Episode 27

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Seulgi POV


I looked up from my phone as I saw Wendy covering her face and running towards me. I moved to the side giving her space as she slumped down next to me while making weird alien noises. She's been hanging out with either Taehyung or Jackson too much. I gave her a few minutes to calm down before asking what's wrong.

"Who do I like, Kang Seul?"

I squinted my eyes at her question as she grunted in annoyance dropping her head back on the couch. Yeri and Joy were busy playing with each other while Irene was probably texting Taehyung or something. I scooted nearer to her as she kept on making those weird noises.

"What happened out there?"

She looked at me with the most annoyed and worrying eyes before sighing loudly. She pulled her knees nearer to herself before mumbling.

"I met Mark and accidentally fell on top of him. So obviously I was embarrassed of doing so and ran away bumping into Yoongi."

She looked up making sure I was listening as I nodded for her to continue.

"Then after Mark was gone, I apologized to Yoongi for what I did. He suddenly, stared at me asking me why I was embarrassed in front of Mark and not him. Flustered, I ran to Hoseok who happened to be there too. The two of us walked when I asked if he liked me. And he just told me to guess and think whether he likes me or not. Now I don't know what to do!"

I went to hug her and pat her back as she cried in frustration. And I thought we were the dramatic ones. Apparently the guys are more dramatic than us. Also I began to realise that our lives are way more dramatic and crazier than those in Kdramas. Our lives are basically like all the Kdramas combined. I don't know what to do or react at times like this. So I kept on trying to console her as she hugged me. By now the rest of them were curious at what's happening here than their own lives for once.

"Son Seungwan. You should be lucky. There's like three guys who you like and they possibly like you back. Plus you said you don't want to be in a relationship just yet, right? Then don't be in one! Just call them as your friends. Like Yeri and Jungkook!"

I tried to comfort her while looking at Yeri. Yeri was already done with all of us and sighed loudly enough for me to hear probably.

"Why are we still talking about that?!" Yeri began to question annoyed as I stuck my tongue at her teasingly.

"We're gonna still talk about it until you guys actually become a couple."

Joy replied her back caressing the back of her head. I held in my laughter as the two jokingly had a fight. By now, Wendy was pulling away from me seeing what the two maknaes are doing.

"What if I don't want to? Or worse. He don't want to?!" Yeri continued to scream as they ran around the place.

"So, what? You don't like him and don't want to be his girlfriend? Well.. I guess he can go out with other girls and you won't feel jealous right?"

Joy began to tease back waiting for her reaction. Yeri proceeded to throw a random pillow at her face before laughing out loud and saying her reaction.

"What?! Why should I feel jealous?!"

"Because you like him and you're his girlfriend ~"

They both ran out as we all laughed in the waiting room. Even the staffs and managers had a good laugh at what we were doing. We're such a bipolar group. One minute we can be sad and depressed, the next we're joking around and hitting each other. That's Red Velvet to you. I smiled as Wendy moved away from me going to Irene instead. Once she left my side, I got a notification probably from Jimin.

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