Episode 17

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Yeri POV

I rubbed my eyes as I stretched pushing whatever was over me. I looked up tiredly as I saw Jungkook oppa next to me. It took me awhile to configure what happened.

"You like the view?" He whispered with the most huskiest I presumed he could do.

I rolled my eyes before realizing that I was actually looking at him.

"Over my dead body." I replied back as he laughed.

"We both know that you were secretly doing that." He teased.

I laughed with him only because of how nonsensical he was sounding. I turned back to him seeing him staring at me instead.

"Seems like it's you instead." I commented before sitting up.

"Your view isn't that pleasing to the eyes." He added before sitting up along with me.

I examined the area before finally realizing why it was so quiet. The rest are still sleeping.

"Why is Hoseok oppa and Wendy unnie sleeping on the dining table? Why is everyone basically sleeping together?" I questioned still not fully conscious.

"How would I know?" He answered shortly. "Want me to show something? "

I stared at him doubtfully as he smiled at innocently. Unconsciously, I nodded my head as he grinned. We ended up heading for the front door.

"Hold up, where are we going?" I quickly asked pulling my hand away from him. He placed a finger to my lips to silence me as I stared at him weirdly.

"Oh, come on. Trust me." He pleaded.

"You know normal people who hear that, the first that comes to mind is to never trust that person."

"Oh, really? I thought I'm the only one you could always trust with." He said reaching out his hand towards me.

Firstly who is he to tell me who I could trust? Secondly how sure is he that I would trust him? I raised an eyebrow as he gave me some sort of reassuring smile. I rolled my eyes as I grabbed my shoes and wore them. It didn't took me long to trust him. But it was worthless since he basically brought me to his dorm.

"Really? That much trouble to just bring me into your dorm? What's so special? " I sarcastically asked as we entered the dormitory.

"Oh please. You were the one overreacting. I just played along with it." He laughed.

I took a quick glance around the dorm. It's kind of obvious that this dorm belongs to a guy alright. There's that scent and the feel of it. Also they're quite loyal to their fans I see. Judging the number of hairbands hanging around along with various toys.

"Ever thought of cleaning your dorm?" I whispered softly as he didn't heard me.

"By the way, what do you mean all my members have been here? When?" I began to question whilst touching the Mario collections.

"Jin hyung would normally kill us if we touch that."

Almost immediately, I let go of my hand and retracted it to myself. I heard Jungkook oppa laugh as he dragged me away to another room. I'm not sure but I assume it's his room.

"Only Wendy noona haven't came here. Joy and Seulgi noona was here earlier this afternoon and Irene noona came over this one night."

"One night? What night?" I immediately interrogated as he frowned.

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