Part 20

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Jacksons pov

Me and Lauren were sitting on my bus as we rode down the road. Shawn was on the girls bus with Camila basically we switched. I was excited to spend so much time with Lauren. Finally we could be together, no more Camila, no more barriers. She's so amazing, she's intelligent, sweet, kind of dorky in a cute way, and she's just so fun to be around. We were watching reruns of American Horror Story, one of the many shows we both love. She rested her head on my lap as I placed sour patch kids into her mouth and she guessed the flavor.
"Uhm green apple!"
"Correct again."
"OK one more!"
"Ok!" SHe closes her eyes and put a sour patch kids ticking out of my mouth and as she ate it I captured her lips in mine. She smiled into the kiss.
"It tastes like blueberry and hot boyfriend!"
"Ding-ding-ding!" She giggles her adorable giggle.
"so princess you want to talk about the blades I found in your bunk when I went to get your phone or not right now?" Her smile faded.
"I wasn't planning on using them I just didn't get around to disposing of them, I haven't had any urges or triggering events and I just didn't throw them out."
"Ok I just gotta make sure my girl is ok!"
"I'm fine baby, I'll throw them out tomorrow!"
"Good!" I tuck her hair behind her head and rub her temple with my thumb.
"Now you have talked to your father?"
"No he wont answer my calls or maybe Australia is just too far."
"Maybe but don't stop trying alright?"
"I wont and how are you and your family?"
"Well I actually wanted to tell you that my dad called and told me how proud he was of me and how sorry he was so abusive growing up."
"He did?"
"That's good."
"yeah it is good but lets not talk about sad stuff tell me about your EP!"
"Lauren you co produced half the songs."
"Yeah but not the other half so come on what're they about?"
"Youll find out tonight I'm singing my entire EP tonight."
"That's so cool but i feel as your girlfriend that I should hear it first!"
"Hm sorry baby girl I would love to but I have some surprises!"
"Ooh now I really want to hear it!"
"Sorry I promise for my album you will be the first to listen ok?"
"Maybe ok will be our always!" I say and she laughs.
"Alright you two we have arrived at our destination!" The driver says.
I frown.
"So now I can't be all affectionate with you?" I ask with a frown.
"Don't worry baby we will have our chance once the effects of my life story kind of cool down and we can tell them." She assures me.
"Ok because it's really hard to refrain from kissing you every time I see you!"
"Well you can kiss me right now to tie you over till we can hold each other once again!" She smirks.
"Well don't mind if I do!" We kiss for maybe like 10 seconds before pulling out. We exit the bus and walk to where we see two sleepy girls.
"Hey zombies how you feeling?" I ask them.
"Really awful!" Ally sulks and leans on Normanis shoulder.
"What happened?" Lauren asks.
"First Dinah kept us up all night scaring us of pranking us!" Normani explains "and then Camila and Shawn were making out and it was making all kinds of disgusting slurping sounds. I swear to god those two made out for 2 hours straight!" Ally elaborates
"Then I just couldn't get those disgusting sounds out of my head."
"How was it on Jacksons bus?" Ally asks Lauren.
"Great we watched a movie and ate Mac and cheese before going to sleep."
She wasn't completely lying except she left out the making out part.
"You're lucky you volunteered to switch so that Shawn could sleep on our bus!" Dinah comes out of nowhere.
"Hey take one for the team it was either that or being awkward and hearing my ex make out with her new boyfriend. Plus me being me probably would've been uber tired and yelled something sassy and started a fight."
"Truth you speak Jauregui!" Dinah says mocking some sort of an old Shakespearean accent or speech inflection if you wanna be fancy about it.
"So Lauren did you talk to your boy toy last night?"
"All night!" She says smiling.
"Lauren you really have moved on from her haven't you?" Normani says proudly.
"Yes I have buried her in my past!"
Oh and before you freak out like I know you will and then you'll start making assumptions and stuff. Lauren told me all about her and Camila's talk and the kiss. No she's not hiding that from me. The couple walked off the bus hand in hand. They were smiling.
"So sound check?" I ask and they all nod and we all head to be mic Ed and I got to talking with Jasmine.
"So jaz, jazzy, Jay what's good in your hood?" I ask and she cracks up.
"What isn't that a phrase Americans use?" She shakes her head.
"Stop laughing at me!" I whine and cross my arms. She puts a hand on my arm as she bends over laughing.
"I'm sorry I'm sorry! Wow you have nice biceps!" She says squeezing my bicep.
"Yeah I've been working out and grinding the oil!"
"What?" She bursts out laughing again.
"I'm sorry I'm not good at this whole American phrases thing."
"Don't worry about it, it's just really funny!" She laughs again. I look up and see Lauren glaring at Jasmine but when she sees I've noticed she puts her head back down into her phone.
"Ok I need to talk to you about something serious!" Jasmine says.
"What's up?"
"Shawn has been shamelessly flirting with me for weeks and I'm not sure if I should say anything to Mila?"
"Well if you feel like he's trying to bag you or something then definitely!" She laughs out.
"I'm sorry it's just really hard to have a conversation with you given the phrases you use."
"No but really if you think it's getting inappropriate then definitely tell Camila!"
"But he's kind of cute!"
"But Jasmine you know that he's dating Mila!"
"Yeah but come on now she cheated on Lauren so she needs to know how it feels!"
"You know you can't do that! I know you all love Lauren and want to stand up for her and all that stuff, it isn't right to hurt Camila still!"
"Yeah but..."
"No buts Jasmine promise you won't do that to Camila!"
"Fine I won't!"
"Pinky swear?"
"Yes pinky swear!" She locks her pinky with mine.
"Jasmine it's time for your sound check!" Her manager comes over to her and tells her.
"Ok thanks for the talk Jack!"
"Of course darling go have fun!" She walks off for sound check and later I do the same and then the girls. They get hair and makeup so I stood next to Lauren and whispered things in her ear and stuff, she'd giggle and then whisper back.
"Get outta her ear Danielson!" Camila yells at me. I roll my eyes but back away. I walk over to Dinah Jane.
"Hey DJ!"
"Hey Jack!"
"What's up?"
"Nothing just texting Nela!"
"Oh how's he doing?"
"He's good, he says hi!"
"Well tell him I said high back!" She giggles.
"Hey Jack what's your EP like?"
Lest be the show tonight darling and you'll see!"
"You're performing it?"
"Yes I am!" She squeals.
"Yes I so wanna hear it!"
"Well ok then only like four more hours to wait!" She groans remembering how far the show is from now.
"Oh shit tour diaries!" I yell and then run to my backpack and pull out my camera. I film all of the girls getting ready and what not and even managed to catch Normani and Dinah dancing in the halls.
"Guys I'm taking you to a meet and greet!" I say into the camera in a really awful American accent. I take the camera with me as we all walk down to the meet and greet. I had my manager film it for me.
"Hey beautiful!" I say to a smaller girl maybe 10 or 11.
"Hi Jackson!"
"What's up!" I high five her.
"You're so cool!"
"Thank you darling but you look rather cool yourself look at these sparkles." She giggles. We take a picture together and I gave her an autograph. She left and moved on to 5H. Another girl came up next and she was about 16 I think. We took a picture but as she was walking away I saw scars on her wrists under her shirt cuff. I pulled her back over to me.
I grabbed her hand and she looked really confused. I pulled up her sleeves. There were scars up her entire arm.
"Sweetheart please never again! I love you!" I said kissing her wrist. She started tearing up but nodded. I hugged her and wiped the tears from her eyes before she had to go. The meet and greet went forward but I couldn't stop thinking about that girl. I saw my gorgeous girlfriend and that completely slipped my mind.
"Hey baby girl!" I said and she smiled and hugged me.
"You seem tense what's wrong?" She asks concerned.
"I just something... A fan she had like scars up both of her arms like to her elbow and there were at least like 50!" I tell her. She covers her mouth in shock.
"Oh my god that's a lot wow that's hard! It must've rocked you!"
"It did just she could have died from the amount she had!" Lauren hugged me and calmed me down.
"It's ok baby!" She mumbles until I calm down.

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