Part 39

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Jackson's pov
Today I was doing something I didn't want to do but if I didn't I knew I'd regret it. After continuous and inexorable nagging from Lauren I decided to go see mi familia. My dad threw me out but that's ok. I decided three weeks ago to do a hometown concert tomorrow and I wanted to invite them to come hear me. This was all Lauren's idea.

"Babe you can't avoid them forever."
"They're the ones avoiding me."
"Well what if something were to happen to them while you were away on tour or something. You would regret not seeing them."
"You're right but my dad is so stubborn and.."
"Be the bigger man and go to the house and see your mother and your half sister, and your grandmother."
"You don't understand they don't approve and I am cast out from the family and I don't belong there."
"Your grandmother did nothing, your mother did nothing,  your sister did nothing this is between you and your father. Be the man I know you are and go see your family."
"But Lau..."
"No buts I know you can do this and you will do this alright. I love you. Bye!"
Then she hung up on me. Of course she did.
Flashback over

I knocked on the door and my mother opened the door.
"Jackie!" She said and hugged me. I wasn't expecting this but I kind of hugged back.
"I missed you!"
"I missed you too mom!"
"Why haven't you come to visit."
"I've been busy with recording and tour and promo."
"You made it in America?"
"Yeah I'm actually pretty well known world wide."
"Oh I'm so proud of you son."
"Yes of course now come on in don't stand outside like that."
I smiled and walked into my childhood home. I followed my mom into the kitchen where she went busy making some lemonade or something.
"So how has your life been?"
"It's been crazy the fans, the tours, the music, the award shows, just crazy."
"Tell me everything."
We talked and laughed for hours. I told her all of my stories and including everything about Lauren.  She seemed to love her. I'm so happy that's over. She went online and ordered all of my music and I showed her how to use social media and before you knew it she was an active Jackiejack. We're working on the fandom name. How about jackinator. Yeah she was an active jackinator. Wait that sounds like ejactulator. Never mind it's still a work in progress. The door opened and my half sister came in with a little toddler boy.
"Jack!" My twenty one year old sister squealed while running to hug me.
"Hey Sydney how are you?"
"I missed you!"
"I know you did, I missed you too!"
"Why did you not come back."
"Dad told me if I was going to sing to never come back to this house."
"But he said that when he thought you wouldn't make it now you have so he will be so proud."
"I doubt that."
"Jackson you are so famous and successful and that's amazing. He will be proud that you made a living and used your gift. He will be proud."
"Sydney he won't be, I have to g..." The little boy tugs on Sydney's leg.
"Who's this little tyke?" I ask kneeling to his level.
"This is your nephew Tobias." I pick him up.
"Hi there Tobias.....wait nephew?"
"Yeah!" She slightly smiled.
"Uhm Oliver."
"Where is he?"
"Uhm he ditched us."
"Where is this asshole so I can beat his ass!"
"He left."
"Does dad know?"
"Does dad know? Dad tried to kill me. I mean he doesn't improve he looks at the child and snarls. I just want to get a job and get the hell out of here. No offense mom."
"None taken your father holds grudges." She says making Tobias' bottle.
"I better leave before dad gets home."
"No please Jackson stay! I want you to be here because I missed you."
"Ok I'll stay for dinner but that's it."
I played with Tobias and sang to him. He laughed and messed with my hair. He's so cute. He's quickly becoming my favorite nephew. Then all of this joy was stopped when my dad walked in.
"Hey dad."
"Oh boy both of my disappointments in one room what is it Christmas?" He says sarcastically.
"Dinner time." Mom says and we all file into the dining room to eat.
She lays delicious looking salmon onto plates with rice and broccoli. We pray over the food and eat in silence.
"So Jackson what have you been doing lately?" My mom asks knowing exactly what I've been up to.
"Recording music, touring, and meeting fans."
"So you're doing well?" My dad asks.
"Actually yes dad."
"So you have an album?"
"W...well I have an EP which is like a shorter version of an Album. I have a few hit singles. I'm currently working on some new music with my pal Justin Bieber."
"You headlined a tour? That's when you know that you've made it."
"W..well no, Uhm I went on tour opening for this band fifth harmony, I did a promo appearance tour."
"You've won awards for your music?"
" but I'm nominated for a few awards but I have not won yet."
"So you're just as much of a loser as you were when you left the house?"
"Dad I write music with passion. I have great songs and I'm talented. I have a gift dad. It's not about the awards it's about the music. It's poetry, it's about the fans. I help them through some really hard times. I have gotten them through abusive families or relationships, I've had people tell me that I saved them that they were suicidal until they heard my music. It's about making a difference in their lives."
"If you don't have any awards then clearly you don't have fans. You can sing so what. That's not an art form this foolish music you play. That's not a solid living. You need a solid job, a wife, kids, you need to do something good with your life."
"I am dad my music is making a difference."
"Sure it is."
"God damn it dad! I dot need ou to tell me how to live my life. I need you to support me ok? I need you to be the father that you never were when I was younger!"
"I was the best father I got you everything you wanted! Don't ever say you didn't have a good childhood!"
"I never wanted that shit dad! I just wanted you to be around and support me. To at least listen to me play the guitar watch my piano classes do something to support me but you were always busy with everyone else!"
"You are a failure accept that!"
"I can't do this!" I got up front the table.
"Thank you for the dinner mom. I came here to tell you in having a concert in the park if you wanted to come. All of your names are on the list so you can just walk in! I'm leaving!"
I left the house slamming the door. I got in my car and sped back to my aunts house. He's so ridiculous. It was good to see Sydney and mom and meet my nephew. So Lauren was right but I can't deal with my dad.

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