Part 54

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Lauren's pov
I woke up with Jacksons hand halfway up my shirt gripping my side gently and I smiled. We haven't fallen asleep like this in ages. It's sad that he only holds me like this when he thinks he might lose me but it's good enough for me. We leave for the tour in a week and then I have four weeks until Jackson goes to New York while we're in New York. I'm excited but sad we will have to be apart because we get two weeks together after that and then he has to stay in NYC to record and then I don't see him again for two months before we go to Hawaii where he will be staying and we get a little more than a weekend together and then separated again until the end of my tour and he might be going on tour after his album release. For part of my tour he's going to be on tour with Taylor and getting ready for that so he can't join us. It's gonna be one crazy time. He's gonna miss my birthday. He will be doing promo in New York and our tour brings us to my hometown right in time for my birthday. It sucks but I won't miss his birthday so that's good. I don't know what he's doing for Christmas but woah I'm getting ahead of myself. That's almost 9 months ahead of where we are focus Lauren. I can't focus when I'm with him. I just want to plan the next 60 years with him. I want to look forward to marriage and kids and family and growing old together because I love him. The first step is for him to me my freaking family. I'm just worried he might punch my dad straight in the face right at the sight of him. He is very protective. Like very protective. Like he beat up a stranger for touching my ass. Like he's that protective. Don't get me wrong I love how he always wants to protect me but sometimes it's a little much. It's his temper that scares me though. Sometimes I get afraid of him but then I realize that he's harmless to me. He won't ever hurt me. I know he won't.
"Hey baby girl how'd you sleep?"
"Good in your arms."
"I really am sorry about last night. I don't know why but I was jealous that you called someone else babe. I heard you say 'you're sweet' and I guess I started to assume you were flirting with another guy. I'm so so sorry. I know you would never cheat on me and I'm so so sorry. I love you."
"I love you too and I forgive you for thinking that I would ever cheat on you because you know better."
"I do know better you are a loyal and honest girlfriend and I was an idiot to think you would lie to me and deceive me. You are not capable of it either."
"Nope I could never ever do that to you."
"And I'm grateful for that."
"Give me a kiss." I make the kissy face. He pecks my lips.
"I have to go to rehearsal but you can come if you want to."
"I dont want to intrude."
"No! Sean will be happy to have you join us. I've asked him already if one day this week I could bring you to watch a rehearsal."
"I don't know."
"Come on babe it's boring here. You'll be lonely and I want you at the rehearsal."
"Fine but it's for you babe."
"Thank you." I pucker up and he pecks my lips again.
"I'm gonna go take a shower."
"I'll join."
"Sit your ass down I can't be soar going to rehearsal."
"So you say that I make you soar?" He smirks wiggling his eyebrows.
"Shutup. You know I wear you out too."
I get showered and changed for rehearsal. I drove to rehearsal and Sean was ecstatic.
"OMG so good to meet you? This nugget won't shut up about you! She always whines about missing you! Are you a dancer? Can you dance? Would you dance with Lauren? Could I choreograph a dance for the two of you? Oh you guys are so cute! Your hair is to die for. Can I steal your hair color?"
"Sean calm down!"
"Nice to meet you! Names Jackson!"
"Oh my god that accent I'm melting. Lauren you have good taste in men I approve." I giggle.
"Thank you Sean I appreciate it." Camila walks in.
"Ugh what is he doing here?" Camila groans.
"Camila how can you not love him he's perfect."
"Yeah that's why I don't like him. I don't trust a perfect person."
"Hey he's not perfect." I say.
"Thanks babe real self esteem booster."
"For starters he's annoying as hell."
"Your one to talk miss I yell at the tv when watching crime shows!"
"How can you not yell at the tv?"
"It's freaking tv it can't hear you!"
"You mumble in your sleep."
"So do you and trust me I know. I always fall asleep after you."
"Yes I do!"
"Well you take naps like 3 times a day."
"Not true I take naps once a day."
"How do you have time to take naps?"
"I make time always."
"Because otherwise I'm tired and cranky."
"I get cranky without sleep too but you don't see me stopping rehearsal at 12:00 to take a three hour nap."
"Hey at most I take a 1 and Hal hour nap."
"Well darling if you really want to go there you always eat a bowl of mac and cheese at 9:00 every night."
"Uhm so?"
"How do you not get tired of Mac and cheese."
"How do you not get tired of sleeping?"
"Oh my god your so American!"
"And your so Australian gator wrestler."
"I'mma wrastle you." He tries to get me into a head lock but I flip him over my shoulder onto the groundnut he pulls me over and into arm lock then leans over and kisses me.
"Do they do this all the time?" Sean asks.
"What makeout?"
"Well that but also fight?"
"They never fight because their too busy sucking each other's faces off all the goddamn time."
Dinah walks in the room of course.
"Ew guys stop making out! Ya nasty!"
Normani and Dinah walk in.
"what did we say about wrestling each other into makeout sessions?" Normani whines. For whatever reason Pia walks in.
"Ew." Then she walks out. Ally walks in.
"Dinah bring me the holy water!" We separate real quick.
"Alright lovelies let's get to working." He takes a seat on the couch to watch us rehearse. There was glass that watched ou into the open hallway and I notice him looking through it. I shrug it off and continue the dance routine. We were cleaning up sledgehammer.
"Uh! Duh! Uh! Boom boom! Hands! watch those legs. Here comes the fast part girls."
We of course nail it.
"Good job! You finally got it Lauren!"
"Yeah I did!" I high five him.
"Alright from the top one more time and this time singing."
We start again and when we finish and take a water break I notice Jackson is not there. I walk over to my water bottle and drink up.
"Where'd your hubby go?" Dinah teases.
"Not my hubby and I don't know probably to the bathroom or something."
"Or outside shooting Pia!" Camila says.
"What?!?" I look out and him and Pia are having a nerf gun battle.
"Jesus Mila you scared me I though he was actually shooting her with a real gun. Be more clear next time."
We watch them act like children and then Pia tackles him and pins him to the ground but he points his nerf gun at her head. She knocks it out of his hand and twists his wrist. Sean walks over to watch with us.
"Oh my god these two! They're like brother and sister. They never stop fighting."
"Pia go to rehearsal!" He yells and she looks up at us and gets off of Jackson. I let out a heavy breath I didn't know I was holding.
"But I already did and taught Jackson some moves too!" She smirks.
"Mhm sure."
"Watch I promise!" She started from her chorus and did a good hip hop routine and Jackson mimicked it and then stopped and just started body rolling and we all started cracking up. He came up to the window and started mouthing the words with Dinah and then moved over along the window. Sean just shook his head.
"Ok but I want you to run it again in 10 minutes till it's perfect."
"Will do." Sean turns around and she jumps on Jacksons back.
"What'll it take to get you off of me?"
"Get me ice cream."
"You can't have ice cream during rehearsal."
She shoots her nerf gun into his head.
"Go get me some ice cream."
"How about a nice healthy bottle of water." She shoots him again.
"I'm not getting your damn ice cream."
"Dinah, ally, Lauren, Normani, Camila let's go places for you know what let's do reflection. The a free that we will do the whole show through." We did reflection. Jackson came back into the room and sat down. We started the show from the top but he was just on his phone. That's his problem. He won't be ready when I tease him on stage when he sees the show. He'll be blind used by my sexual and suggestive moves and maybe il throw in a little something to make him want me right in his concert seat. I have four weeks to perfect this. Let's fucking go!

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