Episode 32

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Irene POV

"Look at what you guys have done!" Seokjin complained.

Since we're in the dark it's quite hard to tell who is who. But since the rest of us are tangled up here fighting, the one untangled must have been him.

"They are gone!" He explained pointing to the now empty space.

We all diverted our attention to where they should be. Where did they go? We only were fighting for like one minute and they ran away?

"You don't think they lied to us about hating each other right?" Hoseok began to try find a reason as we soon left the place.

"If they did, then I wasted my time here." Yoongi complained.

"Why did you tag along anyways? You could just stay at the waiting room you know?" Hoseok pointed out.

"It concerns Jungkook. Of course I'm here." He continued.

We walked back to our waiting room as the guys followed too. As if they do not wanting to leave us. The minute we walked in, our manager just took one look before going back to her phone. We ended up chilling around instead.

"By the way where's Jungkook and Yeri?" Our manager asked, not much looking up.

"They wanted some time alone together." Wendy explained as we just nodded and went with it.

"What about Joy?"

"Joy? Wasn't she in the waiting room earlier?" Seulgi began to question too.

"She was in the waiting room. She left not too long ago. Saying she's going to find you guys. "

"Ah... but we didn't tell her where we were. She wouldn't know. She should be still finding us." I frowned beginning to feel worried.

"Maybe she's with Yeri? You'll never know." Hoseok spoke up as we just agreed.

"I'll find her. Aren't BTS supposed to be on stage in another 10 minutes?" Our manager pointed before looking at the clock and leaving the room.

"Oh, yeah! Someone call Jungkook!" Namjoon ordered as we all stood up immediately.

"We can't contact him. He didn't bring his phone with him remember? " Seokjin pointed out.

"What about Yeri?" Yoongi begin to sound as if he's part of this.

"She left hers over there." Wendy answered pointing to the table.

"Then how are we supposed to inform Jungkook about the stage?" Hoseok screamed unnecessarily.

"What about Joy? I think she brought her phone with her." One of the stylists informed.

Immediately, we all messaged and contacted Joy in as many ways as possible. We all tried calling her one by one but she didn't answer either.

"Another 5 more minute! Guess we have to run around searching for him then!" Jimin suggested as we ran for the door.

We opened the door and saw BTS's manager there about to knock. He took a few seconds to look at us before asking.

"Where's Jungkook? With Yeri?"

We all nodded before rushing out. We split into different groups. Obviously with our own respective partners. Except for Wendy who's with Yoongi and Hoseok. I don't know who Wendy is going to choose. They all are just equally great. I walked around the place with Taehyung trying to find the two members.

"Where do you think they could be?" I began to ask him worried.

"They might be at the stairwell."

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