Episode 22

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Wendy POV

"You guys are drunk. I'm not doing that. At all." Irene unnie persisted as she turned to me.

"Wendy back me up."

I just shrugged. I can barely think straight yet. The rest of the guys continued to chant them to do the 7 minutes in heaven. It's hurting my head.

"Taehyung, just drag Irene with you and get it over and down with." I complained while massaging my temples.

I heard Irene unnie's shocked voice before she was being pulled away. The rest of then cheekily laughed while watching that. Well it was only, Namjoon and SeokJin who was still here now. Jimin and Seulgi somehow blacked out earlier so I don't even bother. I grabbed a blanket nearby and threw it over those two.


Before I could even react, Joy threw herself onto me. I fell down immediately with her on top of me.

"Joy, what are you doing to our Wendy?" I heard SeokJin question still a bit drunk.

"Ah...I'm jealous. So many guys are so worried and caring for you. I want a guy to do the same too!" Joy whined as I threw her off gently.

"You'll get one soon. I guess."

It wasn't long until I heard a scream coming from Irene unnie's room. I thought 7 minutes of heaven was supposed to be in a closet? Well I guess a room is close enough. It didn't take her much longer to run out and hit me immediately.

"What was that for?!"

"I swear, you're all dead tomorrow! " Irene screamed.


I rubbed my eyes before dropping my head onto my hands. I don't remember anything much from yesterday night after the whole 7 Minutes in Heaven thing. I don't even want to try remember because it hurts my head. I didn't even drank a lot. I think.

Man, I hate getting hungover like this. Irene unnie was busy waking the rest of them up. I tried to stand up before remembering that Yoongi was sleeping next to me. Why is my hands and his tangled together like this? I let go both our hands before pushing him away lightly and stood up. On the way to the kitchen, Joy was laid all over the floor of the living room. Hoseok was in the kitchen with flour all over him and pots and pans next to him.

"Look at this mess." I mumbled before grabbing a towel and wetting it.

Instantly, I headed over to where Hoseok was and cleaned up the flour all over his face. I grabbed another dry towel to clean up the flour on his hair and face. He began to squirm probably because of the cold water. I smiled a bit looking at him acting like a kid.

Jungkook POV

"Jungkook oppa, I like you."

I froze at the same position as Yeri continued to sleep soundly on my shoulders. Well I can't deny that I'm smiling from ears to ears now. She confessed just yesterday night as well. But it seems different now. Probably because she's not even fully awake to realise what she said. Like it really came from her heart.

I laid her back down on the bed as I walked out of the bedroom. I slumped down on the couch. I'm not going to think too much about this. She either truly mean it or not. But I'm not going to take it too far. I went back in the room to grab my laptop before checking on her again. I placed my hand on her forehead. She's really not sick anymore. Well it's still warm but not feverish warm.

I walked back out with my laptop in one arm. I placed it on the coffee table as I sat on the floor. I opened the browser and decided to just watch some videos for a while. My hyungs are most likely still asleep at their dorm and Yeri is still asleep too so why not?

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