Episode 24

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Jungkook POV

The rest of us starred to crowd around Seokjin who found the note. It's obviously a girl's handwriting from the looks of it. Plus the paper used is those kind that you could find every girl have. All of a sudden, the door bell rang. It would a lie if none of us got a shock of our lives.

"It's your friend, Yeri." Our manager informed while checking the monitor.

I started to smile really widely without even realising it. I knew she would come and visit. She already told me countless of times that she would. I just didn't know she would really do it.

"Wait! It's just her? No one else? The other members are not there?" Jimin and Taehyung asked hopefully.

"Nope. Have a nice rest, you guys." Our manager calmly said.

YoonGi hyung instantly walked into his room. Taehyung and Jimin hyung sighed before joining Hoseok and Namjoon hyung on the sofa. SeokJin hyung walked to the kitchen to get something to eat. I turned around as the door opened and Yeri entered excitedly. Well she entered excitedly for a while before frowning at the others reactions.

"Why are you all so gloomy?"

They all ignored and switched the television on. Talk about attitude. I jumped and hugged her tightly as she laughed hugging me back too. I smiled at her before realizing she was carrying something in her hand. I glanced at her as she laughed.

"My unnies made these lunchboxes for all of you."

Almost immediately, Taehyung and Jimin hyung ran for it and snatched the lunchboxes from her grasp. Even YoonGi hyung who was in his room somehow heard and came out. Everyone of my hyungs surrounded the coffee table opening the lunchboxes.

"They made those and wanted me to bring it to you guys. They said something about being too shy or something like that."

Yeri informed them as I placed my arm around her shoulder hugging her tightly. We looked at the rest being all crazy over food and stuff made by the girls.

"They made these and didn't want to personally give to us? Because they're top shy of us?"

"You should be glad that they agreed to do this for you. Do you know how hard it was for me to negotiate with them to at least do something for you guys? Because of our schedules we don't have a lot of free time. They barely managed to make a personal one for each of you separately." Yeri calmly informed them.

"They personally made these? How much cuter can you guys get? Thank you, Yerim!" The hyungs immediately replied.

I laughed as Yeri hugged me even tighter and looked up.

"I saw the schedule and you guys have a lot of schedules with us too." She whispered to avoid attention.

"That means we have some time together too." I whispered back kissing her forehead.

"Seulgi made these sandwiches and added jams to them? See Namjoon hyung! I do have jams!" Jimin joked stuffing the sandwich in his mouth.

"Don't be an idiot, Jimin." Namjoon hyung joked back.

"By the way, are these balloons from you guys too?" YoonGi hyung asked now being a bit calmer than earlier.

"Yeah. Enjoy eating though! I have to go back now. You can keep the lunchboxes if you want." Yeri yelled before hugging me one last time.

Taehyung POV

Today's one of the first few days of our constant schedule collision with Red Velvet. I've never really seen Irene face to face for a long time. Not to forget that she's been emceeing with one of my friends but that's okay. I'm okay. Today we have a schedule in Music Bank. Where Irene is emceeing with Bogum. Again. I don't care. I'm not jealous. There'll come a day where I'll be the emcee for Music Bank too.

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