Part 23

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Lauren's pov
I laid in Jackson's bunk two days after the meltdown. It's been pretty great because we have been on the road for two days straight so no seeing the girls. Shawn didn't come back after that night he probably stayed over there. Sleeping and kissing Camila. I don't even care anymore it's just annoying how she tries to shove their relationship down my throat. It frustrates me.

I woke up snuggled in his arms. My hand resting on his chest. I always feel so safe in his arms. He made me forget about my issues, my past, he replaced that with love. I realized his hand was slightly up my shirt not like all the way up but still holding my stomach. I don't really mind though. His hand is warm and soft. I kiss his neck softly. He began to stir
"Morning baby!" I said and he smiled.
"Morning my love!"
"So we have like 20 minutes till we get there but then we have to wait for 30 minutes to get off for hair and all that stuff. I walked my fingers across his chest.
"So what do you want to do?" He asks. I smirk.
"Glad you asked." I leaned forward and locked my lips in his.
"Wait I have morning breath!" He says.
"I don't care!"
"Well I do I want to taste good for you!" I laughed.
"Ok here!" I pull out a box of tic tacs and hand him one. I ate one as well because why not. I locked out lips together again and they moved together. I climbed so i was straddling him and locked my fingers in his hair pulling him in. I racked my hands up his abs and chest to his neck. He poked my lip with his tongue and I granted him access. He moved his tongue against mine until I gained dominance. He moaned. I kissed down his chin and into his neck before finding his sweet spot and and sucking on it. He moaned and then he stopped me as my tongue licked down towards his chest.
"Lauren I would love for you to keep going but we can't!"
"I want our first time to be special!"
"Jackson I'm not a virgin! Are you?"
"No it's just I want our first time to be special and not in a bunk on a tour bus I want to treat you right. That's my biggest relationship rule."
That made me smile.
"I love you!" I said and pecked his lips. There was a small mark on his neck barely noticeable.
"I'm gonna make a bigger mark next time though!" I said biting my lip. He chuckled.
"Hope so!"
"Mm eager are we?"
"Yes because you're incredibly sexy!"
"Am I?"
"Yes and you make me wanna put my hands all over you."
"Then do it!" I tease. He smirks and brings his fingers up my arm and then places his hands just under my shirt across my stomach. My breathing hitched at the contact of his fingers. My eyes close as he moves his hands up my thighs before slipping to my butt. He moved them under my shirt up my back lingering slightly over my bra hook. I wanted him to unhook it but we just went over the whole no sex right now thing. His hands moved around over to the front of my bra and over my breasts. I gasped under his touched but bit my lip instead of moaning. His touch is so delicate and soft, it's sexy. His hand caressed my face ever so lightly and brushed down my neck slightly. My chest was slowly moving up and down when his fingertips touched.
"You better stop doing that baby or we may have to break your rule and go find a secluded room." I say smirking my eyes now opened. His breath slowed again and his darkened eyes lighten at my words.
"So shall we get ready?"
"I'm wearing your clothes again!" I say. He nods and walks to where he keeps his articles of clothing. He hands me one of his long sleeve shirts and I put on a pair of jeans I had already. I ponytailed my hair and I turned to see he was in jeans and a short sleeve black button up. He put on some leather sneakers that are black and gold. He put on a gold bonsai tree necklace. He had to get dressed for the interview before hand because he doesn't have specific clothes for his interview because his management doesn't micro manage him like a little puppy dog. We left the bus and went to where the girls were sitting in their sweatpants and hoodies.
"Hello ladies!" I say to the girls.
"Lau we are so sorry for what happened with Camila and all that!"
"It's fine guys not your fault it's hers! Jackson had my back I just needed time to cool down."
"Completely understandable!"
"I don't blame you guys." I say and sit on Dinah's lap.
"Why do you guys look tired!"
"I don't know and don't want to know what Camila and Shawn were doing last night but it involved moaning all night and it just got so weird. I couldn't sleep I was so traumatized!" Dinah says. I laugh but listen.
"Hey Lau is that Jackson's shirt?" Normani asks conveniently when Camila was walking up to us.
"Yes!" I say trying to bite back my smile.
"What is up with you two?" She asks and I glance at Camila who looks bored.
"Well..." I look at Jackson who was kneeling next to me. "Should we tell them?" I ask him.
He smiles and nods.
"Well?" Camila asks bitterly. I roll my eyes.
"Wait are you guys?" Ally asks pointing between us. I look at him.
"Do it!" I say and he kisses me. The girls whoop and cheer.
"Finally!" Dinah says.
"Pay up!" Normani says to Ally who hands her 50 dollars.
"What is going on?" Jackson asks just as confused as I was.
"Wait were you guys betting on if we were secretly dating!"
"And I already knew. I saw you guys making out backstage!" Dinah says.
"And I didn't believe her which cost me 50 dollars!" Ally says.
"Why wasn't I in on this!" Camila says.
"Probably because your a bitch!" I murmur under my breath and Dinah heard because I'm sitting on her and she laughed.
"What's so funny?" Camila asks snarkily.
"Nothing!" I snap back.
"Wait did you know she saw us?" I ask Jackson. He looks away.
"You know I don't remember we've made out so many times backstage I wouldn't even know!" He lies.
"Jesus how long have you guys been together?" Ally asks
"About a month!" I say and their jaws drop.
"What? That long!" Normani asked .
"You know when I had that like total honesty session! Yeah like a few days after that!"
"Wait but I thought you had a date that day with your boyfriend and then you ran into Jackson and..." Ally rambles off.
"I'm gonna let you think about that." I said leaning back into Dinah.
"Oh you two were on a date!"
"There you go Ally you got it!"
"So you guys have been hiding it from us?" Camila asked kinda pissed.
"Hm well I felt like I had put a lot on you guys with like my past life and stuff and then this just kind of happened and I didn't want to throw it at you plus it was kind of fun sneaking around to make out."
Camila is fumed.
"Lauren can I talk to you like about what happened?" Camila asks.
"Sure!" I walk over to the side where Camila did.
"So Lauren I'm sorry about what I said the other night and stuff!"
"It's cool Camz I forgive you!" She smiles wide.
"What?" I ask
"You called me Camz!"
"Oh force of habit I guess!"
"I like it when you call me that."
"Lauren I really do miss you!"
"Please Camila not this again!"
"Come on Lau I want to be better! I want another chance. I think I've matured and I really want you back!"
"Camila I am over it! I'm with Jackson now and he loves and cares about me and that's what I need. I don't need someone like you!"
"Lauren he's like on some fucking steroids. Those muscles aren't real!"
"First no he's not! And second I don't like him for his muscles all though not a bad trait."
"Lauren he's not genuine! I know guys like him they find piteous girls they can be sorry for and make them feel special only to break their hearts!"
"So I'm piteous now?"
"Yes...wait no no! I just mean like he feels sorry for you! Your gonna be a fuck and Chuck to him!"
"Camila I'm not a fucking charity case and he cares about me. He won't take me for granted like you and he doesn't feel bad for me, he's the one who told me he wanted to wait for sex I made the first move and he shut me down because he wants it to be special!"
"Lauren he's lying to make it feel that way to make it better for him."
"Why would he or anyone else do that? What does he gain from that? Nothing! Camila I'm so sick and tired of you trying to manipulate me into going back to you! I will never go back! I don't wanna go back!"
"Lauren he's not that attractive god you could do so much better!"
"I'm getting really pissed off! You are the last person who should ever be giving me relationship advice. For your information I find him incredibly sexy. I couldn't do better because he's perfect!"
"Lauren I'm just telling the truth you're trying to avoid!"
I start walking away.
"You know what Camila shut the fuck up I'm walking away but I swear to god if you say one more fucking word about my boyfriend I won't hesitate to slit your fucking throat, you fucking bitch! So fuck you!" I yell before walking off to backstage. Completely ignoring the faces of shock plastered on everyone else's face. I went backstage and gotcha bed for the interview. They had my outfit already out and then I got hair and makeup in silence as the other girls got theirs. Jackson walked in later and said something to Dinah before walking over to Camila. I didn't know what was happening but I didn't like it.

Camila's pov
I've been such a bitch. I just feel so lonely. Yeah I have Shawn but I mean Lauren is who I really love. Why did I do what I did? I don't know it was dumb but I love her and I can't believe I lost her. I was a terrible girlfriend I know that but even still. It just frustrates me that she moved on already. I was trying to work towards asking for a second chance but he was always in my way and now I've completely lost her. I know it's my fault but I'll never admit that out loud.

I sat on a couch backstage watching Lauren get hair and makeup. She looked so gorgeous. I just wanted to kiss her face. I miss her so much. She's so perfect everything I said the other night was me trying to make myself believe it because she was never a waste of time, she is incredibly beautiful, so super kind, and her sassiness is really hot. I'm just in denial that I let all of that go. She's that plus more and I let her walk out of my life. I'm an idiot.
Jackson walked into the room and talked to Dinah for a second then towards me.
"Camila can we talk!" He says and I nod and lead him to a back room.
"Hum hey Jack what's up?"
"I'm going to need you to stay away from my girlfriend!"
"Yeah this isn't about jealousy at all. I honestly don't have any insecurities that she'd leave me for you no offense it's just she's not the kind of person to go back to heartbreak when it was something reoccurring in her life that caused the trust issues and fear of commitment she has today."
"Ok fair enough I just why do I have to stay away?"
"Because whenever you're around she seems sadder or like really mad. Whenever you say something or do something to her it hurts her and I hate seeing her hurt and crying. Did she tell you that when you started hanging out with Shawn and ignoring her and y'all fought was the first time she had cut in 3 months?" What I was the reason she broke her streak.
"You have no idea how many times she has or has tried to cut over you. I was just always there in time! You hurt her more than you know. You say things to her that make her feel worthless. Do I have to explain how low her self esteem was before. She still cries over you. Not missing you but what you did and the things you've said to her. She's broken and you broke her even more. I'm not telling you this to make you feel bad I'm tell you this because I'm in love with her and I don't want you breaking her again. I care about her too much. So please stay away from her!" My heart was broken. I was so close to tears but I couldn't let him see that.
"Yeah ok whatever!" I shrugged it off and crossed arms and flipped him out.
"Ok never mind I'll just stay with her at all times. I knew trying to talk to you wouldn't work!" He says and walks out closing the door in my face. she was right outside the door when I walked outside and I could hear them around the corner talking. I moved closer to see them.
"What were you talking to Camila about?"
"Nothing you need to worry your pretty little head over princess!"
"Jackson stop hiding things to protect me what's going on!"
"Baby girl I need you to trust me! I know that's hard but I'm only here to help you. Ok? So don't worry about it." He says with his hands on her shoulders.
"Ok Jackjack!" She says and pecks his lips. Bam my heart goes down its just been kicked in the jewels. That's how much pain it's in. Damn it heart stop fucking up. I realize I need to get over her. Lauren is gone I need to accept that and accept Shawn. Or do I just need to break them up and get my girl back.

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