Episode 41

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I watched from the sidelines as Yoongi approached Wendy. Oooohhh~ something is about to happen over there. I pulled Yeri closer to me as she still sulked a bit. Yoongi was closening his gap with her and.... he grabbed the bottle behind her. What. The. Hell.

"What's this?!" I half screamed pushing Yeri away a bit from the shock.

We didn't purposely pull ourselves away from their relationship to see them fail like this. Who the hell knew Yoongi had no swag at all. What's this? He was totally leading her on before turning her down. I swear I'm about to kill someone right now.

"I don't believe it." Yeri mumbled under her breath.

"I know right? He was leading her on and turned her down. I don't believe him." I scoffed.

"Who? Yoongi oppa?" Yeri continued looking at me.

"Weren't you referring to him?"

"I was talking about the boys talking with Twice!"

I nodded before realizing what she said. I faced her direction while witnessing what's in front of us. Wow I never knew that Bangtan was that sociable. Well I always knew that, but oh wells.

"Wait... are you jealous?" I asked Yeri in a teasing way as she kept on staring at them.

"No..." she muttered in between her breaths before turning away.

"Where's Wendy unnie?" She asked back trying to change the topic.

I followed Yeri as she walked away slowly. I could tell she wanted to see how much longer and further they would take. I tried to cheer her up through many ways.

"Aww~ come on! You aren't going to let some boy drama ruin tonight right?" I stated while throwing my arms around her shoulder.

I watched as her lips lowly twitch upwards. She turned up to me and laughed a bit.

"You're right. Maybe I was just mistaken about this all. It was probably nothing." She replied as we walked back to the dressing room.

"If it makes you feel better, we can always punish them afterwards." I continued jokingly as she laughed.

We entered the dressing room as I saw Wendy looking a bit out of it. She's physically here but her mind and soul seems to be elsewhere.

"Unnie! How was the performance earlier? They looked damn cool right?!" Yeri exclaimed as she took a seat next to Wendy.

"Ooohhh~ so Bangtan was damn cool?" Taeyeon unnie began to tease her.

"Well Got7 were there too.." Yeri defended back weakly.

"Yeah, they all looked so cool. I never expected them to be all cool while dancing and all. And those jumps and all. Yoongi especially looked cool then." Wendy joined in clearly happy.

I kept quiet as she and Yeri kept on describing how the stage was like. Yeri obviously low key trying to praise her boyfriend while Wendy was praising Yoongi and the rest nonstop. I joined in once in a while but there really isn't much for me to add. They basically had mentioned nearly the entire stage as if they wouldn't be attending the show later either. I decided to slip out for a while to maybe catch some air and maybe get some water.

"Oh?! Could it be our Park Sooyoung-ie who's all married?"

I rolled my eye at that comment before ignoring it and walking away. I have no time to deal with their bullshit now.

"Are you running away? Why?" I could hear the faint voice of Taehyung oppa before it got muffled from the distance.

Wendy POV

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