Part 2

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Jackson's pov
I woke up and opened my balcony doors. It doesn't count as a balcony it's just something I made going out from my modern bungalow. It's just a flat area with chairs that's right over the water. Technically my entire house is over the water but part of its on land. I walk out of my room and into my kitchen. My dog Jax followed me and barked against my leg. I made some bacon and eggs. I got some toast going. I cut up an mango and gave half to Jax. I ate the other half with my meal. I went to my room and showered then I changed into swim trunks and a wet suit. I grabbed a small cooler filled with ice and put some water and sodas in. I put that some sunscreen and Jax into the car. I strapped my surfboard to the top and drove to the beach. I met up with my buddies Nela and Taylor. We went down to the beach with all of my stuff. It was pretty early so there weren't that many people out. I noticed a familiar group of girls on towels sunbathing. Jax ran towards them.
"Jax no come back!" I yell as I run after him. I finally reach him but he already barking at the girls. One of the girls is petting him.
"I'm so sorry!"
"It's cool he's cute!" I look up into a pair of familiar green eyes. I'm mesmerized to say the least.
"Yeah Uhm thanks! Sorry again!"
"Wait what's your name?" One of the other girls asks
"Jackson but people call me king Jack!" The girls giggle.
"Why king Jack?"
"It's my YouTube channel name."
"Oh my gosh I knew I recognized you you're the boy who made the video about us that Lauren was gu.." The light haired girl started but the green eyed beauty stopped her by covering her mouth.
"Oh my how could i be so dumb you girls are from Fifth Harmony right?"
"Yeah!" They chorus in unison.
"Well ladies have a very nice day. I say.
"Come on Jax here boy!" I whistle then he runs after me back down the beach. The day goes on and the waves were pretty wild today.
After a while they got too crazy so i sat back. I noticed a girl who was out way too far on a small board.
"She's out too far!" I mumble to Taylor.
"I know bro she needs to come in these waves are too crazy for her to be out there especially that far." He says. I see a huge wave come a rip current right around where she is.
"Oh shit!" I say running into the water swimming towards her. A wave knocks her down right into the current. I swim to her and dive under the water and look around but I don't see her. I then see a body laying on the bottom of the sea bed. I swim over to it and pull the girl into my arms. I hold her bridal style as I swim back to shore. I carry her to the shore. The girls of fifth harmony run towards me with looks of distraught. I look down and realize I'm carrying Lauren in my arms. Her eyes are closed and I wasn't sure if she was breathing. I placed her down.
"Nela call a paramedic." I yell to him.
"Dude they can't make it. There's some kid stuck in an underwater cave or something." This isn't a very good neighborhood so they probably just dissmised the call all together.
"Good for nothing fucking paramedics!"
"What do we do!" Camila yells frantically. A crowd forms around us. I begin to do CPR on her. I push down on her chest and then breathe into her mouth. I'm not gonna lie I wish I could kiss her for real but she's kinda unconscious. I push down on her chest and then she coughs up water. Her eyes open. She's calm before screaming in pain.
"What's wrong?"
"My leg!" She yells I look and see a huge cut in her leg.
"Shit shit shit! I'll take you to the hospital!"
"We can't paparazzi, fans!" Ally says.
"Okay do you girls give me consent to bring her to my house to patch her up.
"Nela you can bring the girls to my place right?" I say and he nods. I pick up Lauren carefully and out her in the backseat of my car lying down floating in and out of consciousness from the lack of blood. I drive quickly there and take her out the car oh so carefully and then set her down on a table. I grab towels and antiseptic. I clean off the wound and get it to stop bleeding for the most part. The girls and Nela and Taylor burst through the door.
"Taylor I need needle thread and my mouth guard."
"Why your mouth guard?"
"Cause she's gonna scream and I don't need another noise complaint from miss. Gladice!" He gets me what I ask for. I put the mouth guard into her mouth and start stitching as she screams but their muffled cause she's biting on the mouth guard. She's hitting the table beneath her.
"I know it hurts like a bitch sweetheart but i have to do it!" There's tears coming from her face now.
"I'm sorry darling I know i know. You'll be ok!"
"I know sweetie I'm almost done. Don't worry."
"You're doing so well. I'm almost done!"
"There all finished!" I cut the thread and she calms down. I wrap it with sports wrap and tape it down.
"Taylor do you still have those crutches from when you broke your ankle?" I ask him.
"Yeah they're back at my place I'll run there and get them." He leaves. I help Lauren to the couch. She's still in her bikini so it's awkward.
"So how you feeling?"
"Really?" she says giving me the 'are you serious' face.
"Right stupid question Uhm let me get you some ice." I walk to the fridge and hand her some ice. The other girls all sit around her and ask if she's ok and stuff. I walk into the kitchen and sit on the counter. Ally walks in.
"Thanks for saving her Jack right?"
"Yeah you're right!"
"well thank you!"
"No problem just doing what's right!"
"Will you guys be staying for dinner?"
"Uhm yeah!"
"Cool!" I pulled out a pot and a skillet. I looked at it for a second then realized this was not gonna be enough. I put it away and grabbed my jacket.
"I will be back!"
"Yeah cool!" Nela said and went back to flirting with Dinah. I left and went to the truck as I call it. Basically it's a food truck but it's the only food truck I go to.
"What can I get for you King Jack?"
"Let me get 4 orders of fish tacos, 3 orders of veggie kabobs, and An order of Hawaiin style grilled chicken!"
"That's a lot of food who you got over!"
"Can't tell that's a secret!" I say and wink. He laughs and hands me my order. I walk back to my house. Nela and Dinah are sitting on the couch flirting while Lauren sits on the other side with crossed arms staring at a wall.
"Food!" I yell and everyone runs towards me. I take two fish taco packs and walk over to Lauren handing her one.
"Here you go darling!" She takes it graciously.
"Why did you save me?" She asks randomly.
"What do you mean?"
"Why would you save me how did you know I was in trouble?"
"If I'm being completely honest. You're gorgeous I was watching you. I saw the top current and new that was trouble so I ran out there toast least pull you closer to see then you were underwater and I saw your body laying there so I picked you up and took care of stuff."
"You were watching me?" She asks smirking.
"Yeah kind of." I blush.
"If only you'd left me there!" She murmurs.
"Nothing!" She eats her tacos.
"So where's the hotel?" I ask them.
"Oh she can't go back the fans and if Simon gets whiff of this. Our vacation will be cut short and we will be back in the studio!"
"She can stay here if you girls want?"
"Could she?"
"Yeah no problem!"
"We will send clothes back with Nela!"
"Yeah yeah and if she needs she can borrow mine!"
"Thanks Jackson this is really helpful!" Ally says
"Yeah you girls come by whenever you want so that you can see her but remember to have fun cause it is still vacation!" I tell them.
"Really thank you Jackson!" They say.
"Go have fun! Nela you take them to the tiki hut or something. Just do something fun!"
"Malama Lauren!" Nela tells me.
"Kuleana!" I reply.
"You don't know what you're saying do you?" He says
"I do but there's only like 5 words I know and those two are in my vocabulary!" I shrug. He chuckles at my response before leading the ladies out of the door.
"So Lauren if you're ready for bed I can take you into my room."
"I got it!" She says picking up the crutches and propping herself up.
"Ok the last door at the end!" I tell her as she crutches her way to the back. She walks in and gapes
I'm kind of handy so I managed to put a fish tank above my bed. There's also the balcony doors I explained earlier where you can see the ocean. It's a little far down but you can still see it.
"That's beautiful!"
"You think so?"
"This is an amazing view!"
"Thanks! I told the contracter I wanted to be right on the water but he said that we had to elevated because of currents and storms or whatever!"
"You designed this house?"
"Me and my dad he's a architect so we worked on it together."
"That's pretty cool!"
"So Uhm here!" I walk over to my dresser and grab a pair of basketball shorts and a t shirt.
"Oh and to take a shower you're going to need to put a plastic bag or a trash bag around your leg."
"Ok fine!" I find a trash bag and place her leg in it and tie it up then allow her to shower. I left the room and put on some sweatpants and a t shirt. I laid on the couch with a blanket and fell asleep. Today was quite eventful.

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