Episode 38

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Yeri POV

The both of us laughed as the call ended. The others joined us afterwards wondering why we're being weird all of a sudden. We sat in the waiting room calmly as the stylists did our hair and make up. TaeTiSeo unnies are also here doing their hair and make up. I leaned over towards Seohyun unnie who was using her phone next to me.

"I'm bored~ " I called out to her cutely.

She rubbed my hair while laughing before pushing my head away a bit. I sat back straight looking at her as she placed her phone down to face me too.

"What do you want to do?"

"I don't know..." I whined leaning back down on the sofa.

"Why? Is Bangtan not here yet and you are so bored to death?" Tiffany unnie pointed out randomly.

I shot up straight and looked at Tiffany unnie. She laughed along with the others in the room. The others excluding the five of us that is.

"You do know how obvious you guys are sometimes? But it's cute though. " Taeyeon unnie continued.

"If you're wondering how we know. I overheard a few conversations between Taehyung and Irene before." Tiffany unnie explained immediately.

"Ah... young love..." One of the stylists joked.

Right before we could even react, there was a knock on the door. We didn't even have to allow them in as they invite themselves in. Who you may ask? Obviously Shinee oppas. The rest of us stood up to greet them as they just made themselves at home here.

"Hello~ Yeri, Yeri Kim Yerimmie!" Jonghyun oppa teased as he played with my hair.

"Yah! You can't tease her as much now. She got herself a bodyguard." Tiffany unnie teased as I shushed her shyly while laughing.

"Bodyguard? Who's the guy that we don't know of?" Jonghyun oppa questioned looking at me.

"You don't know who her bodyguard is?" Minho oppa added teasingly. He is another person who knows of our relationship.

"Who else? Other than-"

"I'm bored! Oppa, let's go walk around! Let's go!" I immediately screamed as I dragged Jonghyun oppa out.

Right before he could even finish the sentence, I pushed him out. No need for more people to know of our relationship. You could hear the rest of them all laughing inside from out here. Even Jonghyun oppa was laughing along like it was nothing. I hit his back jokingly as we somehow made our way to where Exo were.

"What brings you two here together?" Baekhyun oppa asked staring at us from head to toe.

We definitely have no reason or cause to be here. I'm not sure if Baekhyun oppa knows of our relationship though. I assume yes because he and Taehyung oppa are close.

"I don't know. But something definitely seems a bit off about our little Kim sister." He added, eyeing me.

"Yah! By any chance, are you dating someone?" Chen oppa joined in from nowhere.

I stared at them dumbfounded as they all laughed suspiciously. What am I supposed to answer? Are me and Jungkook dating? I don't remember whether he had confessed to me or not. At that time everything seems so blur to me. Wait. He did confessed to me. But does message confession counts?

"She's quiet and confused. I think she is seeing someone." I heard their 'not-so-discreet' whisper.

"Actually, I don't know if we are dating even." I admitted to them as I took a seat, confused.

The rest of them seems to be really taking interest. And the rest as in the other Exo members and Jonghyun oppa inclusive. They began to crowd around as if they weren't busy doing anything prior.

"Why? Who's the lucky guy who's making our Yerimmie like this?" Chanyeol oppa defended.

"Isn't the "lucky guy" Jeon Jungkook from BTS?" Suho oppa added in.

I nodded my head slowly. It was as if I was disagreeing to the idea of revealing to them. The rest of them began to make background music and effects to what was happening. As if this is some kind of Korean Drama for them. It is embarrassing to reveal to them. I don't even know why I find myself doing so in the first place.

"The thing is... I assume we confessed? Through KakaoTalk. But does that like even count as a confession? I don't know." I sighed hanging my head low.

It seriously had been in the back of my mind since the start of our relationship. We had always became very close to the point it seems like we are together. But it eventually ends with him saying or treating me like a little sister to him. When he told that one night that I wasn't a little sister to him anymore, I felt happier but sad too. Like how he actually just saw me as his little sister in the first place.

"awww... that seems sweet. I think? But it should be counted as a confession. I mean a confession comes in any form. As long as you know from your heart." Baekhyun oppa lectured.

"and that's coming from a guy who's dated. Or should I say is dating?" Sehun oppa teased

I laughed along with the rest of them at that comment. Right? That still counts as a confession. But I don't know about this whole dating thing right now. I mean if we get caught by the paparazzi. What am I supposed to do? I can barely handle some haters right now. Moreover my father would definitely not like this idea of me dating right now.

"You seem like you have a lot in your mind. Is he giving you a hard time?" Minseok oppa suddenly defended

"I think so. I mean there has been rumours going around here that he and someone else was a thing." Jongin oppa continued.

I stared at them in shock as they said that. They all began to laugh out loud once again. I looked at them confusingly as Jonghyun oppa just messed my hair.

"We're just joking. There isn't any rumours about him. Don't worry, he's all yours. But he has to go through the necessary checkings with us. I mean we can't just allow any guy to date our Yerimmie that easily." Suho oppa nagged.

I smiled shyly as he said that. I don't mind them all acting like my older brother. It really feels like they are. Mainly because I've never had an older brother in my life and they've taken care of me since I was still a trainee.

"Baekhyun hyung!"

Immediately I recognised that voice from anywhere. I mean how could I not? I've spent a lot of my time thus far with them. I could technically tell who it is already.

"Oh? Yerim? Jungkook isn't here but where's Joohyun?"

"You came here to search for your girlfriend or me?" Baekhyun oppa sulked.

"Him...and...our Joohyun... they're dating?" Jonghyun oppa began to really question.

I just laughed as the rest of them were really confused. I slowly slipped away from the room as Taehyung and Baekhyun was trying to explain the whole situation right now. Not long after, Taehyung oppa managed to catch up to me.

"Yah! How could you leave me behind?" He complained hitting me on the head.

I smiled at him as he slung his arm around my shoulder. We began to walk around but I'm not quite sure where we were actually heading to. We were just too immersed in talking that I didn't realise that he brought me to their waiting room.

"Why were you with Yeri? I thought you were just going to EXO sunbaenim?" Jimin questioned.

"I just saw her there with them. Where's Jungkookie?"

Right... where was he?

I'm not dead guys. Just that I'm having serious problems when writing this. So if anyone wants to help me out, please do.(message me or comment whatever you like) ㅠ.ㅠ  But I feel like this book is so dead. This is the  shortest update I've probably written ever.

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