Episode 34

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Wendy POV

I stayed in the kitchen getting some cups and plates for the rest of them. As I reached out for the last plate, O felt myself losing balance. Just when I thought I would fall, I felt a hand protecting me from behind. Breaking my fall to be exact.

"You should be more careful."

"Yeah, okay." I replied back grabbing the plate from him.

"Thanks though, Namjoon." I smiled before carrying the plates to the living room.

The rest of them were cuddled up in one spot trying to search for something to watch. We gave up playing games and decided on movies this time.

Hoseok kept on persisting not to watch horror movies as the rest kept on trying to play horror movies. He looks like a little kid complaining like that. Well unless the rest of them want to see him screaming like a little girl again, they better let him choose instead.

"Okay, you know what? Hyung, why not you choose what movie to watch? Isn't it easier?" Jungkook tried to reason passing the remote to him.

"Okay then. Everyone has to agree with what I want to watch okay? Now everybody close your eyes."

I chuckled a bit as I watched the rest of them close their eyes willingly. I passed out the plates as he went to choose the movies.

"Wendy~ do you think they'll like this movie?" He called out.

I turned to face the television as it showed Lion King. I shook my head as he pouted before choosing again.

"Hyung~ are you done yet?" Taehyung called out impatiently.

"Patience is a virtue, young child." I joked as Hoseok called me again.

I looked to the screen once again as it showed Hunger Games instead. Knowing how impatient the rest are going to be, I just nodded my head as he played the movie before asking the rest to open their eyes.

"What did you choose?" Yeri asked as she grabbed the bowl of chips.

"You'll see."


It was already halfway through the second movie and surprisingly everyone is still awake. We planned to only watch one movie but the ending of the first was not okay for them. So we decided to watch the sequel. No surprise here, the maknae line were too into this movie. Even Yoongi isn't falling asleep. I actually expected him to pass out first seeing the outcome of the first movie we all watched together.

"Hyung, this is the best movie you've introduced us to." Jimin pointed out as the others shushed him.

"Of course it is. I chose it."

I giggled before grabbing another piece of the pizza. Next to me, Yoongi was just leaning his head on my shoulder. Anytime now, he'll fall asleep. I just know it. Everything was fine and silent when I felt an arm snake it's way to my waist. I turned to Yoongi who has already made himself comfortable on me. I tried to push his arm away but he only went to hug back even tighter.

"Uhmm...Yoongi oppa? Mind letting go? I need to get some coke." I lied seeing how awkward this posture is.

"Your coke is over there. Still full."

"Well I want some more. Now please let go." I persisted psshing his arm away.

I tried my best to keep quiet or else the rest of them might suspect that something is going on. So far, they're just fixed to the movie and nothing else. Even Taehyung had abandoned Irene just to sit in the middle to watch it. And he's supposedly the clingy one. I tried once again to push his arm away as he just turned to stare at me.

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