Episode 15

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Wendy POV

Well yesterday was a crazy day. At least today's a Sunday, we can sit back and relax and not worry about what so ever happened yesterday. It sure seemed so dramatic like a K-Drama yesterday. Maybe I've been watching way too many dramas. I turned around to see Irene unnie literally skipping out of our room and towards me. She's been a little bit out of it since Taehyung confessed to her. I rolled my eyes as she sat next to me and started to type on her phone. She's probably sending a text to Taehyung. I sighed as I stood up from the sofa and headed towards the kitchen. Might as well make some food for myself or something.

"Are you going baking?" I heard Irene unnie's voice.

I thought for a while before deciding that I should. I took out the ingredients and placed them on the counter. What shall I make today? Cookies or Muffins? I could sense Irene unnie coming nearer casually. She hit some stuffs on her way here as she stood on the other side of the counter. As usual, clumsy Bae.

"What are you gonna make today? I'll help you since the others are out." She said as she placed her phone on the counter.

Well I thought she wouldn't stop messaging. The other members are out doing whatsoever stuffs they were doing. I don't know since when did they ever woke up early.

"Maybe I'll make some cookies for us to eat. Maybe with some milk or coffee?" I suggested to her as she gave me a face of that like a little kid.

"That sounds nice. Let's make extra to give the guys? Why not invite them over too later?" She mentioned wearing the apron.

So that was why she wanted to help. To make some for the guys. I wasn't planning to actually but why not? The rest of them are going to make me do so anyway. We immediately started to measure the ingredients for the cookies.


"Oooooh! What smells nice here?" I heard Joy yell from the entrance.

"You're baking? What are you baking?" Yeri asked as she ran over to the oven to inspect the food immediately.

"Calm down, guys. We baked cookies and some muffins. And-"

"Let's invite the guys over! Maybe might as well we eat lunch too!" Seulgi suggested cutting me.

"Unnie! Let's go over there now!" Joy immediately offered dragging Seulgi with her.

I laughed before preparing the plates and cups for them. Irene unnie went back to her phone and started to laugh. She's such a dork. Yeri offered to help me only so that she could snatch the food first before the rest. I prepared the coffee and milk as Yeri pulled out the baked cookies and muffins which I managed to make too. As expected from the maknae, she tried to get a piece of the cookies secretly until the door literally bursted open.

"Wah! They were not kidding saying that the food smelled nice! " I heard Hoseok yell from the door.

The rest of them greeted us before rushing to the counter to see the food or in another way, take a bite of it first. Jin, on the other hand, helped me prepare with the coffee and milk while NamJoon went to help carry the plates and cups. YoonGi went to calm down the rest of them as they all fought over the seats and the remote like little kids. As expected, those three are very responsible. No surprise seeing Joy and Yeri part of the fight while Seulgi was just trying to drag them away.


"These cookies and muffins are seriously nice. You should open a bakery or a café!" Hoseok complimented as we sat down watching a movie which the maknae line chose.

I blushed a bit as he said that and bit my lips. Out of all the movies they chose, it had to be a horror movie. For the reason of it's Summer Time. I can't remember how many times I've nearly gone deaf because of Hoseok screaming and pulling me closer to him at every small detail. He's so cute like that though.

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