Episode 33

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I laid my head down on Yeri's lap as we flipped through the channels. There's literally nothing on right now. Whenever we're busy, there'll be something interesting on. When we're not, it becomes boring as hell. Seulgi unnie soon joined us, bringing some snacks with her.

"Is there anything on?" She questioned among her chewing as we both shook our heads.

"Where's the others? " I asked stealing some of her snacks without her realising.

"Irene said she'll be out for a few minutes and Wendy is in our room sleeping or something. "

Speaking of which, Irene unnie walked in to see us just lazing around having nothing better to do with our lives. I didn't even hear the door opening. 

"Guys, Taehyung says they want to come over and maybe play something or watch something. " She informed us heading straight for the fridge.

"Can't they just play by themselves? They're always here." Yeri complained from the couch.

"Don't lie to yourself. You all like them here. Anyways, he said that they are equally bored. He's going to drag them here so clean this place up. Where's Wendy?"

"Probably sleeping. I think." Seulgi unnie replied just kicking the stuffs away lazily.

"If you don't help to clean this mess up properly, I restrict you from meeting your boyfriend secretly." Irene unnie sternly pointed out to Seulgi.

Instantly, Seulgi unnie jumped up and helped out cleaning the place as Irene walked in Wendy's room. As soon as the coast was clear, she went back to resting mode again.

"Seulgi~ are you cleaning up well?" Irene called out jokingly from the room.

Me and Yeri laughed as Seulgi stood up and continued cleaning the place up. My eyes followed her every moves as she lazily kicks some stuffs away into a spot unseen to the naked eye in one look. Well obviously we helped her out, mentally and physically.


"Finally~ we're done! " We all screamed laying back down.

"You two barely did any work." Seulgi unnie nagged at us as we smiled cheekily.

Irene and Wendy soon came out of the room after who knows how long. They both inspected the whole place before nodding in pleasure. Not long after, the door bell rang as we just stared at the door wondering who would go and open it.

"Of course, I have to do it." Wendy unnie sighed as we all laughed.

I placed my arm around Yeri and sat up as the guys entered in a single file. The only memory I have of the guys here was when we all got drunk badly. That seemed interesting. I wonder what would happen today instead.

"WENDY~" Hoseok oppa screamed the minute he enters.

"Let's make a deal on who Wendy chooses." Seulgi pulled the both us nearer to her while whispering.

"I say Yoongi oppa." Yeri immediately said as the guys entered.

"Hoseok oppa for me." I replied

"Fine then. I'll choose...hmm... Mark?" Seulgi came to a conclusion as we turned back to the guests.

"You came here but what do you plan on doing anyways?" Irene questioned raising her eyebrows.

"I don't know. I just wanted to rest today." Yoongi oppa answered laying down on the sofa.

"Let's play a board game!" Hoseok oppa yelled excitedly sitting on the floor.

"Why do you assume we have games here?"

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