Episode 11

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Jungkook POV

I watched as the bottle spun around uncontrollably. I wasn't even paying much attention to it. I kept diverting my attention to other things instead. I didn't even paid attention to who it laid onto.

"What are you doing? It's your turn." I heard Joy whisper softly yet audibly.

My eyes moved up and saw the bottle facing towards me. I looked around tp the rest waiting patiently for me to choose my choice. Should I go for Truth or Dare?

"I choose Truth." I answered.

The rest of them nodded before thinking really hard on what they should question me. Well since this is the last question, they would probably try to make it as dramatic and shocking as possible.

"Can we ask about whether he likes anyone too?" Yeri innocently questioned.

"No. He's going to answer IU sunbaenim for sure." Taehyung was quick to shut her down.

They continued thinking in silence. Are they purposely trying to waste time now? To spend more time with each other?

"What about....among all of them here. Only here in this room. Who is the closest to your ideal type?" Hoseok hyung asked.

"Who among them are closest to my ideal type?" I repeated his question.

The rest of them nodded in agreement as I took a while to think about it. Should I say it? But it'll just be awkward if I did. I mean I sort of like her but not really. There's something in me that tells me that I was going to make a bad decision by liking her.

"It's not Yeri for sure." I replied back.

"Did you actually think that I do?" She retorted back as I laughed.

"Hmmm...I guess Joy noona is the closest?"

Well it's the truth anyways. Thinking back of all the previous interviews I've done on these type of questions. It seems realistic for it to be Joy noona. The rest of them screamed at that reply as I laughed. We ended up leaving as quick as possible before anyone else could question our sanity.

"Bye shortie." I told Yeri quickly before running out.

I laughed as Yeri finally realised what I called her. Not going to lie, she is a shortie. But it's cute that she's short. I've always liked those relationships where the guys are much taller than the girl. There's so much insults I could tease her with. I guess that's why I just really like her being shorter than me and stuff like that.

Yeri POV

"Bye shortie."

I nodded not actually listening to what he had said. It took me about a few minutes to settle things down and realise what he had said.

"I'm not short." I screamed back worthlessly.

"Just leave him be." Joy unnie replied siding with him completely.

"One confession from her crush and she's siding with him already. " Wendy unnie pointed out as I agreed with her.

"What are you talking about? Siding with who?" Joy unnie continued as if she's oblivious to everything that happened just now.

"I may not be a detective. But even I know that you like Jungkook." Seulgi unnie added.

Joy unnie stared at us in shock as she kept denying it. There's no denying to it. It's hundred percent obvious that she likes him. This is some good resources to disturb them two with.

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