Part 31

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Jackson's pic
I have been getting a lot of harmonizer hate on Twitter. I don't take it that bad so it's fine but I haven't talked to Lauren in a few days. I don't know why but there's an entire section of the harmonizer fandom that hates me. Dinah said that they're the die hard Camren shippers. That makes sense though. I put on Lauren's snapback and my old glasses because I ran out of contact lenses. I pulled out my laptop and skyped Lauren. After a while I was ready to hang up then it started connecting.
"Hey babe!" Her eyes were red and she had a slight sniffle. She didn't seem so happy.
"What's wrong baby girl?"
"Nothing! I'm fine!"
"Lauren lie to the girls and yourself all you want but I am not someone you can or should lie to!" It came off a little harsher than I intended.
"I'm sorry it's just I don't want to worry you!"
"You were crying what's wrong?"
"I've just been getting a lot, overly large amount of hate."
"What're they saying?"
"The usual that im ugly, fat, talentless, undeserving of the gifts and the life that I have. There's some new stuff. They're calling me underage for dating you. They say that it's disgusting. They're calling me desperate and slutty they say that you're too hot for me. I don't know why they see such a big deal in 6 years. It's not like we started dating when I was 17 like Kylie Jenner and Tyga or anything. I don't understand."
"Don't worry about the haters babe. They're just jealous. They want to be as gorgeously stunning it as beautifully curved as you, they can't be because you're one of a kind. As for our age. It's 6 years. They're being ridiculous. It doesn't matter because I love you and you love me. That's all it is."
"I know but sometimes it really hurts and I get flashbacks and it's. Just hard."
"I know baby girl but we can do this...did you..."
"Did I cut?" I nod. "No!" She sighs.
"What's really wrong?"
"There's something else wrong here what is it?"
"There's nothing else wrong."
"Yes there is now spill!"
"Well I just I think we have to breakup."
"What? Why?"
"I am getting too much hate. We'll never see each other because a month after you get back I go on tour. I miss you too much."
"And you think breaking up and getting rid of me would help!" I practically scream.
"I don't know Jack! I don't know what to do! I'm breaking babe. I'm hanging on by a thread. I'm a mess. I love you so much and when you're away im so so miserable! I hate crying but I can't help but cry over you! I've never loved anyone in my life but somehow I've fallen so hard for you. I was in a perfectly dysfunctional and awful relationship before you came around with your perfect blue eyes and you're perfect hair and your perfect body, you made me laugh, pulled me out of my depression. You just screwed everything up! I was perfectly fine being depressed and dating a girl who could care less if I was dead or alive friends who paid so little attention that I managed a suicide attempt around them. I mean come on. You came into my life and you cared and cared for me. You paid attention, you fucking waited for me for so long. I don't even deserve you. You are so much hotter than I am. You are kind when I'm horrible. You're funny and you make me laugh when I'm depressed. You drove three hours and cancelled an appearance when I was sick. You are the perfect boyfriend and you screwed up my life that was seconds from ending before you waltzed in looking like a fucking knight in shining armor. I love you so much, but I hate how you make me feel. I hate how helplessly in love with you I am. I hate it. I know one day you'll get tired just like everybody else and leave me or go for someone else. That's just how relationships with me go. I hate that I know that, my future with you is guaranteed to be short. You're away you'll see other girls, that you like and because I'm not there you'll want them."
"Baby don't breakup over this. I love you. I'm not going anywhere. I literally have nothing to do after I get back I'll come to tons of shows. I'll be with you all of the time. I love you so much. I don't want to lose you over the distance. I promised myself if distance became an issue then I would stop my career and spend every waking moment with you so please."
"You can't end your career. I won't let you."
"I can't lose you. You mean too fucking much to me!"
"You won't lose me baby I'm sorry, I'm being ridiculous. I'm sorry. I love you."
"Don't be sorry it's not your fault!"
"Okay you have to stop blaming my own faults on yourself, they are my fault and only my fault."
"There are so many factors that come into it. You are not to blame."
"Stop! Jackson it's my own fault. Stop taking it and saying it's yours. It's my own fault and I need you to let me take accountability for it."
"Ok is that what you want?"
"It is!"
"Ok then princess go ahead and take accountability."
"Thank you now that I've finished my meltdown how is your promo tour doing?"
"Really well I am having a lot of fun meeting the fans. I have a lot of fans I never even noticed!"
"That's great babe that's really awesome!"
"I'm still making YouTube videos but I want you to be in one. I'm making a girlfriend tag video and I feel like the only person who would work is my girlfriend."
"I don't know babe..."
"Come on Lolo please!"
"Fine I will!"
"Lauren let's go get your butt to the car right now we have recording to do!"
"Alright Dinah Jane I'm on my way dang!"
"You go record babe I love you."
"I love you too I'll call later!" She blows a kiss and shuts down the screen. After her meltdown I really want to do something amazing for her. She deserves it, she needs it.
I got on the phone and called the only person I trusted with this.
"What's up King Jack?"
"I need your help is Lauren around? Don't tell her I'm on the phone."
"Bro she was in the car and that was on speaker."
"Is it still on?"
"Yeah she won't let me turn it off!"
"Ok well then I'll just text you or I'll call you later that's a better idea!"
"Ok but Lauren's not happy!"
"That's too bad. I just really gotta talk to you!"
"What about?"
"Something that if this is on speaker I can't say."
"Alright call me in like an hour!"
"Ok I will and Lauren don't freak out its just best friend business!"
"She's still pissed!"
"well that sucks but I love you Lolo! Later Dinah! Bye ladies!" I end the call and wait two hours moping around the hotel room before I called again.
"Hurry up I have limited time before Lauren figures it out!"
"Ok well I want to do something really special for her for that day that I am home."
"What's your plan?"
"I want to be romantic but I have no idea what I what to do."
"Just like have a dinner with all of her favorite stuff or something."
"Dinah I also want to give her a promise ring?"
"A what?!?!!?"
"A promise ring because she doubts that I'll always be there and I need to show her that I'm in this for the long run."
"A ring?"
"Yeah is that too much?"
"No it's adorable but you can't Lauren.."
"Has trust issues, gets nervous about commitment, I know I am not proposing, she's allowed to step out if she wants that. I just need to show her that I'm not going anywhere ever."
"Ok that's adorable, I best friend approve it!"
"Thanks D-Mac!"
"No worries kiddo now go have fun!"

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