Episode 13

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Now playing: SHINee - Aside Girl

Seulgi POV

"Will you be my girlfriend? "

The rest of us squeled as he said that. Hoseok and Jimin who was holding up the flashlight for them started screaming too. Which resulted in the flashlight going all over the place and sort of blacked out the room. The staffs around was just freaking out along with us. The minute the light was back on them, Irene and Taehyung was just staring at each other in a loving way. I guess they're dating now. Who knew our plan worked.


"OH.MY.GOD ! THAT WAS LIKE SOO SWEET AND ARGHH! I can't contain these feels right now. What do you think they did earlier? Do you think they kissed? OMG! WHAT IF THEY DID? Our best friend is gone, Seulgi! I only have you now along with the satanic duo." Wendy fake sobbed as she clung onto me while we were on our way to the car.

It's been such a hectic day today. It was just a few hours but it felt like it's been a few days or months. What's with all these drama among us?

"It seemed like it, right? Who knows maybe one day something like that happened to me too? " I fantasized to her as we entered the car.

" If you say that, does that means there's someone you like?" Yeri asked once we were all in waiting for Irene.

"What?! No!" I defended immediately.

"Calm down, Kang Seul. They're just joking. It's not like you really like someone right?" Wendy questioned me giving the "you-better-say-no" face.

"I can't leave you alone with these satanic duos even if I do. " I joked as the maknaes complained to our manager.

"Jokes aside. Where's our lady-in-love? " Joy butted in between.

"Talking about your lady in love. She's over there with her prince cheesy." Our manager joked as we laughed along.

"By the way, Don't mention the whole dating thing in front of the CEO or anyone else okay? Keep it confidential." He sternly ordered.

"Not even Exo or Shinee must know about it?" Yeri asked obviously.

"I don't know about them. But for now just the CEO and the other staffs. You guys are like only a year old in this business. And dating? I don't even know what they were thinking."

"Are you implying that Irene unnie is a weird and crazy person for falling in love? I guess we're all going to a mental institution then." Joy sarcastically commented.

"I didn't say she was weird or crazy. Don't put words in my mouth. All I'm saying is to be careful. You don't know how many fans and people are looking. One wrong move and it could affect your careers." He continued as if we're having a debate on it.

"So what is the final lesson? Idols can't date or hang out freely with whoever they want? I don't get it what's with all these rules and regulations for idols anyway? We can't be too fat or too thin. We must all have crazy good talents. We can't be dating or interacting with another idol because it'll be wrong. I don't get some fans and media nowadays." Wendy complained getting approval from all of us.

"Well that's society. You pay the price for it for being a celebrity. You can't do anything about it. Have you seen someone who have broken like all the rules and regulations in Kpop and still succeed very far in this industry?" He asked turning around.

"I'm sure there are one or two somewhere. The difference is the difference of fans reactions. If someone with less popularity or fans breaks the rules, not a lot of people would care and they get to live normally. On contrary,if someone really popular breaks the rules,it's the front page of everything. They hate them but can't admit they love them too. How hypocrite some people are." I voiced out my opinion.

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