Part 51

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I veered to the side just missing the car.
"Whew that was close!" We both took a deep breath.
"Ok you need to focus on the road because you are a terrible driver!" She says with tons of sass.
"Jesus babe we're fine!"
"Just focus!"
"Ok." I chuckle and focus on driving to our destination. We finally get there and I, like a gentleman help her out of the car. We walk inside of the restaurant and they walk us to a table. It's not a fancy restaurant but for an impromptu date it was pretty good. It was a nice, naturally lit sushi restaurant. No one was dressed up so we weren't out of place except we're two relatively famous singers with hit songs currently blowing up the radio. No biggie though. We sat down at a table right next to the window that looked at the beach.
"I'll have the dragon rolls and a water." She says
"And I'll have the spider rolls, Alaska rolls, the Hawaiian rolls and of course some California rolls. I'll get the salad, some soup and a Japanese soda pop." I say.
"That's four servings you know." The waiter says.
"I skipped breakfast." The waiter still has a horrified face on.
"Ok I'll be back with your drinks." The waiter walks away."Have you seriously not eaten all day?"
"Yeah I got to the shoot and there was a ton of food on a table but my manager and the label rep didn't want me to get bloated for the shoot."
"That's ridiculous, did they let you eat afterwards."
"No by that time the food was cleaned up so I was gonna go grab lunch but then I thought why not go home pick up my girlfriend unwillingly and force her into my car a drive her to a date." She giggles. I'm always so glad that I can make her laugh.
"So how is it coming with your new song?"
"Difficult because its not something I'm used to. My manager said no more love songs so what the hell am I supposed to write about."
"You had the whole encouragement thing down."
"He says I need to show another side of me, which if I know him means I need to write songs with super amounts of emotion or that makes no sense or something. Like I'm talking deeply coded stuff. He likes that kind of stuff."
"Well didn't you write poems?"
"Yeah but those are personal though."
"You have to show your fans another side of you so why not try to be more vulnerable and write your poems, extend them. Let them into your head. It could be your new thing. I mean you have enough poems to do it. Choose one that you're comfortable with sharing with the world and form it into a song that way you get your manager off your back."
"And maybe you can come into the studio with me?"
"Babe its different we're together now."
"Lauren you're the best of the best and I really need you I don't have any other producers that I trust anymore!"
"What about the label producers they're good."
"Lauren you are so very talented and I need you to help me with this. I need your talents."
"I don't..."
"Please!!!!!" I beg her.
"Yay thank you."
"Mhm." Our food arrives and we don't talk much as we're eating besides playful banter. We finished and we're leaving and as we walk towards the car, some guy licks his lips looking at Lauren. I reached for her hand but she put her hand through her hair and then the guy walks up to her before I can get to her.
"Hey sweetheart."
"Get away from me."
"Now now sweetie you want to get in my car so we can talk about this."
"Hey she said get away from her." I yell at him.
"Fuck off!" My blood was boiling and I tried to get myself under control. I open my eyes and his hand is on her waist as she stands there uncomfortable. He moves his hand to her butt.
"Hey don't touch her perv!"
"I said fuck off Aussie!"
"I'm gonna count to 3 and your hand better be off her ass. 1..."
"What're you gonna do?"
"He's bluffing mama we can go have some fun together."
"3..." His hand doesn't move. I grip the collar of his shirt and slam him against the outside wall of the restaurant.
"What did I tell you? Don't fucking touch her!" I yell through gritted teeth.
"Seriously this all you got!"
I lifted my fist.
"Baby calm down don't hurt him. He's harmless."
"Yeah listen to your sexy girlfriend there I'm harmless just trying to get her in bed!"
"Don't talk about my girl like that! You think it's funny to disrespect her like that? Punk!"
"Baby he's not worth it!" Her hands were on my shoulders.
"He needs to learn some respect for women and my woman is a good place to start."
"Let me down you fucking prick!" He spits in my face. Then makes a kiss face at Lauren.
I punch him in the stomach.
"Don't talk to her. Don't look at her. Don't blow her kisses." I start punching his face.
"Don't fucking disrespect her! You don't get to touch her butt only I can! You don't get to flirt with her only I can do that. She's mine asshole! Don't treat her like a piece of meat! Do you understand fucktard?"
He nods.
"Babe you didn't ha..."
"Get in the mother fucking car!" I yell at her. She looks taken aback but gets in the car. I get in the drivers seat and start driving home gripping the steering wheel till my knuckles turned white. We got back to my house and I helped her out of the car kind of angrily. I gripped her arm and pulled her into the house.
"Babe your hurting my arm."
"Stop fucking complaining and go into my room." She complies kind of scared. I walk to the living room and pull off my hoodie and put it down. I grab a water bottle from my fridge and take a chug then I slam it to the ground. I pull off my shirt as I head up the stairs. I walk into my room and see her sitting on my bed playing with her fingers.

Lauren's pov
He walked towards me with his shirt off and stands in front of me and then puts legs on either sides and I fall back on the bed.
"What're you..."
"Shhh I'm fucking you." He kisses me roughly but with passion. He leans against my neck and I shudder with excitement.
"So gorgeous what do you want me to do to you?"
"Alright, just one thing. That ass is mine! No one else gets to touch it."
He grips my ass tight and growls. I gasp.

~1 hour of hot steamy sex later~
He sat in the edge of the bed putting his shirt. His scratched up back facing me where I lay with his button up around my upper body.
"So you were jealous?"
"Not jealous just pissed off that some random guy would treat you like that. I needed to make you feel respected and not scared of me."
"I wasn't..."
"You were. You were scared when you saw me knock the lights out of Nela. You were scared of me earlier. I know I'm a monster."
"You're not a monster to me."
"Yeah I am. I can't control my anger sometimes."
"Babe I know you'd never hurt me so it's fine."
"I just..." He bawls his fist around a handful of the sheets.
"Wait have you ever hit a girl?"
"No I just I'm afraid that one night I won't be able to control myself and I'll do something to you that I'll regret for the rest of my life."
"Come here." I open my arms and he turns around and crawls into my arms.
"Look I don't care about any of this. You have never ever laid a finger on me and I know you never will. You would do anything to protect me and I see that and I know that. You are my guardian angel and I love you. Yeah I'm afraid of you when you get angry at people and beat guys up but that's because of my past. I know why you beat them up whereas I never knew why my dad beat me. I never understood because the next minute when he was sober. I was daddy's little girl. I see the way you are with people you love and baby I get it. You protect any one who threatens them. You're not a monster and even so it doesn't matter because I am in love with you. If your a monster I'm in love with a monster." He smiles at me and kisses my forehead then we cuddle till the day ends.

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