Episode 14

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Jimin POV

When I heard Taehyung ask Irene noona out, I literally got shocked.The light that I was shining through my phone ended up getting all over the place. Which ended up in the rest of them getting angry at us. When I shone the light back, Taehyung and Irene noona were staring lovingly at each other. What happened earlier?


"Wah!! Taehyung is a real man now. A manly man. Hahahahaha!" Hoseok hyung said as we all walked towards our car.

I sat in the car as we waited for Taehyung who was with Irene noona. In our car,Hoseok hyung and Jungkook was busy talking about Taehyung as I just looked out the window. Is that Red Velvet's car opposite us? Which made me think back of Seulgi. I never actually show it much but I actually kind of like her. Despite her being older than me by one year,I don't feel the difference because she also plays along as if she was like me. I felt a click with her. I know she likes me but I can't show it to her. It just feels weird. Taehyung then entered the car all of a sudden.

"I feel so happy right now. Like really. You guys said I can't date her so here you go. I never actually expected to ask her out too.It just came out of my mouth." He said happily smiling like a little kid.

"You must really like her don't you? To the point of asking her to be your girlfriend despite the fact you won't have time for each other." I teased him as he smiled with his rectangular smile.

"It's okay. I told her about it. We're going to chat whenever we're free. Plus I have Bogum to accompany her during Fridays and the other members during the other days." He said happily as the car moved.

I sighed as Hoseok hyung and Jungkookie continued to tease him throughout the whole ride.


When we reached our apartment complex, I left the car and saw Seulgi on the opposite side exiting the car. I smiled normally at her as she just rolled her eyes looking away. Does she not like me already? Did I see wrong? Was I wrong the whole time?

"Uh... earth to Seulgi? Are you okay? Don't tell me you've fallen for them too! NOOOO!! KANG SEULGI!! YOU CAN'T LIKE ONE OF-" I turned to see Seulgi shushing Wendy who was looking all paranoid.

'Fallen for them' ? Who? Us? Has she fallen for me? I smirked as we walked to the lift lobby together with Red Velvet. I kept glancing at Seulgi as she kept looking away and talked to Wendy and the rest. When we entered, the lift I purposely stood near her. It's the least I could do to send signs that I like her. Even if she doesn't like me back. Hopefully I won't be ignored or not realized like Taehyung with Irene noona . Which reminds me... why are we so awkward around each other. Our members are dating why are we awkward? When we all left I had to voice out my opinion.

"Wait. This is nonsense. We're acting differently because of Irene noona and Taehyung dating?"

"Jimin is right. Let's just act regularly together okay?" Wendy added.

"Oh? Why are you guys holding hands?"

We all turned around to see Sunny, Tiffany and Taeyeon noona leaving the other lift. Well that's awkward seeing Irene and Taehyung holding hands and stuff. Which they are still doing before realizing it and letting go.

"Is there something going on here?" Taeyeon noona asked.

We all kept silent because we don't know how to react exactly. All of a sudden Seulgi started to speak up.

"Nothing's wrong here. We're all just talking like regular friends." She said in a hurry glancing at us to get the hint.

Grasping the main idea, I immediately sprung to action with the first thing on my mind at the moment.

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