Part 11

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Lauren's pov
I was laying in bed watching High School Musical cuddled with Camz and all I could think about was Jackson. I hadn't seen him in a week. He hadn't brought back tacos and me and Camz had fought for the 6th time that month. We fight a lot, about the littlest things. It's so ridiculous. She can be very inconsiderate and self centered sometimes but it's cool. I really feel something with her. I think. I suddenly got a call from Jackson.
"Hey Lau are you busy?"
"Nope not busy!" I untangle from Camila who has a sad face on and stand up.
"Ok so I wanted to know if you could meet me down at the epic records studio to work on a new song!"
"Uhm yeah sure!"
"It'll probably be all night!"
"Oh I have somewhere to go tomorrow!" I look at Camila because we were supposed to go on a date tomorrow. She looks a bit sad.
"Well could you please I'm working on a new EP!"
"For real! I so want to be a part of this!"
"Then get your ass down to the studio so we can get working!"
"Ok I'll be there!" I looked back at Camila.
"See you then." I hung up.
"Baby I gotta go!"
"To meet up with Jackson at the studio!"
"Oh..." She looks down at her fingers.
"I'm helping him with his EP!" I said excitedly she looked up but didn't change her reaction.
"I'm also gonna be late tomorrow so we can just like watch Netflix and eat pizza on the couch instead of going to lunch!"
"Ok!" She says sadly.
"I love you!" I say kissing her forehead and she smiles.
"Bye!" She says.
"Bye!" I put on my leather jacket and walk out the door. I run down the stairs.
"Ally im taking your car thank you bye!"
"Wait Lau..." She gets cut off my by me closing the door to the garage and grabbing the keys. I jump into her car and drive down the road to Epic record studios. I get there and Jackson was waiting out front.
"Hey babe!" He says hugging me. Babe sends all warmness through my chest and this flutter feeling in my stomach. We walked inside and up to the recording studio. Inside Nela sits at a soundboard with some girl on the couch.
"Hey Nela!" I say.
"Oh hey Lau!"
"Hello there!" I say to the girl on the couch.
"Oh my names Pia Mia! I'm working with Jackson on a song on his new EP and he said that I just had to meet you!" She says cheerily.
"Hi I'm Lauren!"
"Cool so you produce?"
"A little bit only ever for my band and Jackson!"
"Ooh so you're his personal producer?"
"I guess you could say that!" I chuckle.
"Alright Lauren so I have already written everything and Nela has the melody kind of worked out although he thinks it needs some dissecting. Stripping, adding." Jack says.
"Alright so let's hear it!" I say. He plays the melody.
"The melody was good but it needs more of an electronic sound. Try this!" I mess with the board a bit and get a nice melody.
"Okay now go into the booth and lay it down!"
He goes back into the booth and begins singing. I mess with the volumes and instruments as he sings. Once he finishes i mess around a little.
"All three of you come here!" I tell them. They obey and stand next to me.
"I need you all to clap over and over again in tune please!" I tell them and they go to the mic and do the clapping when I tell them to.
"Okay now that's good!" I added those in and the electronic beats. After 2 straight hours of working its in a great place.
"Okay how about this!" I play them the song.
"That sounds amazing Lau!"
"I need you to get in there and watch me so when I point at you get louder ok!" I tell him. He listens and gets in there and i start the track while he sings and point when he needs to get louder and then halfway through I stop it.
"Try this note instead in the chorus and hold this out!" I give him the notes and he nods. He sings it again and he nails it. I end the recording.
"Fucking perfect Jack!" I high five him as he walks out.
"You think so?"
"I know so that was right on point!" I tell him.
"Good because it's been 6 hours and I'm ready to sleep!" He says and points to the other two who are straight asleep on the couch.
"Pia! Nela!" They jump awake.
"What happened?"
"We finished!"
"Ooh I wanna hear!" Pia says yawning. I play the song and they all dance along.
"That sounds awesome!" Pia compliments.
"Thank you!" I say.
"Well I'll see you three in the morning won't I?" Pia asks.
"Sure will!" I say and she walks out waving goodbye and Nela leaves as well but like a minute later.
"So Lau how are things with you and Mila?" He asks with a hint of bitterness behind the words.
"If I'm being completely honest and real with you. She's so fucking inconsiderate sometimes!" I say
"I know, she's not mature yet. Remember she's two to three years behind you."
"I'm two years behind you but I'm no less mature!"
"Well if I'm being frank she's a child stuck in an 18 year olds body! She doesn't understand the socially acceptable things to do and she's self centered, highly selfish, always wants her way, and a bit rude!"
"Wow way to hold back!"
"I'm just telling you the truth you're trying to deny because you're blinded by her cuteness. I'm not saying break up with her or anything I'm pointing out what you're missing that's all. Talk to her about it. There's ways to work through it. Let get now that there's a few things that must change for you guys to be together."
"So you're cool with her?"
"Yeah I'm over us! It's never going to happen because you have someone and I've come to terms with that!" He says that and my heart shatters. I never said that I didn't still love him. I just said I was in a committed relationship. I love Camila but I'm in love with Jack. I'm just confused.
"Well that's good!"
"You want me to give you a ride home?"
"No I have Ally's car!"
"Ooh she's gonna kill you!"
"I know!" We both laugh.
"I'll pick you up at 9 tomorrow!"
"No I'll take Alls car again!"
"I won't let you do that!"
"It's fine!"
"I want you to live another day I'm picking you up!" He says. I roll my eyes but nod.
"Ok I'll see you at 9!"
"See ya!"
I left the studio and head back home I parked Ally's car in the garage and walked inside the house. All of the girls were on the couch.
"Damn it's late Lauren!" Mani says.
"How was the studio with Jackson?" Camila emphasis Jackson in the way a kid would.
"It was so lit! The song is called If you left him for me and it's got a nice beach theme but there's electro beats in it. Nela was there!" I wink at Dinah who I sat on the arm rest next to.
"Oh so it was just Nela, Jackson, and you?" Normani asks.
"No there was also Pia Mia!"
"Who is Pia Mia!"
Me and Dinah looked at each other and stand up.
"It was nice to, nice to know ya, let's do it again
How we did it on a one night stand
Boy, I wanna be more than a friend to ya
Nice to, nice to know ya, let's do it again
How we did it on a one night stand
Boy, I wanna be more than a friend to ya
Let's do it again!" We sing and dance. We sit back down cracking up.
"Is she pretty?" Camila asks.
"Oh my god gorgeous! She has blonde hair down to the middle of her shoulder. She's kinda short but really skinny, like not anorexic skinny but still nonetheless skinny. She has perfect lips like Kylie Jenners and it's weird cause it's like woah did you do the Kylie Jenner lip challenge or something but nope their natural just like lipstick she told me!"
"She sounds so awesome!" Ally cheers happily.
"She is. She's sweet, helpful, didn't get in the way but still gave input. She was cracking jokes. And trust me once you're locked in a sound room with someone for 6 hours you tell some jokes."
"She sounds perfect!" Normani gushes.
"She is!" I confirm.
"Well why don't you go be her girlfriend!" Camila says and crosses her arms.
"Stop being like that! She's not into girls!" I said.
"How do you know?"
"She gives off that Aurora!" I made that up. Camila is just being super annoying. She huffs.
" well apart from her Jackson worked hard and it took him 6 hours but he got all the notes right and the song came out great! Nela and Pia fell asleep after 4 and a half hours so it was just me and Jackson working. We are gonna get working on the rest of his EP tomorrow. He's picking me up at Nine!" I explain and they all nod their heads except Camila who's still upset.
"Camila she's not gay she told me so nothing can happen!" I say getting fed up with her temper tantrums. She loosens up but little does she know I completely lied. In fact a few times I was positive she was flirting with me but you never know with those types like her they could just be too nice.
"In going to bed!" I say and toss Ally her keys.

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