Episode 26

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Yeri POV

After our performance at Music Bank, we were heading to our next schedule. I rested my head in the car as the others kept on talking about what happened today.

"So.... long story short, you and Mark are nothing? You guys are just friends?" I heard Seulgi unnie ask still unconvinced.

"Why are you all so untrustworthy towards me? I'm telling you! We're nothing! Yeri, back me up!"

"Yeah. She and Mark oppa are just friends. They became friends that one time when me and Yugyeom oppa were hanging out and they both followed us." I lazily supported scrolling through my phone.

"Why were you and Yugyeom hanging out then?" Joy unnie teased me poking my arm as I pushed her away jokingly.

"Me and Wendy unnie just wanted to get ramyun at the convenience store nearby. Then we saw them and ended up eating together." I half-explained what happened still scrolling through my phone.

"Ooohhhh...so.... does your jealous boyfriend knows about this?" Seulgi unnie began to tease me as she turned around.

I looked up from my phone as I saw Seulgi unnie snickering behind her pillow. Next to me, Joy unnie was feigning ignorance looking outside the car.

"Who's my boyfriend? "

I continued to question her obviously knowing who she was referring to. Irene unnie turned around too by now looking at the drama on the backseat.

"Jeon.Jung.Kook." Seulgi unnie replied promptly but slowly before smirking behind her pillow.

"He's my boyfriend?" I questioned again really confused when she said his name.

"He's not your boyfriend?"

Joy unnie joined in the conversation unable to feign ignorance anymore. I looked at her confusingly before shaking my slowly confused at what's happening. Both of them sighed loudly as Wendy and Irene unnie laughed.

"He kissed you on the lips didn't he?" Seulgi unnie asked me all attentively.

I tensed up when she asked me that. He kissed me on the lips? Yeah. He did. What does that mean? I glanced back at them before nodding my head.

"Since he kissed you. On the lips. It means that he likes you. Right?" She continued her interrogation.

"How does that mean that he likes her?" Joy unnie began to question hitting Seulgi unnie.

"Okay, fine! Then... do you like him?"

I blinked for a while as she asked me that. Do I like him? I mean I kinda did a few times. Heck, I even confessed my feelings before. But now, I don't know whether I still like him or not. I shrugged my shoulders as an answer. The rest of them facepalmed themselves as I gave my answer. I looked at them questioningly as they looked away as if they were all done with me.

Jungkook POV

I rested in the car as we headed to our next schedule. I was just playing with my phone different kind of games to pass time. I didn't even realised my hyungs were talking about me and staring deeply at me.


"What's up between you and Yeri?" Hoseok hyung questioned me, grinning like an idiot.

"I don't know." I replied going back to my games, only for it to be slapped down by Jimin hyung.

"What do you mean you don't know? Are you guys a couple?" He asked holding my arms down.

"I don't know about that. We never actually talked about being a couple before."

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