Episode 49

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I rested my head on the couch as the rest of them went to get coffee. Good luck to them trying to get anything without getting caught. I closed my eyes trying to get some shut eye until I heard a soft cough. At first, I ignored it thinking I was just imagining things until.


My eyes shot open as I sat up. I turned to Yeri's bed and saw her barely sittimg up.


"Hahaha... unnie. Calm down."

I was close to tears as I heard Yeri speak again. I messaged the unnies immediately before running over to her. I hugged her tightly until the rest came along with the doctor.

"Seulgi. Just because you're okay doesn't mean you can go to Starbucks and buy a drink. OKAY WHERE'S YERI?" The doctor suddenly said as he entered the roon

I pointed to Yeri's bed as if she had moved anyways. I turned to Seulgi unnie who rolled her eyes behind the doctor before heading for her bed as well. The doctor did the typical doctor checkups as our managers all arrived almost immediately.

"You went to a chicken shop didn't you?" Wendy unnie asked as they ignored her and headed to the doctor.

"Doctor, is she okay?"

"Unnie! I was asking a question!" Wendy unnie complained as they continued ignoring her.

"Well she is okay now that she woke up. But she might need to stay for a while for checkups and have to come back once in a while for checkups again. Probably wouldn't recommend her to go back on stage just yet."

"Okay. But what about her?" Oir manager oppa asked as he pointed towards Seulgi unnie's direction

Seulgi unnie rose up as they paid their attention on her. I held my laughter as I walked over to Yeri and hugged her.

"She can leave. I don't intend on seeing her even more anyways. Give her a few days rest and she can go back to stage soon."


The doctor ignored her and shook his head before walking away. The managers followed the doctor out as Seulgi unnie had her own mini victory dance.

"I guess I didn't missed out much?" Yeri asked as I smiled to her and cupped her cheeks.

"Shouldn't we tell Jungkook about this?"

I shot up as they said that. Oh right! I forgot about it! I grabbed my phone as I messaged Jungkook immediately. I wonder if he is busy now.

"who... is jungkook?"

I nearly dropped my phone as she asked that. Is...she for real? Seems like all of them had the same reaction as they turned to Yeri as well.

"Jungkook? Your boyfriend? Your cheesy yet cute partner in crime?" Wendy unnie explained as she showed a picture of him.

"I... don't remember him... but he's cute I guess? We date?"

I stared in confusion as she said that. Oh god... this is like those K-Dramas. Should I let Jungkook know? But he might be disheartened. But still I should tell him right?

"Are you sure you don't recognise him? Jeon Jungkook. From BTS?" I asked once again as she shook her head.

"I remember BTS, I guess, but not so that Jungkook guy."

Okay... she's for real. What do we do? Jungkook would come here in like a few hours time. Maybe we can remind her of him in that time? If not, we'll force it into her. I can't bear to see or hear Jungkook cry or break down anything. He was just damn annoying. Drinking with him was the worst of all.

"There's only one thing to do." Seulgi unnie mentioned as we all turned to her in unison.

Oh no... If my ideas are bad. Seulgi unnie's ideas are worser. It always doesn't end well when she has a plan.


"Seulgi... how foolproof do you think this is?" Joohyun unnie asked as she looked out of the door.

"100%." Seulgi unnie assured as I watched her warily.

"Really? Telling Jungkook that she forgot all of us entirely? That's your plan?"

I nodded along to what Wendy unnie said as we watched for her reaction.

"Come on. I watched way too many dramas to know what happens. This is normal. We'll tell him that she'll slowly remember people one by one and teach her about Jungkook during that time."

"Seulgi unnie. This is reality. Not a drama." I reminded her as she shook me off.

"Same, same."

I shook my head as I sat next to Yeri. I am definitely not with this plan. But you know, whatever works with her since we all have no other plans. Not long later, Jungkook and the rest of BTS came as well. In of course their stupid disguise that Wendy and Seulgi unnie told us about.

"Where's my girl?" Jungkook screamed the second he enetered the room.

"Your girl can barely remember all of us." Seulgi unnie was the one who started all this.

We just let her continue talking. Better not disrupt her flow of thoughts. Whatever that is flowing in that mind of hers.


"I know... it's a shock for us all... We'll all leave you two alone now. Come on."

This was not part of the plan. I looked to Wendy unnie who was equally confused. Seulgi unnie was the first to stand as she dragged her IV drop bag and dragged Jimin out with her other hand.

"Oh well... I guess we should leave you both alone then." I repeated as I followed suit as the rest did too.

Soon we left the two alone in their room.

"Alright spill. What really happened?" Namjoon demanded as he folded his arms.

"What happened is exactly what we said. Now let's go to the cafeteria." Seulgi unnie continued as she pushed the rest towards the cafeteria.

Tonight's going to be a long night once again.

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