Episode 19

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Jungkook POV

I watched Yeri as she just smiled while messaging. Probably my hyungs. I believe that it is my hyungs that she is messaging. As she placed her phone down, I just stared at her in a adoring way.

"What? Is there something on my face?" She asked touching her face.

"Nope. I just wanted to look at you." I smiled through my mask.

I heard her scoff out loud and about to break into a laughing fit as she controlled herself.

"No one likes an overly cheesy guy." She commented as the drinks and food arrived.

I just shrugged at that comment as I separated the pizza slice.

"I bet I'm more cheesier than the cheese on this pizza." I replied back getting a slice.

"Isn't that obvious?"

I laughed before passing her a piece of the pizza. We had short conversations in between as we ate the pizza. This relationship is nice to me. We don't talk too much or too less and we just enjoy each other's company like this.


"Time?" She lazily asked as I checked my phone.

"2.30 pm." I replied as we rested at a bench.

We finished the food a little too early and there's still more time to waste. The other members are supposed to arrive at 5.30 pm which is in another 3 hours. We already pre-ordered the bouquets of flowers earlier. Which included roses of different colour like red, white and pink. Other flowers which I'm not sure what are the names as I was busy looking at other stuffs.

"Want to go somewhere?" I offered getting tired of lazing around.

"Where to?"

I sighed while thinking. Where could we go to? I looked around for ideas of places to go to. It's a little bit dangerous since there's still a few people. But then again it's a Monday and not a lot of people are around.

"Amusement Park?" I offered.

I watched as she thought for a while before her face lighted up. In many ways, she looks and sounds cute. I can't with her anymore. We stood up from our spots as we headed to the nearest amusement park from here. Of course before that, we left the bags of chocolates and others with a close friend of hers who lives nearby the park too.


"LET'S GO TO THE HORROR HOUSE!" she screamed even though there wasn't a lot of people here.

The amusement park was quite vacant. Not a surprise as it's a Monday and people are either working or at school. I nodded along to her as we headed towards the horror house. She claimed that she didn't want to look like couple. Yet, she kept begging me to wear the animal printed head bands with her. It's as if I could possibly say no to her anyways.

Throughout the whole horror house journey, I've never been more deaf in my whole life. Yeri was either screaming,crying or laughing. It's as if she's having mood swings in the house. When we left the horror house, she was whining over how it didn't lasted long when she basically was begging it to end not too long ago.

"I swear, you scream even more than Hoseok hyung." I laughed as we ate the cotton candy.

"Well I'm a teenage girl. What do you expect?" She replied back.

After the horror house, we decided to just walk around for a while as we headed back. We wasted about 2 hours at the amusement park before heading back. Which didn't actually wasted much time. We were just walking casually when she suddenly stopped in her tracks. I looked at her point of view and saw her facing towards an arcade shop.

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