Episode 5

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"What are we doing after this? Eat?" I pestered the rest eagerly.

"Is eating the only thing on your mind now?" Manager unnie teased at me.

I nodded along to her as I continued using my phone and pestering the rest.

"Let her be unnie . Don't worry Sooyoung-ah. I'll make Wendy cook something later at the dorm." Seulgi unnie assured as I hears Wendy unnie voice complain at the other end.

At this moment, I really need Yeri here. We could joke and play together about a lot of things. Too bad she's preoccupied with emceeing. I sat down on the makeup chair as they touched up on my face and hair. I smiled, humming along to the song playing. If I'm not wrong the song is "Love is Not Over" from BTS. I was about to shut my eyes close when I heard the door open.

"We need to go rehearsing first. Joy unnie! Are you sleeping?" I heard Yeri coming nearer to me.

I took that moment to pull her in nearer to me as she ran away, shrieking. We went to rehearse which ended really quickly. Obviously, we got the hang of it. We walked down the stairs to backstage when we met BTS there. I saw Irene unnie glaring at us making sure we don't put up a fight all of a sudden. Gosh... she is so blur sometimes. We greeted them as per normal and joked a bit. Before walking away, Taehyung mentioned something which I didn't managed to catch quickly. Apparently, I wasn't the only one. We saw Irene laughing before walking away smiling. Same goes for Taehyung. The rest of us just stood there blankly over what had happened.

"Taehyung said something about how he remembered her and started making jokes in his satoori accent. I'm quite confused at why you all couldn't catch that considering to wasn't even that different from Seoul dialect." Yoongi oppa cleared our doubts, somewhat.

Irene POV

I saw them walking towards us.They seem like a typical boy group. Making noise and joking on their way to rehearse. How did my members managed to even fight with them? I swear I saw one of them was winking at me. Why? We greeted them as usual as sunbaes which they did the same. I saw the members smiling at one another.They don't look that bad for a typical boy group.

For some reason only one of them caught my eyes. The one who winked at me. He caught me looking at him and greeted me in satoori. He smiled at me with his teethy,rectangular smile. I smiled too for no reason. We were about to leave when he stopped me and told me that he rembered me. From Mcountdown or something like that. I didn't manage to understand before he shooed me away in his accent. How did he know I understand him? I walked away laughing a bit remembering his innocent smile. He surely made an impression on me alright.


"What do think of them? They are nice right? Cool right? Fun right?" Yeri screamed quickly as I laughed.

"Calm down Yerim-ah. We barely even know them. How did you even know all of that?" I said laughing.

"Well we did see one of them during this one award show or something." Wendy replied back.

"Yeah and there was that other time during MCountdown or something? " Seulgi continued for her.

"Huh? Who did you guys saw? At what award show? What happened at MCountdown? " Yeri asked curiously clinging onto my arms.

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