Episode 23

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Taehyung POV 

As soon as we left the girls' dorm we rushed in our dorm. It still looked the same as when we left it. Nothing looks different or out of place. I guess they didn't do much last night either. Yoongi and Seokjin hyung went straight for their room to pack their bags. They usually don't butt in our business but occasionally they do. The rest of us immediately went to interrogate the maknae. We need to know every single thing and detail of what happened last night. We pushed the younger one onto the sofa as we surrounded him.

"So...what did you two do last night?" Jimin started off wriggling his eyebrows.

"What do you mean?"

We all scoffed at the maknae's worthless and simple reply. He should at least know what we want to to know. We're like hungry hyenas waiting for our prey right now. 

"Bro. What the hell? You know what we mean." NamJoon hyung replied next smirking unnecessarily.

"While, we're asking this nicely. What did you guys do last night?" Hoseok hyung tried to be serious only to fail badly.

"We just hung out. Like you know friends. That's all." He replied.

"Oh your poor soul. You obviously think we're all idiots or something. Seriously, give us the details." I questioned not giving second thoughts.

From the tone of the voice it seems a little bit weird and different. Like he tried to do something else or something.

"We went to get some ice cream and just talked about stuff. Then we went back to the apartment and went to the dorm and just watched some television before we slept."

"What did you guys talked about? Details, Jeon Jungkook!" Namjoon asked laughing a bit.

"We just went to the ice cream shop opposite the park. It was a surprise that you guys didn't see us. "

"What ice cream?" Hoseok hyung cut. Only to receive stares from the rest of us.

"She ordered Cookies and Cream. I didn't even know she likes that. Anyways, after the whole ice cream thing-"

"Maybe she was foreshadowing the fact that she likes you? You know... Cookies and Cream. Jungkookie." Jimin added.

"Anyways, we talked about some stuffs and well I pointed out how we wore clothes that looks like as if we were a couple. We also cracked some jokes."

"Hold up, you guys wore matching clothes? Like a couple?"

"HOW CUTE!!" Jimin, Hoseok and me cheered excitedly.

"What are you all doing? Go on and pack your bags now." Jin hyung started to complain like a mom.

"Hyung, hust one minute. We're busy getting some drama. " Jimin tried to bargain.

"No. Go on now. What were you all thinking? You need to pack clothes and all for I don't know how many days. Go now!"

He ordered immediately as we all sighed loudly and followed his orders. As much as we liked to not listen to him, he'll probably kill us of we don't.

"We'll continue this later." I whispered to Jungkook as he shrugged and walked to his room.

"By the way, what happened last night Taehyung? I heard you were asked to do 7 Minutes in Heaven. How did that go?"

"Ah.. he probably didn't even had the guts to do anything further. " Jimin added.

My face started to burn at the mention of it. Everything was a little bit fast laced yesterday. I barely could configure anything that happened.

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