Episode 18

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Jungkook POV

"Why drag me with you for doing something like this?" I complained as I pushed the shopping cart.

"Shut up, complain king." Yeri replied back while hitting me with her phone.

I don't know how I ended up at the shopping mart with Yeri searching for stuffs. She apparently stupidly agreed to all my hyungs orders and now she's asking for my help.

"You think I knew this would happen? Talk about last minute much." She complained back as we headed to the next aisle.

"You two seem like some kind of a couple. I don't see the need for me to be here." Namjoon hyung added behind us.

"You're here because we don't want to look like a couple." She continued as I rolled my eyes.

It's a good thing that we went out early in the morning so that no fans are around. And by early in the morning, she called me out at 11 am in the morning.

"I thought you called me over to pay for the stuffs." He continued as Yeri continued with her errands.

She didn't even bothered to answer him back. I smiled a bit looking at how cute she looks frowning like that. I didn't even realize that Namjoon hyung was looking at me.

"If you're going to make lovey dovey eyes at her like that, I suggest not even dragging me here." He nagged as I immediately stopped.

"I'm not." I defended myself.

"And I'm not Kim NamJoon.I don't see why you can't just tell her that you have feelings for her." He continued trying to be all so philosophical.

I just laughed it off. I told him about my possible feelings for Yeri. I mean there's just something every time we're together.  He kept on telling me to tell her but I refused. I prefer our relationship like this. It's better.

"You know what? SeokJin hyung told me to help him out so....why not you two hang out by yourself okay? Here's my card. Return it back in good shape." Namjoon hyung nagged as I nodded.

Yeri was so far in front that she probably didn't even heard him. I ran towards her as I pushed the cart along. I could see her short self trying so hard to reach towards the higher shelf. I saw someone else about to help her as I made a run for it and reached it our myself.

"I can do it for her myself." I smiled totthe other dude as he backed away.

"Talk about possessiveness. Are you going to be like this to your future girlfriend? " She commented as I walked next to her.

"Probably. Or maybe it's just with you." I replied back smiling as she hit me again.

"Where's Namjoon oppa?"

"We both know he wanted to ditch us long ago. It's okay he passed me his card anyways." I assured her showing the card.

She smiled cheerfully as we walked to the next aisle again. I walked close behind her as she kept looking around for stuffs that she needs for the rest. So far there's chocolates, snacks and sweets. I'm pretty sure half of these things are what she wanted but I'm letting it slide because it's Namjoon hyung's money anyways.

"Don't you think we seem like a married couple? Shopping for groceries?"

"Shut up." She cut me almost immediately.

"Way to kill the mood." I rolled my eyes as we walked to the counter to pay for the stuffs.

"You both seem like a really cute couple." The cashier complimented.

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