Episode 46

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Hoseok POV

"We just ended a comeback not that long ago and now we are practicing for a new one?" Seokjin hyung questioned as we were heading to the practice room.

"Yeah. I mean since Fire was such a hit, the company decided to push the next comeback a bit earlier." Namjoon replied as we pressed the elevator button.

"Yah. Asides that, did you guys hear Red Velvet's new song? Russian Roulette~" I sang while doing the dance.

They laughed as the elevator stopped at our level. The company may prevent us from interacting with them directly. But they can't stop me and my fanboy spirit with them. We reached the basement floor as we headed to our new practice room. It feels weird to say it now. Our company really upgraded after our success. Which is a good thing. We have new practice rooms and everything. I remembered what Namjoon said that time after Fire's success

"Our success and popularity is just a bubble. We'll never know how long it'd last. But let's just enjoy our time and what we do and not get the popularity get the better of us."

"Hyung! Why are you guys so late?" Jimin complained as he was stretching on the floor.

"Sorry baby." Namjoon replied as Jimin grimaced at his reply.

"Let's just get started already." Jungkook laughed as he finished stretching.


"Woo! The music video is out!" Taehyung exclaimed in excitement

The rest of us got out off our mics and attires as we crowded around Taehyung.

"Guys, don't you want to shoot a reaction video to it?" Sejin hyung asked as we just agreed.

After our really extra reaction video for the fans, we all rewatched it once again together alone.


I blushed as Yoongi hyung screamed that. Once we finished watching, we headed back to the dorm. Yah... this comeback really seems like its our next hit. And honestly all of the future ones as well.

"Do you guys think the girls had already watched it?" Jimin asked as we walked towards the van.

"I think so. Yeri just sent a short video of the rest of them watching it." Jungkook laughed as he passed his phone.

We all crowded around the phone as we watched the short 10 seconds that Yeri taped of her unnies' reaction. Even if it was just for 10 seconds to see Wendy reacting to us is enough. I smiled as the rest of them kept on repeating the video because 10 seconds was not enough.

The girls are really precious beans. They need to be protected all the time. No wonder their company was strict with them interacting with us. They did not want any unnecessary attention or scandals which would affect them. I smiled as we headed back to the dorm finally. The next few weeks is going to be long. But at least we would meet the girls during end-of-years award shows again.



The rest of us turned to Jungkook who was on his phone as he ran out. Judging from his facial expression it must have been something bad. Before we could ask him what's wrong, he answered it for us.


Those 10 words already got all of us standing already. WHAT?! How and where and are they badly hurt? How could this happen to them?

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