Part 14

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Jackson's pov
I had an interview with some talk show lady and I was rather excited. It's was one of my first solo interviews and my first talk show interview. I was beyond excited. I wore a plain t-shirt and a pair of jeans with white sneakers. It was a rather plain outfit but I wasn't trying to be too flashy. I went out and waited till I was called out to stage. When she called me I walked out and hugged the host. Her name was Kris I believe with a K.
"Welcome Jackson!"
"Thank you!"
"So you released a song that's climbing the charts."
"Gentleman. I just want to say when I first heard this song I absolutely fell in love. I was hooked. You're very talented."
"Thank you very much."
"So you're going on tour with Jasmine Villegas, Shawn Mendes, and Fifth Harmony. Am I right?"
"Yeah really excited."
"So speaking of Fifth Harmony, you've been seen across their social medias. Always with this green eyed beauty."
"Yeah Lauren."
"What's up with that?"
"We're really close. Believe it or not I met them in Hawaii before I came to the states and me and her became really close because we kept in contact constantly while I was moving."
"She's very beautiful."
"Yeah very beautiful inside and out. She's kind, smart, hilarious, adorable, she like makes you feel like a teen. She always wants to do something to get in trouble. She's a little trouble maker. But she's a very sweet and caring girl. They are all quite lovely."
"Well you're gushing and blushing, does somebody have a crush."
"I should have a crush on a beautiful and lovely girl like that shouldn't I?" The audience yeahs.
"Well sorry all she's a very good friend."
"You sure there's not a little bit of a crush there?"
"Maybe. You know she's pretty amazing so it's always a possibility."
"So your accent, you're clearly from Australia. How was life growing up there?"
"Great I grew up with my dad and my mom and my half sister Sydney. It's pretty different than America, but kind of similar. It was a great childhood, a lot of fun and got me ready for life and help me get my dreams and believe in them."
"That's amazing well Jackson thank you for being here."
"No problem I enjoyed it."
"Jackson Danielson everybody!"
I waved and left the set then went home. I got in bed and decided to take a well deserved nap.

Lauren's pov
"Shit!" Dinah yells. I walk in there and there's water spraying everywhere until she turns it off. The others file in.
"What happened?" Ally asks.
"Dinah what did you do?" I yell.
"Nothing it's just broken."
"What're we gonna do?"
"I don't know do you know any handymen or plumbers."
"Well Jacksons pretty handy but.."
"Just call your boyfriend."
"Really Dinah?"
"Call him."
"But he is..."
"Why won't you call him if you said he was handy."
"I don't know I kind of get nervous talking to him."
"Why? You have a crush on him?" Camila asks hands crossed.
"No of course not baby I just he's so intimidating and I don't want him to get mad at him especially with the tour coming around."
"That's not a reason just call him."
"Ok jeez!" Truth be told I don't really want to face him after we kissed the other day.
I pulled out my phone and called him.
"Hey Jack!"
"Hey babe!"
"Don't call me that."
"Why not?"
"Because I have a girlfriend."
"Oh I'm sorry gay babe!"
"Ok that's just offensive."
"Ok then bisexual-babe!"
"Ok you need to stop you can not make a nickname from my sexuality."
"Gotta admit, those were pretty clever."
"They were not but anyways were having some plumbing trouble with our sink, think you could come by and check it out."
"Yeah but don't stare at my ass as I lean down at the sink darling."
"I can't make any promises."
"Wait will your psycho overprotective jealous girlfriend be there."
"Yeah but she's that way with good reason."
"I know but I feel like I'm gonna turn my back and she'll burn through me with her glares."
"Don't worry about that Hun just come on over and fix our plumbing and maybe just maybe I'll give you 10 bucks."
"I don't need your money what I want is a kiss."
"Because of your girlfriend?"
"You didn't think that the other day when you kissed me."
"Can we please not bring that up."
"Ok ok! I'll let it go I'll be over in 10 minutes."
"Thank you so much Jackson!"
"No problem babe!"
"Sorry I'm hanging up babe." Then the line went dead.
"Asshole." I mutter under my breath.
"So he's coming?"
"And which one of us was he talking about?" Dinah asks eagerly.
"He thinks that Camila will kill him because whenever he talks to me she glares at him."
"Cause your mine."
"Yeah well he's scared of you."
"Good, he'll stay away from my girl." She pecks my lips and walks up the stairs. The doorbell rings and run over to answer it.
"Hey sweetheart good to see you."
"We saw each other a few days ago."
"Yah but it's always a pleasure to be in your presence darling. Now where's that broken faucet."
"Over here in the kitchen it's Dinah's fault."
"Isn't it always." He walks into the kitchen and puts his tools to the side and starts looking at the pipes.
"Yeah it's a little bit of a doozy. It seems like the pipe is loose and the faucet it cracked but I can fix them both."
"How long will it take?"
"Uhm maybe an hour."
"Cool thanks for doing this."
"No problem I live to help."
He gets down on his knees and starts working on the pipes.
"I'll stay out of your way."
I walk out and head to Camila's room.
"Hey babe you busy?"
"Never too busy for you baby." I head to her bed side and cuddle her side.
"Jacksons fixing the sink."
"Hm. Babe did you see his newest interview with Kris?"
"Nope why?"
"Let me show you.
She's shows me part of it.
"So speaking of Fifth Harmony, you've been seen across their social medias. Always with this green eyed beauty."
"Yeah Lauren."
"What's up with that?"
"We're really close. Believe it or not I met them in Hawaii before I came to the states and me and her became really close because we kept in contact constantly while I was moving."
That's not so bad. He's just being sweet.
"She's very beautiful."
"Yeah very beautiful inside and out. She's kind, smart, hilarious, adorable, she like makes you feel like a teen. She always wants to do something to get in trouble. She's a little trouble maker. But she's a very sweet and caring girl. They are all quite lovely."
"Well you're gushing and blushing, does somebody have a crush."
"I should have a crush on a beautiful and lovely girl like that shouldn't I?" The audience yeahs.
"Well sorry all, she's a very good friend."
"You sure there's not a little bit of a crush there?"
"Maybe. You know she's pretty amazing so it's always a possibility."
I blush really hard.
"I don't see what's wrong with that babe."
"He has a crush on you."
"No he said that he should but he doesn't."
"Lauren he looks at you the way I look at you, he is only ever worried about you and only comes when you text him or call him."
"Camzi he just, we have a connection. When you save someone on the beach you develop a connection and he doesn't really have that with any of you other girls yet. I think he will develop it for sure but right now me and him are the closest. I am forever indebted to him. He saved my life. You are my one and only."
"Good. Now let's watch frozen."
"Nah I better go check on Jackson. He said it might not take that long and he might need something so in just gonna go see."
"Whatever." She scoffs. I shrug it off and go back downstairs. I see him working on the sink his tool belt on his body sweating. His biceps straining. May I tell you I have always found when a guy is fixing something and his biceps flex and frankly just seeing him being handy is incredibly sexy, like incredibly sexy.
"Stop staring at my ass Lauren. I'm feeling sexually harassed in the workplace."
"Shutup Jackson!"
"Why are you staring at me?"
"Because when a guy is really handy and his biceps are working like that's hot as hell."
"Lauren stop flirting it's getting embarrassing."
"Shutup I'm not flirting!"
"You sure about that?"
"Positive. So are you almost done." He stands up and turns around and lifts up the bottom of his shirt to wipe his face. I groaned at how toned his abs are. Not the first time I've seen them but it was so hot.
"Did you just groan?"
"I hit my arm on the counter."
"Liar. Anyways Uhm this is almost finished I just need to turn your water back on. Lead me there."
"Yeah sure." I lead him to the water filter and he turned it back on. We walk back to the kitchen and he turns the water on and the sink works perfectly. I clapped and squealed.
"Thank you so much Jackson you have no clue how much this means to me."
"Yeah it's not problem I would've been bored anyways. At home resting for the rest of the day. I am such a guy I can't stay still sometimes."
"Here your payment you get a hug from me." He walks over but trips on the rug and falls on top of me against the counter. His face was close to my you know...breast. He looked up and I couldn't help but get lost in his eyes. We stared at each other.
"Jackson your head is kind of." He leans up off of me.
"Oh right shit sorry! I got lost in your eyes." I giggle and roll my eyes.
"Your stupid pick up lines are getting ridiculous."
"Seriously? Damn it I thought they were working." He says jokingly. Someone coughs. Camila is standing in the doorway.
"Oh hey Camila!" Jackson says as if his head wasn't just like in my boobs.
"What were you doing to my girlfriend."
"Uhm you know we were just talking and she was gonna pay me in a hug and then I tripped and fell on top of her just like that. I wasn't trying to make a move or anything I swear. I'm not that kind of guy I swear. She's all yours don't worry about me. You know I'm just going to shut up and leave. Your sinks fixed have a great day." He rambles on.
"Calm down Jackson I understand I was just joking." Camila says laughing. Jackson let's out a small breath and held his hand to his chest.
"I thought you were in a like bite my head off or something."
"No I'd never don't worry about it. Mistimed moments like this happen all of the time."
"Ok that's good!"
"Plus I trust you and Lauren." She puts her arms around my neck and I kiss he back of my neck. I see Jackson slightly cringe and then grab his tools.
"I'll se you girls when your starts I have to go walk Jax or something." He says unconvincingly. Camila places small kisses on my shoulder Baldwin and Jackson had hurt evident on his face. He walked out of the kitchen anyways.

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