Episode 31

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Yeri POV

I looked up from my phone and realised that the others were gone. They only ones left were me, Joy unnie and our stylists & manager.

"Where's the rest?" I questioned turning back to my phone.

"I don't know."

"You want to go search for them?" I called out again before hearing a hum.

I stood up from the sofa and followed Joy as we left the room. Funny how the manager and stylist don't seem to bother about us leaving as long as we stayed around the area. We walked around aimlessly not being able to find the rest.

"Should we give up? I want to go back~" Joy unnie whined as I hit her jokingly.

"I'm bored of staying at the waiting room only. Isn't it nice to stay out?" I tried to liven up the mood as we walked back lazily.

I'm pretty sure we walked passed Bangtan's waiting room. I'm also pretty sure I saw the rest of them there talking to them about something. I was going to check it out if it wasn't for Joy unnie who dragged me away. I'm so curious as to what they had planned together without us.

Irene POV

After they made a quick explanation as to what they're planning, I just nodded my head. It seems so devious but not at the same time. I turned to look at Jungkook who was using his phone watching a video or something. The rest looked at me mischievously as I just sighed.

"So when are you doing it?" I asked judging them.

"Now." They all said in sync smirking at each other.


Before I could finish my sentence, Taehyung pulled me out as the rest went to get Jungkook and Yeri.He just kept on dragging me away to somewhere at the end of the building. I looked at him confusingly. Why the heck did he dragged me here?

"Why did you bring me here?" I called endearingly at him as he smiled at me cutely.

"Because we've never had our moment." He sulked.

I messed his hair as he kept on sulking and pouting.

"I'm serious~ the others has had their moment."

I cupped his face and pecked his lips before separating. I examined his face as he blushed and covered his cheeks. I giggled before messing his hair again.

"Are you done sulking? We need to go back to the rest before they start worrying about us instead." I joked hitting his arm.

"You kissed me? On the lips? "

I just nodded my head laughing as he smiled even wider than normal and laughed awkwardly. I just stared at him until he composed himself before we walked back together. I held onto his hand so that he wouldn't go off running around or start doing weird stuffs again like a little kid. Sometimes I forget that he's older than Yeri. Even Yeri acts a bit more mature than him. I guess that's why I like him.

Seulgi POV

"Unnie~ Where are you taking me? Don't we have to go back later for the end of the show?"

Wendy hummed a response before linking her arms around Yeri.I locked my arms around hers as well as we made our way to where the rest should be.

"You're not bringing me to my death right?" She began to talk nonsense

I assured her for the last time as we walked past Bangtan's makeup room. I watched as Yeri stopped for a while and looked inside.

"Oh? Where did they go?" Yeri questioned.

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