Part 28

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Lauren's pov
I woke up and felt miserable, I had a really bad headache. My throat felt like a drill had drilled through it and then decided it wanted to make another hole and drilled through it again. It hurts so bad. I'm dizzy, lightheaded, I feel like I wanna puke but I can't. I got out of bed and took a shower but that didn't help things. I got dressed to go to tour rehearsal and went downstairs where Ally made an especially delicious looking breakfast. I almost slipped down the stairs but I caught a tight grip on the railing and held myself up. I walked into the kitchen and Normani turned to me and her smile turned to a frown.
"You ok Lau?"
"Yeah I'm fine."
"You don't look fine."
"I'm okay I just..." I got kind of lightheaded and leaned on the wall for support.
"You're not ok."
"I'm fine I just twisted my ankle a little that's all I'm fine."
"Ok if you say so..." I quickly ate breakfasts when I realized I was the last one down and we were running late. I got into the car with the girls and we rode to the rehearsal. We did some warm ups and as we started dancing I fainted. I didn't loose consciousness but I fainted.
"Lauren!" I saw all the girls and Sean above me.
"I'm fine."
Suddenly my stomach did a 180 and I dashed to the nearest trash can and puked my guts out.
"Jesus Christ Lau! You are not okay you need to get home." Sean directs.
"No I just have an upset stomach I can totally..." I lost my balance and almost fell but someone behind me caught me.
"I'll take her home!" Camila offered.
"No!" All of the girls yelled at the same time.
"I got it I just got out of rehearsal. I can take her home." I didn't know who it was behind me but they were nice to want to help.
"You sure?" Ally asks.
"Yeah it's no problem."
"Thanks so much Pia." Huh so that's who it is.
"Of course!"
"Lau can you walk on your own?"
"Yeah I'm fi...oh shit!" I leaned or more like fell over the garbage can and puked again.
"Ok so the answer is no let's just get you home."
"No no this is bad I need to go to the hospital."
"Ok ok!" She gets me to the car and we go to the hospital. Pia has to argue with the receptionist to get me in faster so fans don't worry.
"Pia my insides are coming out of me. Oh shit!" I puke right in the middle of the floor and there were bits of blood.
"You see and if fans get wind of this then they'll pull her apart right here!" Pia says banging on the receptionists desk.
"Ok just go right through those doors." Pia helps me through the doors. I lay on a bed like thing. I laid there while Pia called someone outside until the doctor walked in.
"Ms. Jauregui how are you feeling?"
"I'm obviously not fucking feeling well I wouldn't be here otherwise."
"Sorry she's cranky and sassy when she's tired." Pia says sitting on the other side of the room.
"Ugh can we hurry this the fuck along so I can stop feeling like I'm dying!"
"She's exaggerating." Pia says typing on her phone.
"Ok so what's wrong?"
"My throat feels like it's been drilled into, my head is pounding, I'm exhausted, in puking up constantly and sometimes there's blood, dizzy a little!"
"Ok so let me do some tests and we will figure it out. He does some tests and that thing where they put the Popsicle thing down your throat. I absolutely hate that. After he left and ran the tests he comes back.
"Ok so you have extreme level strep throat no need to worry. Just take this and you'll be fine. Everyday for a week or so."
"Alright thanks doc!" Pia answers before I say another sassy comment.
She helps me to her car and then before I know it she's helping me out of the car and suddenly I'm in my room. I plop down on my bed and die. Like I just die. My insides are twisting, my head is pounding like a hammer, I'm so dizzy I can barely see Pia's face.
"Go to sleep now sweetheart!" She lays a blanket over me. I fall right asleep and when I wake up its dark outside and theres a mumbled voice. My first thought was damn I need some mango slices. Then of course holy shit I slept for 10 hours when I see the clock says 8:00 at night. I open my eyes and see Pia talking to someone through the door. I lean up and my headache tries to hit me back down on the bed like a fucking frying pan to the face.
"Oh fuck that hurts!" My dizziness is gone but my head hurts my throat hurts but my insides still feeling like they're crawling out but now it's like they're tired and so they're just chilling and taking their time. In other words it's not all better but it's not horrible.
"Oh you're up!" Pia says.
"Hey baby girl how you doing?" I look and see Jackson sneaking through the doorway.
"Babe! What're you doing here I thought you were doing promo?" He kneels next to the bed.
"When my baby is sick I had to make sure you were ok and I was only like 3 hours away so I cancelled an appearance to make sure you're ok these next few days."
"You didn't have to do that!"
"But I wanted to. I didn't want you to die of ebola and I was in the city over."
"Seriously? That was your first thought?"
"No my first thought was I better go make sure you're ok and then in the car over I started thinking up horribly morbid scenarios and that was one."
"You're such a dork!"
"I know right!" He says over exaggeratingly making me laugh.
"So how are you feeling?"
"I'm better my throat hurts like hell and my head is like a fucking anvil, my stomach is much better but not completely and I'm not dizzy to the point that I can't see anything because it's all blurry light."
"Well that's good do you want to eat anything?"
"Mangos, I'm gonna ask Dinah if she has anymore mangos." I try to stand up but my head makes me loose my balance and Jackson holds my forearm and keeps me balanced.
"I'll go ask her. You stay put princess." He helps me lay back down and then leaves to get the mangos. I decide to get out of the clothes I'm wearing so I take off my pants and put on pajama shorts and then take off my shirt and bra and put on a overly large shirt. I turn around and Jackson is standing there with the mangos in his hands and his eyes bulged.
"What never seen a girls back before?" I wink.
"How can you be such a tease and you're sick?"
"That's just how I work baby. Too bad you can't kiss me."
"I can do something even better." He jumps and pops over into the bed with me. He wraps his arms around my torso and cuddles into me. He hands me the box of mangos and I open it up and dig right in.
"Mhm they're so good!"
I finish the whole thing in like 10 minutes.
"Babe you really shouldn't be this close I don't want to get you sick!"
"Don't worry about it, my immune system is like a steel vault. You can't penetrate my immune system plus as long as it makes you feel more comfortable and better then I'll do it."
"You're the best boyfriend on earth!"
"I know I am! You're the best girlfriend on earth!"
"I know I am! I love you."
"I love you more now sleep and get better."
"Here take this Advil for your head so maybe when you wake up it won't be like a 'fucking anvil' anymore." I giggle and take the pill then cuddle closer to him.
"I hope you know how much this means to me."
"Go to sleep princess."
"Fine!" I close my eyes and fall asleep in his arms. Right where I wanna be. I'm right where I want to be.

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