acting a bit more maturer and sophisicated. Though his playful side is still there, it's still weird.

"Yeah I guess so. Is Joohyun noona acting weird lately for you?"

"Not likely. I asked Bogum lately and she seems really fine during emceeing."

I nodded as I smiled. Well at least his relationship isn't going through a problem like mine.

Taehyung POV

I watched as Jimin nodded and sigh silently. There is definitely something up with him. But I don't know what. I mean it could be because of Seulgi. Should I ask Joohyun noona? I took a peek at the rest of the members who seemed to be pre-occupied. I grabbed my phone and took that chance to message Joohyun noona.

🐰 Bae 🐰

Is everything fine with Seulgi noona?

I waited for her reply cautiously as I looked around carefully. I would be close to dead if they found out I'm using my phone at this moment. I kept peeking at the screen hoping she would type faster or check my message even.

"Alright guys. Get back in position." Hoseok hyung instructed as he stood up from where he was at.

I silently sigh as I kept my phone and continued practice. Maybe by the end of our practice she would reply me?


"Yah... why is today so tiring than ever?" Seokjin hyung complained as we headed for the van.

"Hyung, maybe it's because of your age? I'm totally fine." Jungkook replied which caused us all to laugh.

I smiled as I checked my phone once again. Since just now Joohyun noona haven't replied me. Is everything fine with the girls? I mean I don't want to make a mistake with the love of my life.

"Taehyung-ah! Is everything fine?"

I looked up and saw the rest looking at me worried. I gave a smile of comfort. Well I shouldn't make them worry too much. I took a peek at Jimin as he seemed just tired today. As we were in the van, he was totally quiet. Only occassional laughing but mostly he was quiet. Since Hoseok hyung decided to ride with the other hyungs, it was just me and Jungkook joking around.

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