Part 58

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Lauren's pov
Jackson never called me. I don't know what's up with him. Is he still mad about the whole Jacob thing. I hope not. It's been three days. I saw his Twitter post in the suit. He's being very passive aggressive and it's really annoying. If you have an issue just talk to me. I called him a few times but he never answered.
I called him again this time he did answer.
"Hey babe."
"What's wrong?"
"Somethings up what's wrong."
"Nothing's up Lauren Jesus."
"Okay why are you acting so annoyed and why haven't you been answering your phone."
"I was hanging with Kendall and Kylie and Alli."
"So you're hanging with her again?"
"Yeah Lauren because you can't control my friends."
"Jackson I just asked you not to hang out with her. Only her. I don't like the fact that she likes you."
"Too bad!"
"Jackson you're being annoying. I'm sorry if this is about Jacob but I don't like him like that. I just think he's rather smooth and would be perfect for Dinah."
"Oh my god Lauren! You just don't cease to be oblivious."
"He's just a good Friend for tour."
"That's the issue Lauren."
"If I can't tell you not to hang out with Alli, then you can't tell me not to hang out with Jacob."
"Why do you always want to fight Lauren."
"We hardly fight babe. You're being absolutely ridiculous. I can't believe you're jealous of someone I'm not even into."
"You don't have to be into someone to have sex."
"Are you accusing me of cheating on you?"
"No I'm just putting it out there."
"Why would I do that?"
"I didn't say that you are cheating but I'm saying that your persistence of flirting and spending time with him doesn't help your case."
"I don't have a case. I'm not cheating on you and I never would in the future."
"I know that Lauren. I know that and that's not what I'm saying."
"Then what are you saying then Jackson because it sounds a hell of a lot like you don't trust me." I see the girls and Jacob walk in but I ignore them.
"I'm not saying that. I do trust you. Do you seriously not see the issue."
"You can't expect me to just discover what you mean. Like oh my god I'm not a fucking psychic."
"If you don't know why I feel this way then your dumber than I thought."
"Why are you so pissed? You're the one spending every waking moment with Kendall and Alli. I have no time to even hang out really. I'm always moving."
"Lauren just...I'm hanging up on your stupid ass."
"Fuck you." I yell into the phone and slam it on the table.
"Lolo you ok?"
"No my boyfriends being an asshole!"
"What's going on?"
"I don't want to talk about it." I say walking to the back lounge and closing the door. I start crying. I just want to know what I did wrong so I can fix it. What did I say? What did I do?

I sent some passive aggressive tweets and then laid down silently sobbing. I knew this tour was going to be hard. It's my first your without him since we started dating.

No ones pov
"Lauren Jauregui seen out and about with Jacob Whitesides not wearing her promise ring. Trouble in paradise with boyfriend Jackson Danielson?"

"Jackson Danielson seen partying with the Jenners and getting too close for comfort with oldest sister Kendall."

"Lauren has stopped wearing her ring all together. It's not on her necklace and inside source says they haven't talked in weeks. Is the tour breaking the couple apart."

"Jackson Danielson yells at Paparazzi when asked about girlfriend Lauren Jauregui."

"Jacob Whitesides and Lauren Jauregui taking cozy cuddling pic on tour bus."

"Jackson Danielson and rumored fling Kendall Jenner caught at dinner holding hands."

"Is Jackauren over?"

"Lauren Jaureguis band mate Camila Cabello says she cries over him every night but has fun with Jacob Whitesides."

"Jackson Danielson posts teary red eyed picture on Twitter. Why is the young superstar crying? Over his rumored broken relationship with Lauren Jauregui."

"Jackson Danielson is set to be in New York the same time as rumored ex girlfriend Lauren Jauregui's band fifth harmony's tour stops there."

Jackson's pov
I'm an asshole. I've been ignoring Lauren's calls and going out with the girls she's jealous of. She shouldn't even be jealous she's perfect. I decided to head to New York a day early to talk to her. I got off the plane and was driven to my rented apartment for the time I'll be recording. I dropped off my stuff and then left to go to her hotel. I got there and Dinah opened the door.
"What're you doing here?"
"I came to see Lauren. I've been being an asshole and I need to apologize."
"Well she's occupied right now."
"Alright I'll wait." I sit next to the door.
"You would sit outside her hotel this late to talk to her?"
"Yeah no matter how long it takes so that I can make it right."
"Alright get your ass in here." I stand up and walk inside. All of the girls are sitting around while Lauren sat at the counter of their suite's kitchen island. Jacob was talking to her from across the room. She hung her head down not really interested. I shushed everyone in the room with a little signal then I walked over to her and stood between her legs. She looked up and rolled her eyes and tried to get away.
"Stop Lauren I'll win in the end."
"What're you doing here?"
"I came to apologize for being an asshole. Can we talk?"
"Sure." She leads me to what I assume is her room. I follow her to the room and she pats a space on her bed next to her. I sit down.
"Can you first tell me why you were mad?"
"When you told me about Jacob I was a little jealous at first the way you were praising him and all and then when you assured me that he was just a friend you said that he was just a tour friend and that you could never fall in love with him especially since you were in a relationship and I got upset."
"Because that's how we fell in love. On tour while you were dating Camila."
"I got upset because it's like you were saying that you didn't love me when we started dating which is what you told so I just got pissed because it's like you were saying you were stuck with me and then somehow fell in love."
"That's not at all what I meant babe."
"Then you said he was smooth and suave and made it seem like I wasn't so I kind of got even more pissed."
"Jackson that's not what I meant I just meant that just because we were friends on tour didn't mean I was gonna fall in love and ditch you. I'm too far in Love with you to do that. And then whole suave thing. First you gotta admit you're really clumsy. But anyways, you look suave when you get dressed up and such but he's suave in the way he flirts with Dinah and compliments her smooth like its second nature. And you don't need to look suave because to me you're sexy as hell." I chuckle.
"And the whole Kendall thing was actually because she had some personal things she was working through and I know you told me holding hands pisses you off so I wanted to kind of be passive aggressive and piss you off. The whole too close for comfort thing was us bumping into each other. And when I hung out with Alli she literally invited herself when Kendall said her and Kylie were hanging out with me. She just showed up too. I never ever meant to hurt you or make you cry and I was an asshole for the things I did. Can you forgive me?"
"Yes. And I'm sorry for making you think I had a crush on Jacob! If we're being real I think Camila does although she has a boyfriend." We both laugh.
"So can we go back to us being in love and pukeably annoyingly cute."
"Yeah we can. And by the way you look really sexy in a suit." She winks and gets up about to leave the room but I pull her back and onto my lap. She squeals. I place my hands on her ass and she climbs up on top of me. We stare at each other for awhile and then I can't take it anymore and crash our lips together. They move together for a second her hands moving slightly on my neck to pull me in further and keep my face in place.
"So you hungry?"
"Actually yes."
"Why don't I eat first." I kiss down her neck but she pushes me off."
"Shutup Jackson!" She playfully hits me.
"Fine let's go get a burger then."
"I'd like that." She dragged me and opened the door and falling in comes Ally, Camila, Normani, and Jacob. Dinah was across the room on the couch.
"I told them they'd get their asses caught." Dinah says not even looking up from her phone or turning around.
"Sorry if I caused any issues with you guys." Jacob says.
"No worries I was an idiot not your fault." We bro hug and then I greet all of the girls.
Lauren drags me to the door.
"Babe hurry up I'm hungry." She whines.
"Ok I'm coming." I let her drag me out of the door and we head to a burger place. Let me tell you New York is an amazing place. There are so many beautiful buildings and there's so many different races and ethnicities of people. Last time I was here I didn't get to really appreciate the beauty of everything. We'd been walking for a few blocks hand in hand when we finally spoke.
"The city is really beautiful."
"Weren't you here for like a month?"
"I was so busy I didn't get the chance to really appreciate how amazing it really is. I saw the airport, the area around my apartment, and the studio."
She leads me down these steps that lead to what I presume is the subway. We both got metro cards and got onto the train we rode for a while with her head on my shoulder until we got off.

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