Part 25

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Lauren's pov
It's 2 in the morning on my first night of two without Jackson and it's dreadful. It's really awful. I've just been rolling around in my bunk listening to Camila and Shawn make out for the last hour. Soon the moaning started.
"Oh hell no!" I get out of my bunk and walk to the front lounge and Shawn is on top of Camila sucking on her neck.
"Guys please keep the moaning to a minimum." I ask as politely as I can.
"Why? Jealous?" She asks smirking. I roll my eyes and walk back to my bunk. The moaning got louder and I heard Dinah groan because they probably woke her up. I still couldn't sleep.
"Ok that's it!" I got out of my bunk again. I rip Shawn off of Camila and grab his arm and pull him to the back of the bus.
"What the hell are you doing Lauren?" Camila yells at me.
"I need to get some fucking sleep! I am not going to be tired during the show tomorrow ok? So you Mr. Mendes are going back here." I put him in the back lounge and close the door.
"And you missy are going to your bunk." I point up.
"You can't just do that Lauren!"
"Yes I can because I just fucking did! I'm Not trying to start a fight. It's too late at night for that. I am not one to be messed with when in tired and I get bitchy and snappy so please let me sleep. You guys' moaning was replaying in my brain and making me want to puke. So now get in your bunk and go the fuck to sleep. I'm taking your spot in Glams and your taking mine! You get to go first because you and your boyfriend kept me up all night! Goodnight Shawn, Goodnight Camila!" I get into my bunk and cuddle under the covers. I went to sleep smiling.
I woke up later just in time for my GLAMS actually so that's wonderful. I put on leggings and a long sleeve shirt and combat boots. My hair was a fucking mess so I put on a a SnapBack. I went inside and sat on a couch. My tiredness still containing my body. Dinah sat next to me.
"Tired dawg?"
"Those two moaning all night kept me up!"
"Yeah until you dealt with it!"
"They better not do it again or shits gonna get real or I'll just stay on Jackson's bus because Shawn always seems to be on ours."
"Word even ill come to that bus with y'all!"
"Uhm Dinah..."
"Oh... You guys are gonna like make out! I got it!" She says realizing what I was speaking of.
"DJ I miss him!"
"You're gonna see him later tonight right?"
"No he has to go to an interview and then sleep cause he has to go to the Ellen show tomorrow to perform. Then he's missing the next week for promo for his EP and stuff and then there will be two weeks left in tour and then we all have to work and I'm gonna miss him so much!"
"I know sweetie it's gonna be hard because you both are successful."
"Ugh why can't we just be normal people with no lives and jobs around home. Why can't he live in LA? why can't he have a full citizenship instead of a deul citizenship. Why does he have to go back to Australia for three months every summer? Why does he have to miss the Miami show when he was gonna meet my parents? Why can't things not be complicated?"
"That's love Laur! That's the pain of love. Everyone has those questions, those worries, those expectations, but life doesn't roll like that. Love is difficult and you're gonna have to find ways through the difficulties."
"But DJ it's never been this complicated or difficult!"
"Lauren not to bring up old scars but your first boyfriend lasted a week. Your second boyfriend was a docuhebag, you're third boyfriend well do I even have to say anything about him? And then there's Camila. I don't think you realized how difficult that relationship was! You guys always dealt with it through fighting and she never admitted she was wrong. Lauren you got through that, you can get through this separation."
"You're right DJ I'm gonna go find him right now and tell him good luck, I love him, and I'll miss him."
"There's the spirit girly now go!" She shooed me off and I ran around trying to find Jackson until I saw him outside our dressing room.

Dinah's pov
We were sitting in the room and we heard running and then talking. It was Lauren and Jackson.
"Can we go talk?" She asks him.
"Sure!" He says and they walk off. After like 5 minutes or so we heard yellin so being the nosey ass girls we are we followed the yelling out of the room. We saw Lauren and Jackson yelling at each other closer to the stage so we went closer and hid. The whole time we were watching Camila had this big old smirk on her face that gave me an uneasy feeling.
"How could you not tell me you're going to Australia for three fucking months? After the 2 you're gonna be away and the next two weeks you're gone too!"
"It's none of your business I was going to tell you but I don't have to tell you anything!"
"Oh really that's how you feel? You think that I'm not important enough for you to share that very important piece of information with?"
"That's not what I said Lauren! You're twisting my words. You always twist my words. You have to stop!"
"Oh so I'm manipulative now?"
"Lauren stop you're being ridiculous!"
"I'm being ridiculous? Jackson you're lying and telling half truths! You're hiding stuff from me!"
"I'm not!"
"Oh really? What did you talk to Camila about the other day?"
"Nothing I told you!"
"You guys talked for 5 fucking minutes and nothing was said! Bullshit!"
"Lauren stop this I don't like fighting with you!"
"Why because you're afraid you're gonna lose?"
"Because your too fucking beautiful it makes my brain all cloudy!"
She cracks a small smile.
"What were we even fighting about?" She asks him.
"I don't know!" He says gently. She walks up and hugs him.
"Can we not fight? I hate fighting!"
"It's whatever you want princess!"
"I was right though, youknow that right?"
"I know because you're smarter thank me and I'm wrong always unless it's movie trivia!"
She laughs.
"Awwww!" We say from behind the plant we were hiding behind.
"Really girls?"
"Yes that was so cute!" Ally gushes.
"Oh and by the way you were fighting because he didn't tell you he was going to Australia!" Camila says purposely trying to cause strife.
"I'm sorry about that I should've told you. I just I was going to be away so much it didn't seem fair to you but if i don't go im an Australian fugitive and an illegal immigrant."
"It's ok baby I know. I was being irrational we can call, text, Skype, do whatever it takes to stay in touch."
"You guys are like the perfect couple!"
Camila groans crossing her arms, rolls her eyes, and walks away. She's been so annoyed lately. Even I have noticed it. An when she doesn't seem annoyed she looks like she's plotting some evil scheme in her head it's weird.
Really weird.

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