Episode 20

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Yeri POV

I held in my laughter as Jungkook pulled me away from the scene. I got to admit. This is the first time I’m actually seeing Taehyung oppa crying. He was so worked up over whether it would become a failure and ended it himself. Not to forget how many times he had spammed me because he was worried about it being a mess.

“I can’t believe that he was so worked up just to cry.” I commented as we were walking back.

“He’s a sentimental guy. Let him live.” He replied back as I laughed.

As we returned, the other members seemed a little more happier? I mean they seem more cheerful than normal. It must be some after effect or something.

“Where’s Taehyung and Joohyun?”

We didn’t even have to answer asides from turning to the side. The rest of them seems to get the hint and immediately nodded. Awkward silence filled the air. So now...we have two couples within us and a conflicted virtual married girl. Not to forget another member who’s popular amongst the guys.

“We should clean up first then. They’d probably be back when we’re done.” Wendy unnie cheered.


"There's an ice cream shop opposite." I pointed out to Jungkook oppa as the rest were cleaning up.

At times like this, seeing something as little as an ice cream shop across the street is far more interesting. Jungkook turned around and faced my direction as I pointed towards the street. I'm half-shocked at the fact that I was able to see it so clearly from here.

"Want to ditch the rest and go?" He offered as he grabbed some trash on the floor.

I just shrugged. It's not like I'm offering to go. I may have pointed it out first but I totally didn't intend on asking him to drag me away from this hell hole. I saw him grin a bit before turning to the rest.

"Guys! We're going to throw these away." He pointed to the trash he was carrying.

Before I could barely react, he basically pushed a few of the trash bags towards me as we walked away immediately. I'm surprised the rest are so chill with all these stuffs happening around them.

"Let's go."

I just stared at him confusedly as we headed over towards the ice cream shop. It's quite a surprise that there isn't a lot of people here. Well to be specific any fans around. We sat down at the table facing the window and street.

"What do you want?"

I turned over to the menu board. For an ice cream shop, they really have a lot of flavors. I blinked for a while examining the flavors before deciding what I wanted.

"Cookies & Cream" I smiled before turning back.

"Is that purposely? " I heard him murmur a bit before walking away.


"How long have we been here?" I asked as I took another scoop of the ice cream.

"15 minutes." He answered while checking his phone.

"Oh? They messaged."

I leaned over nearer to Jungkook as I tried to see the message sent.

Kakaotalk (3 unread):

Joy noona [offline]:
Where are you two? It's been 15 minutes.
Seen 7.45 pm

Joy noona [offline]: 
You aren't even answering me... must be having fun alone...ㅠ.ㅠ
Seen 7.50 pm

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