Episode 21

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Irene POV

"Yah! Did I not tell you guys not to drink a lot?" I yelled at them as they all lied down drunkenly.

"Ah! Unnie...sshhhh." Wendy drunkenly slurred while lying down.

"It's already 12 pm! What shhh?!" I nagged again pulling them up.

Urgh...I don't even want to know what happened last night. What happens here stays here. I looked around the room and say the others in a wreck. I don't even remember anything that happened. I didn't even drank at all. I sighed before continuing to hit the other members awake. Seriously, what did they do yesterday?

Last Night

By the time we reached the apartment complex, they was a motorcycle parked near the entrance. Immediately, the rest of the members jumped and ran towards the delivery man. I just watched as Namjoon paid while the rest snatched the food and drinks. I'm not even going to eat so why bother them at all?

We headed for the dorm instantly. They didn't even had second thoughts as we entered our dorm. They opened the box excitedly even before we reached the living room. I dragged my body to join them as they switched on the television to watch a movie or something.

"Isn't it kinda mean that we're eating chicken without the maknaes?" Joy asked as she grabbed one large piece of drumstick.

"They decided to have fun without us first anyways. I bet Jungkook is having a blast with Yeri now." Jimin selflessly replied as Seulgi hit him.

"We could have asked them to join us then they could eat this too!" Seulgi complained.

"It's okay, I bet they'd understand." Taehyung replied giving me a piece of chicken and giving me my beer can.

I pushed the chicken back to him along with the beer can. I'm not going to risk it and drink and eat the chicken. I turned back to the television as Taehyung drank the beer immediately.

"YAH! KANG SEULGI! I'VE ALWAYS LIKED YOU. BUT FOR SOME REASON... I NEVER SHOWED IT. WHY DID I NEVER SHOW IT?" Jimin drunkenly slurred his words whilst screaming from the top of his voice.

Do they have no sense of what time it is right now? I threw a pillow at him to shut up as he lied down on Seulgi's lap comfortably.

"Excuse you~ I had enough troubles trying to control my lust for you." Seulgi laughed as she pushed his head down.

I drank the cup of water as I watched the two continue to have their little scream fight. It's a surprise I managed to refrain myself from drinking. I'm not going to lie how much I wanted to drink but nope. I heard a loud crash followed by laughs in the kitchen.

Immediately, I ran over there and saw Joy and Hoseok covered in flour. I held in my laughter as they laughed uncontrollably and fell to the floor. Next to them, there were pots and pans which must have fell out.

I heard a loud groan from the living room once again as I looked over. Seokjin and Namjoon were just hitting each other aimlessly and throwing the pillows all over the place. On the other hand, Yoongi managed to fall asleep with Wendy holding his hands down. Wendy was half asleep as she took another bite of the chicken and laid her on next to Yoongi's.

"YAH! KANG SEULGI. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH MORE THAN TAEHYUNG LOVES IRENE!" Jimin suddenly proclaimed his never ending love.

I widened my eye when he just threw himself onto Seulgi and kissed her lips. Instead of overreacting, Seulgi just grabbed his neck and pulled in closer for the kiss. Instantly, I walked over to them and pulled them apart. I'm definitely not supporting this at all. Seulgi and Jimin laughed as they lied back down.

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