Episode 16

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When I finally woke up it was about 8pm. Did none of them bother to wake me up? I rubbed my eyes lazily as I looked around. Oh wait... no one is even awake. I sat up and just stared blankly at the wall. It took me quite some time to realise that Jungkook and Yeri was not here. Where did they go? I would search for them but I'm too tired to do so. It was not a good idea binge watch movies non stop especially if you're an idol and you've been too overworked.

I looked around for the other members in case they were missing too. I looked to the dining room just opposite the living room. Hoseok oppa and Wendy unnie resting their heads on the table opposite each other. Guess they woke up first or stayed up through the whole movie. I turned back to the living room more confused than ever. No surprise seeing Seulgi unnie and Jimin oppa along with Irene unnie and Taehyung oppa sleeping together. YoonGi oppa who was next to them was sleeping. The other two were sleeping together too.

Well seems like everyone is still asleep deeply. Except for Jungkook and Yeri whom I still have no idea where they are. I walked towards Yeri's and mine shared bedroom and opened the door. They're not here. Why did I even thought that they would even be here? Who would actually thought they'll actually wake up quite early. I closed the bedroom door as I was about to head to the living room. That was when I heard the front door open and ran towards the entrance. Yeri entered with Jungkook behind her.

"Where did you go? Everyone else was asleep. Where did you run off to alone... outside?" I interrogated them as they just stared at me weirdly.

"Unnie, don't you want to tell Jungkook over here about your 'you-know-what'?" Yeri asked me pushing me and Jungkook nearer.

"About what? What is it you wanted to tell me?" Jungkook began to ask me this time.

Hold on... what's happening. I don't know what she's even talking about. Know about what? I glanced at Yeri for help as she just sighed and face palmed herself.

"You know about... We got.." she hinted.

Oh right...I was supposed to be in We Got Married. That virtual marriage show. I told Yeri about it because we're very tight. I always have been telling her almost all my secrets anyways.

"We got what?" He asked cluelessly again.

I guess she's asking me to break the news to him before he finds out himself. But what I don't understand is why is she asking me to do it? I get that I may have feelings for him more like a crush. But what about him? Does he have feelings for me too? I brushed it off and just told him.

"I'm going to be in We Got Married. That's all."

I waited for this reaction as he just gave a plain poker face to me for a straight one minute. Seems like it's not getting to him yet. Did he hear me? Should I shout to his ears?

"Oh... that's great then. Congratulations? You don't know who's the husband right? "

He doesn't even sound half that sincere as he said that. I looked at him as he just went back to the floor and switched on the tv. He seems so empty? I don't know how you could tell someone looks empty but there's that feeling. That he feels a little bit disappointed? Does he by any chance likes me too? I turned to Yeri who wasn't even looking at me. Instead, she was focused on him.

As if she knew what he needed, she grabbed the remote from him and changed the channel to a music show which she recorded. As if she had planned it, she skipped to the part where Big Bang was performing. I looked at the two from behind. They looked so cute together laughing and smiling and making jokes while watching. Yeri seems to be able to make him happy. Was I maybe wrong to like him? I'm going to get married. But then again, it's a fake marriage. I guess I could still like Jungkook right? Or not? I don't know even. I just walked over to where the two are and watched the tv with them as they continued fighting and making jokes with each other.

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