Episode 9

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Seulgi POV

"Another day,another Ice Cream Cake." Joy joked as we entered our waiting room.

Everyone else just laughed as we sat down and went through our phones whilst waiting for the cue for rehearsal. 5 minutes into resting and silence, the door swung open. I looked up from my phone but not caring the minute I saw Jungkook and Taehyung enter excitedly. What are they doing here this time? Obviously, they're probably here to play with us and all. Well I have better things to do than playing with them. Just as I was about to continue playing my phone,I heard Jimin and Hoseok enter.

"Did you guys hear? We're nominated for first place today." Hoseok and Jimin yelled excitedly together shutting the door.

"Really?" I jolted out of my seat as the rest of them looked at me weirdly.

"Are you serious? I mentioned it a while ago and you only paid attention when those two hyungs say it?" Jungkook sulked as Yeri laughed next to him.

"Oh,sorry. I don't pay attention to playboys like you." I replied back sarcastically rolling my eyes.

"Ooohhh... that burn though! " Wendy laughed from beside me.

Everyone else laughed as Jungkook ignored me and played with Yeri and Joy instead. On the other hand, Taehyung and Irene unnie watched them like some kind of proud parents. Jimin went to seat next to me while Hoseok and Wendy talked with each other from my other side. Now it's just awkward at the fact that we aren't the ones talking.

"Do you guys like...uhmmm... think you could win first place today?" I carefully asked him.

I took a sneak peek at him. Judging his facial expression seems like he never actually expected a conversation between us. Well what do you expect me to do? Hold my silence forever?

"Hmmm... I don't know. Maybe? NamJoon hyung is preparing a speech beforehand though. You know... just in case." He replied not sparing an eye.

This just made things more awkward. At least I'm making a little effort here. I sighed softly as I tried to think of another topic to talk about. Maybe I should just improve his mood for today?

"Ehh~ I'm sure you guys would win. You slayed this comeback with the bodyrolls and all those other stuffs. Not to forget the fantastic music video." I said while doing the bodyrolls motion awkwardly.

He laughed looking at me doing the bodyrolls. Oh okay... I guess we're going somewhere now. I stopped dancing to the song as I just sat in silence like that. From aside I could hear Yeri complaining about how Jungkook cheated while he promptly denied it. Once he calmed himself down, he sat a little more closer to me.

"You think so? Maybe we might though... Nice bodyrolls though, noona." he laughed again but this time it's more like a chuckle.

Oh right I was older than him. Totally forgot about it. He returned back to his phone seeing how awkward our situation was getting. Not that I was complaining though. At least we took an effort to talk with each other. I took one late glance at him before looking at what commotion is happening next to me now.

Irene POV

"What?! That's not fair! You totally cheated, Ahjusshi !" Yeri yelled as Jungkook ignored her.

"Yeah,right. Admit defeat like your noona. Come here and let me flick your forehead." He defended as he tried to get hold of her.

Yeri not wanting to admit defeat to Jungkook started to run around the whole place teasing him to catch her. Taking it as a challenge I guess, he stood up and ran after her. Obviously, he caught her easily and dragged her back to where we were all seating.

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