Episode 47

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Seulgi POV

"Yah, I'm going to the cafeteria first. There's literally no food."

I shooed off Wendy as I kept searching through my phone. BTS is really doing so well with the new comeback as well. I'm really glad. I smiled a bit before hearing my stomach growl. Ah... I should have asked Wendy to buy me food as well. Wait, I can just message her. Just as I was going to message her, I heard the door open.

"Oh, Wendy nice timing. Can you buy me food as well?"

I looked up to see not Wendy but Jimin. I dropped my phone on the bed as he entered. Behind him, the rest of them members trailed in. This is a dream right? I must be still unconcious or something. I rubbed my eyes in disbelief as I looked at them again. It must be true. I'm not imagining them this time.


Ah... why do I feel teary as I hear his voice? He ran towards me as I hugged him back. Oh god... I miss this so much. I miss him so much... I snuggled in his hug and took in his warmth. It feels like it's been forever since I felt this way.

"You wouldn't believe the efforts we took to come here."

I parted from Jimin as I watched the rest of them undress from whatever they were wearing before. Hah... the fact that they were willing to go to that extent to come here. Risking everything....

"Why are you crying?" I heard Hoseok ask as I wiped my tears.

"It's just that I missed you all so much." I smiled while replying.

I watched as they all smiled as well. I really missed them. I really missed this. I really missed everything. I'm glad that even if it's for a while we could enjoy this moment for a while.

"Do you know what happened to Yeri?" Taehyung asked as I turned to the bed next to me.

I have zero idea what happened to Yeri either. When I woke up, Yeri was still unconcious. I didn't dared to ask Wendy, Sooyoung or Joohyun unnie. They were all just glad that I woke up. I shrugged my shoulders as I witness Jungkook sit next to her.

"You know she would really appreciate you guys all here." I told them as I sat up fully.

"But really though. Why are you guys here?" I continued still confused.

I mean I appreciate them here. I love it even. But, I'm afraid that scandals would arise from this. We might cause a damage to their popularity or vice versa. I mean I had seen articles about rumours of me and Jimin arising somehow. Even when we rarely interacted. But I guess the things we had led to to it. My company had to tell me to not wear them out anymore. Which sort of annoyed me.

I don't even want to get started on the comments and reactions to the article. Everything was so negative. Everyone was so against it. I had seen a few supporting but still... Even our fans were fighting with each other. Protecting each other's idols.

"Why not? It doesn't matter if scandals arise from this. You're our friend and Jimin's girlfriend. And Yeri is our little sister and Jungkook's girlfriend. It was just an act of concern and worry. There's nothing which could prevent us from visiting you anyways."

I grinned as I heard what Namjoon said. Ah... no wonder he's the leader. He has a way with words. I leaned back on the head rest as I watched them all talk about everything so far. Wendy soon joined us and we started talking about just everything in general. How could our companies separate us like this? When we are this close with each other.

Soon it reached 6am and the guys had to leave soon. Or else their manager would find out and skin them alive.

"Must I leave?"

I held in my laughter as I watched Jungkook pout in disagreement. Yeri has yet to wake up. I understand why he's seriously worried and want to stay by her side.

"Jungkook, Manager Sejin would kill us if he found us here." Seokjin convinced him as he was about to stand up.

"Yah. He could just stay here for another day. Just tell your manager that he went to stay with Yugyeom or something."

I turned to Wendy who was really serious in this. Which seems cute because she was giving her serious face. I watched as Jungkook turned to the rest of them asking them of it was possible. Ah... him and Yeri are really maknaes who we can't say no to. Jungkook cheered as he threw himself to the couch nearby while the rest of them left.

Wendy POV

I followed the boys out as they went through the same hidden way. All dressed well in their disguise.

"If you guys are coming again, let us know in advance at least." I nagged at them as they got into the car.

"Alright mom." Taehyung joked as I rolled my eyes.

I folded my arms as they all waved goodbye to me. I don't want them to leave but what to do? They would all die if the manager goes to their dorm to see no one there. As soon as they left, I headed back to the ward. I watched as Jungkook sat next to Yeri again with his head on the bed. I smiled as I saw his hand on Yeri's. I went to get a blanket from the closet there and covered him before locking the door. At least I'd know if the nurses were to randomly come in. Before I knew it, I fell asleep as well.


"Excuse me. Red Velvet-ssi?"

I turned to the other side as I used a pillow to cover my ears. I heard another knock followed by a louder voice.

"Red Velvet-ssi? Can you unlock the door? Ms Kang needs to take her medicine and the doctor needs to check Ms Kim later."

I sat up as I heard that. Wait a minute. I turned to Jungkook who was still asleep on the bed. I ran towards him and tried to wake him up to no avail. I heard the knocks again as I just went to another resort.


"Who's this?"

"Joohyun unnie!" I screamed a little bit too loud as I covered the blankets a bit tighter.

I smiled innocently to the doctor as Seulgi watched me from the side. The doctor nodded as he continued to examine Yeri while I walked over to the couch. Meanwhile, Seulgi who just ate her medicine was just looking at the scene before her.

"Irene-ssi really have a tight grip."

The doctor's hand was on the blanket as I nearly screamed before Seulgi dropped her IV bag.

"Oh no!"

I turned to her and winked as she turned back to the doctor. The doctor on the other hand just sighed and headed over to Seulgi's bed to fix it back. Meanwhile, I pulled Jungkook away with all my strength barely. Man this guy is heavy. I carried him to the couch immediately as Seulgi distracted the doctor even further.

"Doctor, how long must I stay here?"

"Not long I hope."

I covered Jungkook with the blanket and pillows as the doctor stood up. He turned and looked at me and Jungkook all wrapped up in the blanket on the couch.

"Oh? You moved her? Alright then."

I headed over to the doctor to try and avoid him from paying any further attention to Jungkook on the couch. The things we do for him.

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