Part 29

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Jackson's pov
I woke up and saw Lauren cradled in my arms. I pulled her closer and she nuzzled her head in my neck.
"I love you." She murmurs into my neck and kissed it s few times.
"You're awake?"
"Maybe!" She opens one eye.
"How are you feeling?"
"Still throaty, still nauseous but it's going away I should go take my medicine."
"Ok well let's get your medicine."
I stand up and walk grab her medicine.
"It says here I'm supposed to put it in your tea."
"Ugh fine let's go!" She stands up but I go and pick her up bridal style. She wraps her arms around my neck and nuzzles her head into the crook of her shoulder.
I walk into the kitchen and Camila is already there drinking out of a mug.
"Hey how's she doing?"
"Okay well I made some hot water for tea."
"Perfect thanks Camila."
"Mhm don't mention it." Camila leaves and I set Lauren in a chair. I put two cups on the counter and filled them with water. I then put her medicine in one and a chai tea packet in mine and honey in both I used spoons and mixed it around. I handed her hers and took mine. We stared at each other as we drank the tea. I heard the door open and close and footsteps into the kitchen.
"Why are you staring at each other?" Ally said from the doorway and we shrugged.
"Lauren what the hell youre still contagious!" Pia practically screams. Ally slowly backs away and covers her face.
"Well I don't want to stay in my room all day."
"Fine but cover your mouth, you live with 4 other girls whose lives you are putting at risk!"
Lauren rolled her eyes.
"Strep throat can't kill you."
"Well actually..." I start.
"It can't kill you." Lauren clarifies again giving me the 'shut the fuck up' eyes.
"Lauren please just put something over your mouth please!"
Ally sneaks up behind Lauren and puts a face mask on her. Lauren squirms and leans her head back to glare at Ally.
"Hey I'm not trying to get Ebola!"
"I don't have Ebola!" Lauren whines.
"Those aren't even the symptoms of Ebola." I say chuckling.
"Thank you!" Lauren says exasperated and gestures towards me.
Dinah walks into the kitchen.
"Hey so what did the doctor say is it Ebola!"
Lauren rolls her eyes.
"It's not Ebola."
"That's what they all say right before they have Ebola ." Dinah says grabbing a yogurt from the fridge.
Normani walks in and goes to get some stuff to make a smoothie from the fridge. Camila walks in after her and sees the face mask and looks confused then shrugs and grabs a banana. Lauren gets up and hugs Normani.
"Mani!" She squeals.
"Lau get away from me you're sick!" Mani pushes her off.
"Calm down Ally got me a face mask."
"I'm not trying to get Ebola."
"Oh my god I don't have Ebola!" She practically yells annoyed. I start laughing at the reactions of these girls.
"It hasn't been in the U.S. For more than a year even more!"
"Still!" Dinah says. "You never know. Could always be zicca."
Lauren groans in annoyance and then walks and sits on my lap. I wrap my arms around her.
"See he doesn't care!"
"He has to not care, otherwise he gets in trouble!"
"Word!" They all agree.
"No that's not true! I just don't care if she's sick as long as she doesn't kiss me and pass it on that's how you get Ebola!" I say with a smirk.
"Oh my god I'm going upstairs all of you are getting on my nerves!" She says trying to walk away but I keep hold of her.
"Calm down Lauren I was just joking." I pull her into me and kiss her shoulder.
"Too late I'm already annoyed with all of you!"
"Are you sure about that!"
"Yes Jackson" She tries to get out of my grip but I'm so much stronger than her. She starts to squeal and squirm.
"Are you still annoyed?"
"Yes now let me go cause I'm getting more annoyed."
"Ok then you leave me no choice." I start tickling her sides. She laughs and squirms.
"Stop babe no I d...this is're so....annoying...I hate you....stop!" I stop.
"You still annoyed?"
"No now leave me!" She says and releases herself from my grip. I chase her into the living room and spear her into the couch. She laughs and I nuzzle my head into her stomach.
"Bye love birds we have to go to rehearsal."
"Bye!" We say together and she cuddles closer into me.
"We will be back in about 4 hours ok?"
"I'll take care of her!"
"You better!
They leave and we cuddle together and watch Disney movies. My head rested on her chest. She plays with my hair, basically messing it up. I didn't care because i had nowhere to be and no one to see.
"Babe do you ever think about the future?" She asks as we watch the wedding in Cinderella.
"Yeah all the time."
"What do you think about?"
"Well for me I want to be married before I'm thirty with kids later and definitely a successful career. I mean it I'm getting older I'm 25 and my future is not that far away."
"I know I have my whole life ahead of me so much time and you are dwindling away old man."
"You know in a few years when you're ready you can be my wife and we can have little Cuban-Aussie babies while living in Hawaii next door to DJ and Nela."
"Woah, woah, woah firstly no we're never living in Hawaii with our kids too many ways for them to die and secondly like hell I'll live next to DJ, she'll probably make them into her little mini demon assistants." I chuckle.
"Fine then where do you want to live?" I kiss her neck waiting for her to answer.
"Well maybe in Australia because that's where you grew up plus I've always wanted to live in another country." I lean up and smile.
"You would wanna raise our kids in Australia probably the most dangerous country next to like Syria just because I grew up there?"
"Yeah I mean Miami is great and LA even better but I don't know I guess I just don't think either place is a great place to raise a kid."
"What would our kids names be?" I lift up her shirt and kiss her stomach.
"I've actually thought about this. For a girl either Angelina or Kalani and for a boy Francisco or After my husbands name."
"So Jackson Danielson-Jauregui Jr. I like it!"
"Or Kalani Danielson Jauregui."
"Or Lauren Danielson Jauregui the second."
"Or Francisco Danielson-Jauregui."
"You know we should probably have sex before we think about this."
"Mhm sex with you sounds good, but I don't want to infect you."
"How about I do you..." I kiss down her stomach and her eyes go wide.
"Babe the girls will be back anytime now.
"So that makes it so much more fun." I lick a pattern right above her pants line. I pull her pants down and start kissing lower.
"Babe no! We can't!"
"Cmon babe I want to make you feel better."
I kiss even lower.
"Babe I want to but you said it yourself you want it to be special, it's not special if I'm sick and we almost get caught."
"You know what you're right another time. This isn't what I want to be the first time I pleasure you to be like."
"Let's just cuddle and watch the little mermaid."
"Ok!" I cuddle into her with my head on her chest and my hand at the hem of her shirt. Her mask was cutely set on her face and her hair perfectly placed behind her head. I saw her eyes start to close although it's her favorite movie. She's probably just tired from the sickness. I start to drift off because I have no other reason to stay awake.

"Aww their so cute!"
"Why is his hand up her shirt?"
"We were gone for 4 hours who knows what they were doing."
"Gosh I hate them together!"
"Camila stop being selfish she's happy and that's what matters."
"I swear if he hurts her...."
"Shut up Camila he won't hurt her and anyways you're really one to talk."
"I still love her DJ."
"It doesn't matter. You fucked up and Jackson loves her and she loves him and he treats her right unlike you."
"Shit they're waking up!"
"Babe.." Lauren whines above me.
"I'm right here." I say sleepily.
"I want grilled cheese."
"Ok I'll go make you some grilled cheese."I groggily.
"Baby I want soup too."
"Ok baby girl I'll make you some soup too."
"Yes Campbell's."
"Thank you baby." I got up and wiped the sleep out of my eyes. I see Dinah and Camila standing there as expected.
"Hey ladies how was rehearsal?"
"Good how was your alone time?" Dinah asks smirking.
"She shut me down. I tried though."
"Shut up I'm sick!" Lauren kicks me. I chuckle.
"I was two inches away!"
"Stop telling them about our sex life!"
"Ah jeez I didn't need to hear that!"  Ally says walking back out of the room having just entered.
"Y'all are nasty!"
"We haven't even..."
"I swear Jackson tell them one more word about this and there won't be a sex life!" Lauren says eyes open now.
"Okay fiesty! Hope you're this frisky in bed."
"Jackson shut up I'm not kidding with you!" I laugh and stand up and go to the kitchen to make her soup. I'm lazy so I just used a Cambell's chicken noodle soup and got some bread and like five types of cheeses. I get a text from Dinah and it's of me and Lauren sleeping so I decide to post it on Instagram.
Sorry I had to cancel my upcoming appearance but I had to rush back home because my baby was in the hospital and she's not feeling well, so I had to take care of her. Get well soon baby❤️

I post that and take Lauren her soup and sandwich.
"I look horrible in that picture." She says crossing her arms.
"You can't look horrible it's physically impossible." I kiss her cheek and watch her blush.
"You know you guys should do that elsewhere." Camila says snarkily.
"Sorry the sick girl gets first dibs." Lauren says and kisses my lips through her mask.

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