Episode 6

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Yeri POV

"Unnie! Hurry up! Why are you always so blur?" Wendy unnie dragged Irene unnie.

After the broadcast, we headed towards our break room. On the way, we met Big Bang sunbaenims heading to perform their comeback. I don't know why but when I saw them,I thought of BTS. Probably because they are huge Big Bang fans especially Kookie oppa. Once we reached the break room, Irene unnie straight away pulled me onto the sofa.

"By any chance did you tell the other members about what happened that night?" She whispered softly while using her phone so as not to attract attention.

"Huh? What night? What happened?" I asked her confusingly.

"You know.... the night I came back with...Taehyung. With the food. That night..." she whispered again this time anxiety in her tone.

"I have no idea what you're saying." I replied her once again before standing up and leaving her be.

I know that lying is bad. But the members really wanted to play matchmaker with Irene unnie and Taehyung oppa. As if I could forget what happened that night either.


I opened the door to see Irene unnie smiling like a fool. Not to forget that she was blushing mad. I stared at her blankly before looking back at Taehyung oppa smiling like a fool too. Why is he here though?

"Oh? Oppa! What brings you here?!" I purposely shouted so that they could get back reality.

Irene unnie calmed down a bit before entering. I heard as if something dropped earlier but brushed it off. Taehyung oppa was also going to enter when I stopped him.

"What happened here?" I interrogated suspiciously.

"What do you mean? Nothing happened. I just met
Hyun-ah and offered to help her." He answered casually before trying to enter again jokingly.

"Woah.... hold on. Hyun-ah? Isn't she older than you? I'm pretty sure something did happen here..." I continued not believing my own ears.

He just grinned jokingly before messing with my hair. I eyed him as I heard his dorm door being pushed open.

"Oh? Hyung! I knew that was you! Yeri?" I looked over to see none other than Jungkook oppa.

"Ah~ Kookie! Good thing you're here! Kim Sister! Bring it in okay? Bye!" Taehyung oppa laughed awkwardly before pushing me in.

I know he's supposed to be weird but this is too weird. Kim Sister? Really?

End of Flashback

"Kim Yerim? Are you alive? Come out. I want to talk to you." I turned around to see Jungkook oppa at the door.

"Ah,what is this? You guys can talk at any time. Why now?" Joy unnie sighed loudly next to me while laughing.

"Why not? We're friends." Jungkook oppa continued before sticking his tongue out towards Joy unnie.

He dragged me out personally as the other members all teased us. He dragged me away and to some random corridor. Of course while being dragged by another guy from another group is totally normal. There were of course some weird staring. I began to feel embarrassed all of a sudden. Why? I don't know either. Once we reached to wherever he dragged me to, we stopped.

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