Episode 50

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Yeri POV

I watched as the unnies and the rest left. Soon it was just me and Jungkook in the room. I turned to him as I saw his eyes filled with tears already.

"Are you crying?" I asked holding back my laughter.

He denied it as I laughed. I saw his face soon change a bit wondering why I am laughing suddenly.

"Yah. I never expected the great Jeon Jungkook to ever cry." I told him waiting for his reaction.

I continued staring at him as he took some time to configure what I had just said.


I laughed evilly as he took my pillow and hit me. It was fun to tease him and the unnies. I never knew my acting was that good for them to think that way. Better thank Saeron, Sohyun and Yoojung all for their special lessons whenever we meet.

"You're the worst. Oh my gosh. I really thought you forgot me. I HATE YOU OH MY GOD."

I continued to snicker as he hit me once again. I pushed the pillow before throwing myself towards him. I hugged him tightly as he hugged me back as well.

"Yah. I missed you too."

"Shut up you devil."

I smiled as I heard the door open slightly.

"I forgot my wallet. Oh okay nevermind. I don't need my wallet anymore." Wendy unnie speed talked as she left the room almost immediately.


I continued watching the livestream on television and checkung twitter on my phone. Ah... it sucks that I have to be absent from schedules. I watched the year-end performance from Melon Music Award. Ah... I want to be there and perform too. I pouted as I continued scrolling my twitter feed. It was until I heard them about to announce the Daesang winners that I dropped my phone and turned to the screen. I heard from Chaeyoung that BTS was a nominee for the Daesang and all. It would be such an honour if they won. And an achievement if I must say so myself.

Soon the announcer announced the winner and I never screamed loudly than ever.


I apologised to my mum before turning up the volume of the television while watching BTS get the award. OH MY GOD. LET ME SEND A MESSAGE TO THEM ALL LATER. THIS IS AN ACHIEVEMENT. I AM DAMN PROUD OF THEM OH MY GOD.


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BaeChu 🐰:
You're supposed to be resting.

Yeah no.

Seungwan unnie 💙:
Should I tell your mum?

Tae oppa:
Ahahahah thanks Yerm-ah~
Get well soon btw 😚😚
So that we could all meet soon.

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