Episode 37

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Irene POV

I watched as Taehyung was about to say something to me before it got cut off. Seulgi hung up the video call before resting her head again. I stared at her before hitting her jokingly.

"How much longer do you plan to sleep?" I joked as she whined

"Fine!" She complained before sitting up straight.

I looked around for the other three members. Yeri came and left so quickly. Obviously, they were somewhere with each other. I soon found them at the other row of seats. Yeri was joking around with Joy while Wendy was just laughing at them both. Our manager, on the other hand, is trying to huddle us together. Yeri and Joy obviously didn't cooperated and made it harder for him. He had to run around the airport chasing after them. They didn't ran far before returning willingly.

"Why are you two so hyper and crazy today? " I laughed.

"The question is since when were they never?" Wendy added still laughing a bit.

"Girls, let's leave now. We got the bags." Our manager announced.

Even before anyone could react, the two crazy youngsters went off first. Our manager sighed before following behind them closely. The rest of us left behind them as we made little conversations amongst each other. Well this is such a big event we're attending. MAMA. I guess that's why our company sent nearly all their artists over.

At least we won't feel awkward or something. We headed straight towards the black van while greeting the fans warmly. Inside, the two of them were already turnt up. I think something must have affected them back in the plane.


The rest of us just stared at the two jamming out to almost all the random songs possible. From Seventeen to Big Bang, they jammed out to almost all of it like there's no end. There's like not one group whom they even missed out from the lineup today either.


"I swear they must have been high from chocolates or something. " Manager oppa whispered to me amongst the music.

"Even though we're jamming doesn't mean we can't hear you two whispering!" Joy counterattacked while hitting Yeri jokingly.

"I can't imagine having to travel afterwards with them on the plane again." Seulgi sighed too while laughing.

The two offended younger members began to hit their elders to no end with whatsoever they found. They seriously have zero chill right now. Even our manager had given up for keeping them sane. We might not all return in one piece in the end.

"You guys better not act like this in front of all the other artists all right?"

"Something tells me they would be on their utmost behaviour today." I smiled as they continued their brawl.

Taehyung POV

After the abrupt phonecall, I don't feel the mood of sleeping back anymore. I just sat down at the bed while spacing out. Jungkook, on the other hand, kept on joking around with me by throwing pillows. I grabbed my own pillow and hit him back as we ended up having a pillow fight. We didn't even hear the front door opening as we were busy hitting each other.

"You two... go and wash up now." our manager sighed

"Jimin is inside!" I defended back.

"Yeah, you want us to shower with him?" Jungkook added back.

"Fine, but go and get ready afterwards. When I return again, I expect you all to be all ready. " he nagged before heading back out.

"Let's disturb Jimin hyung!" Jungkook smiled cheering.

We secretly sneaked up to the bathroom as Jimin was in the shower. He's so going to hit us with the shower head if that's even possible. I slowly pushed the door open as the sound of the shower was heard.

"Kim Taehyung! If you ever dare to do anything to me, I'm going to get back at you all later!" Jimin warned as I frowned.

"Oh yeah? Like what?" I teased back.

Before I could even say anything else, the shower curtain pulled open. The next thing I knew, a huge blast of water was being aimed at my face. I ran out of the bathroom as Jungkook laughed at me.

"This is funny to you?!" I complained as he nodded.

I smirked before grabbing a bottle of water and chasing him with it around the room. When I caught him, I poured the whole bottle on him as he shivered. Not like I wasn't shivering either. We're in a cold room and I was drenched with water. Jimin soon came out of the bathroom to see us both cuddled up together with the blanket. He ripped the blanket from us both as I looked up at him.

"You go shower. I shall warm Jungkookie~"

I rolled my eyes at him as he hit my head. I ran to the bathroom before he could attack me anymore. Outside, I could hear the sound of the television being switched on. I took a quick shower because I was quite drenched already. I could hear the door opening on the outside as I stayed inside a bit longer.

"Why is he wet?" Our manager questioned probably to Jimin.

"I think Taehyung and Jungkook were playing around with each other. And that happened."

"I'm okay." Jungkook assured.

"Well hurry up and shower. Kim Taehyung, you better hurry up unless you want to shower with Jungkook."

"I don't mind..." I scoffed back to him.

"Hyung! No!" Jungkook screamed back in disgust.

I couldn't make out what was happening outside but I'm pretty sure they were talking about me or something. I turned the shower off as I heard Sejin manager leave. I peeked out the door as I saw the two of them watching television. I secretly left the bathroom and was about to scare them when they just turned the tables around.

"WHAT THE HECK?!" I screeched covering myself.

They were totally not watching television. And they were totally not alone. How could I even know that they were video calling the girls again? Why again? Why can't they just leave them alone. I grabbed the covers and wrapped myself as the two idiots judged me.

"Yeah...hi." Seulgi replied back from the other end.

I rolled my eyes before running to a corner and finding my luggage. I could tell she was on the verge of laughing already.

"Anyways, what do you guys think?" Jimin continued as Jungkook headed to the bathroom.

"I guess it's not a bad idea?" Yeri answered him.

"What you all blabbering about?" I questioned in between my search.

"Wear some clothes first, pervert." Seulgi commented.

I grabbed the nearest thing I could reach and threw it towards Jimin. Lucky he dodged or he would have suffered badly before the awards ceremony. I wore some random T-shirt before joining in their video call.

"Okay, he's here. Bye you two."

I glanced over to Jimin questionably as he immediately ended the call.

"Really? Why do you always end the call just as I was about to say or do anything? " I complained.

"Because...." he shrugged back before lying down.

"I hate you." I sheepishly smiled back before stuffing his face with the pillow jokingly.

I know this update sucks but I felt bad for not updating for so long.


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