Part 56

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Jackson's pov
Lonely. That's what I am. I'm sitting in my man cave playing simulated water polo all by myself. I wanted a break but I didn't know this would be what it's like to have nothing to do. I have two weeks till I head to New York. What sucks is that the only person I wanted to cuddle with is in another state. I have nothing to do. All of my friends are on tour like damn. I need more friends. Lauren doesn't want me hanging out with the Simpsons and lord knows where Justin is. I'm such a loser sometimes.
My phone started ringing. I had no clue who it could be because I have no friends but I answered it anyways.
"Hey Jack it's Kylie."
"Oh hey Kylie."
"So me and Kendall are going to this super cool like Ninja Garden and we wanted to invite you. It'll just be us girls and you though if that's not cool with Lauren."
"No no it's fine. She actually likes you guys."
"So you'll come?"
"Yeah I'm on break so I'm free."
"Cool we will text you the address and then meet you there."
"And you don't mind being on the show right?"
"Not really."
"Alright see you in a few."
"See you." I changed out of my pajamas and into a pair of jeans and a t shirt with a beanie that matched and hi tops. I used the address and drove to the place they were meeting me. It was sort of castle looking and there were tons of 2 way Windows. We couldn't see in but you knew they could see out. I saw the girls waiting with some cameras. I exited my car and walked over.
"Hey ladies good to see you." I hug them both.
"Alright let's get inside." I follow them inside and we walked Ina nod it was pretty cool. There were ninjas waiting for us. They did a ninja yell and it nearly scared the shit out of Kylie. They have us a tour and then let us Rome free. We walked around and I made a beeline for the weapons room. There were katanas and nunchucks. It was so cool. I was in heaven. I love cool shit like this. There were so many signs that said not to pick up he weapons but I'm basically a child inside when someone tells me not to do something it makes me want to do it even more.
"Woah!" Kylie says staring open mouthed at a gold katana. I picked up a silver one. Let me tell you these are sick as hell. Kylie picked up the gold one and we point them at each other.
"Guys stop look at the signs don't touch them."
"Live a little Ken!" Me and Kylie start fake sparring. We're clashing swords and making battle grunts.
"Guys stop! Don't break them."
"We won't."
"Jeez Kendall were very responsible." Then Kylie's katana crashes to the ground echoing through the museum.
Kylie's horrified face as she picks it up and puts it back on the display as do I.
"Told you." Kendall points at us. We continue walking and reach the Bo staffs. I used to be really good at this. I pick one of the ones were allowed to use up and twirl it around in the air and around the back of my neck.
"Woah Jackson your really good at that."
"I'm good at a lot of things. It's weird it's like I randomly pick stuff up. I'm only ever decent at the things I do pick up but I catch on fast. I never master anything. Plus I'm really clumsy so I usually end up hurting myself." Just as I said that I whacked myself in the head with the staff. They start laughing.
"Alright it's been cool here but I'm kind of hungry and Jacksons getting injured so we better leave before he accidentally stab himself in the eye with sword or a nunchuck." Kendall says laughing.
"Let's just go!" I hold my head where I got hit as we leave to head to lunch. We left and Kylie had to hurry up and go home so it was just Kendall and I.
"So Ken what is up with you."
"You know not much just trying to cope with my dad's transition. It's hard."
"I bet it is."
"It's just that everybody keeps saying that he's gone. I don't want to be alive that. There's so much hate I can't ignore it."
"You don't have to ignore it just don't focus on it. Focus on supporting her in her transition and focus on trying to understand. It's harder for her to go through this without her children by her side."
"I love how you refer to Bruce as her and I still call him Bruce."
"I think that's the biggest step. Being able to refer to her as the gender she identifies by."
"You don't understand what I'm going through."
"You're right I don't but I can try to. If I try I have the possibility of understand and that's what you have to do with your dad. Try to understand."
"They keep telling me he's going to be gone and that its all my fault. Like if we girls weren't so pushy on him he wouldn't be doing this. They're judging me because I'm not as proactive and understand about this as Khloe and Kim. I'm not against it and I want to support him but I don't know what the hell am I supposed to do. They aren't being told that their father is being torn from their life. They aren't realizing that the man that raised them is completely gone and has been lying for years."
I place my hand on hers and stroke her hand with my thumb. I see her crying and wipe the tears from her cheeks.
"You know it's going to be hard to get through all of this. I know you can do it. I see how strong you are and I know you can do it. Try to understand her and try to get to know her. The first step I think is to sit down and have a talk. Explain your concerns and maybe try to get a deeper understanding of the procedures and the mental and emotional effects that this transition will entail."
"You're right Jackson thank you so much."
"Now let's dig in."
"You have a weird way of saying things sometimes."
"Hey we have to get all in if we're going to thoroughly enjoy the food."
"What'd you get?"
"I got chicken. You?"
"I was feeling wild so I got some frog."
"You think that's wild. I ought to fry you some alligator then you'll have something wild." She laughs. We finish lunch and then head to our separate locations. She kissed my cheek and then we left. I went home and laid in bed. Today was a good day.

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