Part 5

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Lauren's pov
I was trying to get up in the morning and fell out of bed. I screamed as I hit the ground.
"What happened are you ok?" Jackson comes in the room frantic. He trips over something and falls in front of me. He groaned and I giggled. He stood up and I stared at him. He wasn't wearing a shirt and I was in awe.
"Take a picture it'll last longer." I rolled my eyes.
"I wasn't staring!" I say defensively.
"Yes you were!"
"Whatever just help me up!" He lifts me up bridal style and carries me into the bathroom. He hands me an outfit. I close the door and do my business. I use the bathroom then wrap up my leg and take a shower then change my clothes. I walk out and Jackson is standing there with my crutches by his side.
"Here you go darling!" He swiftly hands them to me. I take them and walk into the front room. He walks behind me, making sure I don't fall. We reach the living room and he starts making breakfast while i watch tv.
"Hey Lau I have to go out to the studio today so I can take you with me or you can chill here then I can swing back around and pick you up then we can go to lunch and later pick up the stuff from the bonfire."
"I'll go with you!"
"Swag!" He hands me a croissant with jam. The minute I took a bite I groaned. It was so delicious and flakey and sweet and delicious.  I eat it all really quickly and then we get our shoes on and into the jeep again. I crutch my way into the studio behind Jackson. We walked towards a lovely receptionist who actually looked really kind but had an aura of sass. You know like she was messing on her phone and she had that resting bitch face. She turned to us with a smile.
"Hey Kaila!"
"Aloha Jackie J!"
"So Kaila how's the family!"
"They're really good thanks for asking!"
"No problem what studio room am I in?"
"Studio number 6 on the 4th floor."
"The air conditioned one how'd you manage that?"
"Just looking out for my Jackie J, don't want your magic getting worn out by the heat!" She says with a wink. I felt a little protective over him at that point for whatever reason.
"Ace! Thank you sweetheart....oh and this is my friend from California Lauren!"
"Hi!" She says half heartedly.
"Hi!" WE stare at each other giving each other that 'stay away, he's mine" glare.
"Come on babe you don't want to be late!" I say my own Cuban accent slightly showing through.
"Have fun Jackie J!" Kaila calls after him and he waves then leads me to an elevator. We get on and he presses the 4 button.
"Babe?" He asks turning to me.
"I call everyone that its a Cuban thing it just slipped." I lied, I was just marking my territory, for what reason I don't know. I think I might have a small crush on him. A teeny tiny crush on him. Nothing huge though...Yet. He smirked and I rolled my eyes. We got off at the 4th floor, passed a bunch of conference rooms and such before reaching the studio. We went in and there was what I presumed a producer sitting in a chair facing the wall.
"N-dog!" Jackson yelled. The chair turned around and sitting there was Nela.
"Aloha Jauregui!"
"Hey what are you doing here?"
"Nela is my producer and was my manager until I was signed but I wont let go of his producer abilities."
"Swag?" They both asked.
"I've been hanging out with Justin Bieber too much!" I joke.
"Yeah I guess so!" Nela laughs. I put my crutches to the side and sit on the couch. Jackson went into the booth and Nela manned the board.
"Nela I got something I wanna try out, play the melody from last week."
"I got you Jackie!"
"Don't call me that."
"Fine, fine go!"

"If you ever need to cry
I'll wipe the tears right from your eyes.
Oh yes, I will.
If you can't fall asleep at night
I'll sing to you a lullaby.
Oh yes, I will.

Can I be your gentlemen?
I'll be as gentle as I can.
Girl, what will it take?
To be your gentlemen.
I swear I'll be the luckiest man.
If I can be your gentlemen."

I swayed to the beat and listened to the nice guitar part in the background. It was a good sonrg

"I wanna be the one you hug.
When the world is just too much.
Oh what you say?
I wanna be the one you trust (trust)
I'll keep your secrets between us.
Oh what you say?

Can I be your gentlemen?
I'll be as gentle as I can.
Girl, what what would it take?
To be your gentlemen.
I swear I'll be the luckiest man.
If I could be your gentlemen.


I will open every door for you.
'Cause my lady should be first, aw yeah.
I'll throw my jacket over a puddle.
'Cause my lady should be first, oh yeah.
So tell me baby possibly, that you might consider me?
Just say you will.
And I love you humbly.
I just pray that you believe

That I could be your gentlemen.
Da duh da duh da duh
Da duh da duh da duh
Da duh da duh da duh
Da duh da duh da duh
Da da duh duh duh da!"

"That was great Jackson!"
"THanks man! Did you like it Lauren?"
"Yeah but it could use some work!"
"Oh yeah?"
"And what do you mean by 'work'?" he uses the quotation hand gesture for emphasis.
"I mean.." I stand up and crutched my way to the board.
"You mind Nela?"
"No take it away cupcake!"
"Don't call me cupcake!"
"OK cupcake!" I roll my eyes and mess with the board taking out the drum and bass beats in the background leaving the guitar and a bit of ukulele. Jackson came up behind me looking over my  shoulder. I messed around a little and edited the track. I could feel him place a hand on my waist and his chin on my shoulder. I changed the tempo a bit and made it a little slower.  I made his voice stronger than the backtrack. I could feel his breath against my neck and my heart skipped a beat. I breathed in and out evenly.
"Okay I want you to do the ending over again!" I tell him and he does as I say. I'm a quick worker so this song should be done today. After about 2 hours of work if he goes into the booth and does this perfectly right away then I can play it for them and be done. He goes in and does it spot on right away. It sounds perfect. I give him a thumbs up. He walks out and sits on the couch. I do some final touches and finish it.
"Boom there you go the best song I have ever produced!" I say and press play. The entire feel of the song was softer like a beach tune. It had a nice, suave vibe.
"Lauren that sounds amazing!"
"And you say that you have never produced?" Nela asks.
"No I just have only produced with the girls!"
"Well sweetheart I think you should think about producing, you're a genius!"
"Aww shucks guys gonna make me blush!"I say with a thick farmers accent. We all laughed.
"You're so weird." Jackson says.
"Alright since that's done I have to go pick up Dinah for our date!" Nela says
"Date?" I ask smirking.
"She didn't tell you?" I shake my head.
"Yeah it's our second date!"
"Second?" Me and Jackson say with wide eyes.
"Yeah so I gotta go!"
"Don't screw up Nela!"
"I won't I promise."
"Ok cause I might have to give you a poly beat down if you do!"
"Don't worry about that, you two enjoy your date!"
"Funny! Go to your date!"
"Alright I'm out!" He bro hugs Jackson and kisses my cheek. He leaves and me and Jackson stand staring at each other for awhile then bust out laughing.
"You ready to go?"
"Yeah let's hit it!"

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