Episode 40

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Wendy POV

The rest of them continued talking with Shinee sunbaenim as I used my phone. I'm pretty sure it's more than obvious about the fact that I liked Yoongi. I mean I think I've given away way too many hints leading to it. Maybe I'm thinking this too much? What are the possibilities that he likes me back too? It's like he hasn't even showed his emotions towards me either. It's weird.


I nearly fell down from the chair that I was sitting on. I turned to Joy who just smiled so innocently. I shouldn't over think too much about Yoongi now.

"Big Bang sunbaenim's rehearsal is on now. Let's go watch. After that, if I'm not wrong, is Bangtan's and Got7's rehearsal. Let's go!"

I eyed Joy suspiciously but not really thinking much about it. There's nothing much to do here anyways since we arrived. Maybe there might be some kind of drama or whatsoever that would magically occur then. We left the dressing room and was headed towards the stage. That was when I saw Jungkook talking with another girl near by the water table. I was just going to brush it off when I saw Yeri heading our direction. From afar, I watched Yeri seeing the same situation as me. Instinctively, I just called out to her. She straight away turned and ran towards me while smiling.

"What's up with you?" I joked as we headed towards the stage.

"Unnie, did you know? About Krystal Unnie and Kai oppa dating?" She questioned curiously

"Ah... that's a secret. So keep your mouth shut. Where's Park Sooyoung?"

The both of us looked around and finally saw her talking with some group of guys. I swear she's always randomly talking with people she doesn't know. We headed towards them as Joy excitedly introduced us.

"This is my new friends, Seventeen! They're younger than you unnie! " she screamed as I shut her mouth instantly.

Yeri and Joy laughed along with Seventeen as I tried to silence them. I turned to Yeri who looked behind for a while before turning back. Something seems up about her. I stood next to her as Joy kept on joking with Seventeen.

"Yeri, don't lie to me. Something is up right?" I asked worriedly.

"Besides the fact that Jungkook was talking happily with another girl. Nope." She bluntly told me.

I was about to burst out laughing but instead held it in. It's dangerous to laugh at this situation now.

"Aigoo~ are you jealous? Your boyfriend is only yours. Don't worry." I teased her as she watched the performance sulkily.

I turned towards the stage as I watched them practice too. The current situation includes Jackson joking around and acting clingy towards Namjoon. I grinned a bit while watching Namjoon pushing him away disgustingly as they listened to the director. Soon enough, the rehearsal started as I admired their performance. This has got to be one of those first times when I actually seen them acting so cool and stuff. It's weird but cute. Who knew they had such a cool side to their dorky side?

To be more exact, Yoongi looked especially nice today. I mean he always had looked nice but today...he seems so cool. I'm honestly captivated by him. What more the stage is setting the mood to be so...

"Wendy, are you admiring us?"

I snapped out of my daydream state as I looked up. Jackson was looking at me while doing his stupid derp face. I shook my head in denial immediately. Jackson began to continue and tease me evn further as I ignored him.

"Whatever you prefer." I scoffed before looking for Yeri.

"Who were you looking at though?" He continued as I ignored him.

It's best I don't mention the fact that I sort of was looking at Yoongi. I mean about half of my members are like in some kind of a romantic relationship with them already. For the better sake, I shouldn't do much about my emotions. I don't want to feel heartbroken when the company finds out or something like that. It's dangerous to date now. The boys are getting popular and so are we. The hate would just be very bad.


I jumped at the contact and nearly punched the person behind me. My eyes widened as I saw Yoongi behind me. Ah... what was he doing here? What was he about to say?

"Ah...I'm sorry. Did I hit you?" I questioned worriedly while touching him.

"Was I that scary to you?" He laughed it off before pushing my hand away.

I flinched at his touch before pulling my hand back. He looked at me weirdly as I just laughed it off too.

"I guess I was just out of it. What's up?" I awkwardly smiled.

He looked like as if he was about to say something. I could see him getting flustered at his words. What's he about to tell me? He reached out behind me as I stood there flustered.

"I just wanted to say hi." He smiled back before walking away.

Hi? Hi?! That's all he was going to tell me? What's wrong with me? I was over thinking too much. What was I thinking about him about to confess or something like that. It's impossibly weird for him to do so. I guess we're just friends. That's all. I was just thinking too much. I sighed softly before heading back to the waiting room. Maybe the rest are there. At least they could comfort me for a while.

This is short so I'm so sorry. The plot also sucks omg... 😔😔Side note: I barely changed the book cover when I had like another 2 other designs in my mind. It's okay right?


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