Episode 35

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Wendy POV

I laid down on the couch using my phone as the other members were doing who knows what. Currently, we're waiting for our manager to pick us up for our next schedule and he hasn't even arrive yet. I wonder whether he was in an accident or something. Or he probably just got lost on the way here. I shouldn't be thinking of bad things like this.

"Give it back!"

I don't even bother looking up from my phone as Yeri and Joy screams filled the entire dorm. Inside the room, Irene and Seulgi are supposedly rehearsing lines for Music Bank. I honestly have no idea what they are doing but I'll leave them alone. From what I heard, we're supposed to attend the Mnet Asian Music Awards this year. I forgot for what award but yeah, we're attending from what I heard. Which I guess is a good thing because Bangtan is attending too and we would finally have a reunion together.

"Wendy unnie! I'm just curious but is there any guys you're interested in?" Joy randomly asked.

I looked up from my phone to face her. No surprise here. She's standing on the dining table raising her hand up high. Yeri, on the other hand, is climbing the chairs and table about to attack her anytime soon.

"You two, get down from there." I tried to be serious as they followed my order.

Joy ,however, didn't give up in returning Yeri her phone back. I just witnessed the them continue fighting like some toddlers over the phone.

"So what's your answer?" Joy asked in the midst of their brawl.

"No. Now give Yeri back her phone." I replied crossing my arms.

Joy was about to complain while I kept staring at her with my "angry face". It didn't take her long to grunt before giving in. I smiled as Yeri went ahead to hit Joy really hard before running away again. These two will never learn their lesson at all. Soon, I got a call from our manager saying he was here. Talk about late much? Immediately, I called out to the rest who finally came out.
I wonder why Joy was curious as to whether I have anyone I liked.


"Unnie~ Is it true that you really have no one you're interested in?" Yeri began to pester as we were on the way to the airport.

A lot of time had flew by that now we're on our way to Hong Kong for MAMA. Not to forget that Bangtan had made their comeback just a few days ago and a few certain people were fangirling nonstop.

"Yes, Yerimmie~ " I whispered back to her as the others were sleeping.

"Then....what do you think about Yoongi oppa?"

I stopped what I was doing and turned to her as she looked really serious. I made a quick glance at our manager who was just focused on driving.

"What do I think of him? Just like a friend I guess?" I questioned my own self.

"Okay... but what about Hoseok oppa?" She continued.

"He's just a cute same aged friend?" I answered not understanding why she's asking me all of these questions.

"Ahh... So you don't have like any romantic feelings for either of them?" She sighed.

I shook my head as she just nodded and leaned back on her seat. I continued to look at her blankly as she continued playing around with her phone for a while.

"Unnie, have you ever fallen in love with someone before then?"

I gave it a thought for a while. Have I ever fallen in love with someone? If you count having a celebrity crush I guess so bit as in a real crush I'm not so sure.

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