Part 57

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Jackson's pov
I woke up and made myself some waffles and a glass of orange juice. I fed Jax and then sat down to eat. Once I finished I went for a run with Jax and then we came back and I washed him then showered myself and combed my hair then combed Jax's hair.
"Hey baby you look beautiful yes you do." I say with Jax under my arm and went on tumblr with only
My hoodie and my glasses on, of course I had pants on but you know. I got a Skype request from the love of my life.
"Hey baby girl."
"Jackson what'd you do yesterday?"
"Well right to it. Uhm I went out with Kendall and Kylie to this cool as hell ninja museum babe you would've loved it. I like sorted with real katanas against Kylie. I mean we weren't supposed to but it was still cool as hell...."
"What'd you do after that?"
"Uhm had lunch with Kendall and we had a heart to hearts out some stuff going on in her life. I can't really talk about it though."
"So that wasn't a date?"
"No of course not I wouldn't want to date anyone but you."
"Ok I just needed piece of mind."
"You doubted my loyalty?"
"No I just...yeah I had a split second of doubt because of the photos they looked really incriminating because you were holding her hand and you know how I get about you holding other people's hands. I hate it like a lot. To me that's the simplist form of intimacy. You can hug anyone and kiss their cheek but I absolutely hate when you hold hands with others."
"I'm sorry baby I know you hate that I should've been more conscious of it...."
"I should've trusted you I just got angry when I saw her holding your hand because it made me want to cut her hand off." I laughed.
"Well all I care about is you so don't worry she just needed some comforting but I'll never hold a atone else's hand if it makes you upset."
"It doesn't do worry."
"So how's tour?"
"So good me and the girls have been getting along really well with the opening act Jacob Whitesides."
"Yeah he's tall sorta tan really hilarious. He's very talented and he's so sweet."
"Sounds like the perfect guy."
"For a guy on tour with all girls he his perfect. He has a little crush on one of us but he won't tell us which one."
"Are you hoping its you?"
"No of course not its just we are all dating someone except Dinah so if he has a crush on her and then we'd all be taken. He's like clean shaven and suave which is on point for Dinah. He is so perfect."
"Perfect yeah."
"Don't be that way he won't hurt her like Nela did. He's too sweet for that. I can just tell. We're very close."
"Oh that's great."
"Don't worry babe it's just a tour buddy. I won't fall in love with him especially since I am in a committed amazing relationship with the hottest guy on earth."
"Yeah because you never fall in love with someone on tour."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Nothing, just nothing. I have to go."
"Babe I didn't mean i..."
"I'll call you later Lauren."
"Jackson!" I hung up the call. I got dressed and went out to get a haircut. I saw some hate that said I'm too scraggly looking for Lauren. They're right so in just going get a hair cut and maybe a shave and I think that I will throw on one of my suits. I have this photoshoot for some magazine so why not. After my haircut and quick shave I went to the place the photoshoot was set to take place.
"What do you want to wear?"
"A suit."
"Very suave I like it."
"Yeah suave is where it's at I guess."
They get me fitted into the perfect suit and then they snap away for the shoot. I have to say in my own opinion I looked suave. They let me post my own photo in the suit. (A/n pic above). I posted it on Instagram and Twitter with the caption.
Nothing like a suit to make a man feel suave.
I posted it and I knew Lauren was going to get the message. After the shoot and the interview I went off to Kendall's because she invited me over to her personal house. I headed over and got out. It was only her car so I assumed it was just her. I got out and knocked on the door. She opened the door standing there in a crop top and sweatpants.
"Kylie, Justin, Cody, and Alli are in the back."
"Oh Alli is here."
"Yeah is that an issue?"
"Not at all."
I walked inside and she led me to the back where the girls were drinking cocktails and the guys had beers.
"You want a beer?"
"Aren't you all underage?"
"Except Justin." Kylie says.
"Anyways do you want one?"
"No I don't drink."
"Ok." We all talked for a while before we got out the guitars. It became a jam session. We played chords while Justin sang a little bit of something. Alli kept sitting next to me while Kendall sat on my other side.
"I wish I knew how to play guitar!" Kendall whines.
"Here." I hand her the guitar and put my arms over her and my hand on her fingers.
"This is a G. This is an A." I taught her the finger positions and then placed a hand on her other hand and led it to strum the notes. Kylie was doing something on her phone. Cody was drinking his beer like it was his life source. Alli was leaning over me and watching. Justin was playing with his guitar.
"You got it darling."
"That sounds like a dying pig." Kylie says.
"Hey don't make fun of kenny like that." I hug her protectively.
"Seriously though that was bad."
"Don't judge Kylie you can't even hold a guitar." Alli says.
"Alright let's play truth or dare." Justin suggests.
"Who goes first."
"Truth or dare Kendall."
"If you had to date one guy here who?"
"Ooh why?"
"I know him the best and everyone else is dating someone so I don't want to say the wrong thing."
"Ok Kylie truth or dare."
"What's going on with you and Tyga?"
"Uhm we are going through a time that's all."
"Ok Cody."
"Jesus no one chooses dare. Uhm what was the stupidest thing you did as a teen."
"I got high at a choral field trip." We all laugh at his stupidity.
"Oh guys we have to go me and Cody have a meeting to get to." Justin says they wave and leave.
"Alright Jackson truth or dare?" Kylie asks me.
"Yes finally. I dare you to jump into the pool it was just filled so it's super cold."
"Oh my god you know what fine." I stand up and walk to the edge. Kendall and Alli stand in front of me. Kylie films and watch from afar. I pull off my shirt and throw it to Kylie.
"You ready ladies?"
They nod. I cross my arms and nod. They push me in the pool. The impact of the water was so bad. It was so cold. I came back up and then grabbed Kendall's leg and pulled her into the pool. She laughs. I get out of the pool. "That's going on Twitter." Kylie says posting it. I get out of the pool and suddenly my chest started to hurt. My eyes blurred over. I fainted. I came right back to conciousness.
"Oh my god Jackson!" Kendall screamed.
"Jackson are you ok?"
I groaned in pain in my stomach. My nose started bleeding.
"Jackson, Jackson what's happening."
"Lauren." I manage to say through the pain. She grabs Kylie's phone and calls her.

Kendall's pov
"Lauren he fainted I don't know what to do!"
"Oh god what happened."
"He jumped into a freezing cold pool. He seems to be in a lot of pain, he's sort of conscious not really. Is nose is bleeding. Only thing he said was your name." I cry non stop.
"Lauren did we kill him. What is happening. It's all my fault."
"Ok Kendall calm down. You can't help unless you calm down. Take a deep breath." I took a big breath and then calmed down a little.
"You need towels, blankets, water, paper towels, and some aleve or ibuprofen."
"Ok Kylie just went to get it."
"Is he wearing his pants?"
"Ok I'm gonna need you to take them off."
"I know it's weird but you have to do it." I unbuckle his belt and unbutton his pants and start to pull them down.
"Don't be weirded out but he's going to have an erection." I stopped.
"A what."
"Yeah so don't be we rides out this needs to happen."
"I'm not sure what's happening." I pull his pants of and she was right he had a full on boner.
"Woah." Alli says. Kylie comes running back with all of the supplies.
"Lauren we need you on stage."
"Stall. This is an emergency."
"Ok we have all of the stuff."
"Use the towels to dry his body." We dry him off and throw the towels to the side.
"Ok cover him in blankets."
We do as were told.
"Now I'm gonna need all of you there to carry him inside." We all three pick him up and carry him into the house and place him on my couch.
"Alright he's going to put up a fight but you need to get liquids into him and someone else plug his nose bleed." We all go to work doing something.
"Ok now give him the medicine." We feed him the medicine.
"Now does he seem to be warming up?"
"A little bit."
"I need you to whisper in his ear asking him if he can hear you."
I lean close to his ear and whisper.
"Jackson are you awake? Can you hear me?"
"Can you open your eyes?"
"Are they blurry?"
"A little bit."
"Are you at all confused?"
"No I know where I am. Who I'm talking to."
"Oh thank god." Lauren breathes out.
"Kendall you just saved his life."
"I did?"
"Yes you did. Be proud of yourself. Now call 911 so that they can make sure he's ok. Have him call me later after he recovers."
"Ok will do."
After the paramedics check him out and give him the ok. I lay with him on the couch. He wraps his arms around my body pulling me closer. I was confused but let it slide his arms are comfortable. He kissed my head.
"I love you Lauren." He mumbles. He thinks I'm Lauren. Just great. I thought we were having a moment. After a while he woke up and looked down at his body sensing he had no pants on and then over at me pretending to be asleep.
"What the hell?"
"Oh my god Lauren is going to kill me." He starts to get up. I "wake up".
"Hey you ok babe?"
"What happened while I was out?"
"You fainted and we called Lauren and then she helped us save you."
"Why am I only in underwear."
"Your pants were wet and would've made it impossible for you to warm up."
"Lauren knows?"
"Ok where are my pants."
"Justin stays here often so here you can take a pair of his sweatpants." I walk over and grab them then throw them to him and grab his shirt off the table and throw that at him too. He gets dressed.
"I should get home."
"Yeah Lauren said to call her."
"Okay thanks a million."
He walks out of the house and to his car hen drives off just like that.

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