Part 48

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Jacksons pov

I was sitting in the girls living room just after one of their rehearsals because Lauren was soar and needed some cuddle time and Dinah was out so we were all watching some Netflix. Sydney was watching Tobias play around and Camila stared at him like she was thinking then nodded and looked back at the screen. Strange. Dinah suddenly runs into the house crying.
"DJ whats wrong?" I immediately ask my best friend.
"He...." she started then stopped and ran up the stairs. Dinah hates crying so something really bad must have happened. She never cries in front of people either she thinks it shows vulnerability. And vulnerability to her is cowardice and cowardice is weakness. I quietly knocked on the door and it came right open. She mustve forgotten to lock it.
"Hey DJ you ok?" I see her sobbing form laying face down on her bed.
"No Im not ok."
"What's wrong whatever it is I can help." I say gently rubbing her back.
"I feel so stupid and hurt. He said he loved me."
"Did you and Nela break up?"
"That fucking bastard."
"What did he do?" My blood heat was starting to rise. He better not have hurt her. He has done it to girls in the past and he promised she was different. I have an over protective nature when it comes to people I care about.
"I was on instagram on my way to see him and I see this..." she shows me her phone with a picture of him with another girl with his mouth super close to something it shouldn't be. "So I talked to him about it and he said 'so what, bitch! Youre lucky I stayed with you this long.' right to my face." My blood was boiling.
"T...Then he slapped me."
"He did what?" I screamed.
"Jackson calm down its fine. I left right after that." I lifted her face and rubbed her cheek and there was a bruise because he's a fucking football player and I know that he knows his own strength.
"That fucker!" I stood up and walked out of the room. I grabbed my keys and stomped out of the door. I got into my car and started driving off. I looked back and saw the girls looking confused.

Lauren's pov
"Dinah what happened?"
"Uhm Nela cheated on me and Jackson kind of freaked."
"Oh my god!"
"Oh shit he's gonna go see Nela!" Dinah yelled and grabbed some keys getting into her car and we all jumped in too.
"We're gonna stay here when Jacksons angry bad things happen." Sydney says and takes Tobias back into the house.
We drove off and zoomed down the street barely catching up to Jackson. Only reason we did was because Normani's cousin lent her a Ferrari for the weekend. We caught up just as he got to Nelas house. We all jumped out as he ran up to the door.

Jackson's pov
"Open the door Nela!" I yell banging hard in the door.
"Jackson what're you doing?" Lauren's voice comes from behind me.
"Don't worry baby just stay out here."
Nela opens the door next to a half dressed girl.
"Oh if it isn't the high and mighty Mr. Jackson Danielson!" Nela says sarcastically. I wrapped my hand around his neck and pushed him against the wall.
"You think this is funny?"
"Yeah kinda!"
"What is wrong with you! You loved Dinah! You promised she was different than the other girls then you go and do this shit with some whore." He smirks.
"Ok and... It's not like you care. You and your Lauren and Justin. You don't need me anymore."
"Nela this isn't funny. I treated you like a brother. Dinah is like my sister and you're going to disrespect her?"
"Yeah she deserves everything she got!"
"She loved you, you bastard!"
"She's just a fucking woman she's too sensitive!"
"Jackson stop you're gonna kill him!" Lauren yells.
"You think it's funny to hit a girl."
"Women are below us men that's why she ran out of here crying like a little wuss. She's weak, inferior, she's nothing just like every other woman!"
"It's not funny to hit women! It's not cool! Women deserve respect, care, love, and are equal. There's no superior or inferior! And trust me Dinah could beat your ass if she didn't have such a big caring heart!"
"So what? What're you gonna do?"
"I don't want to hurt you!"
"Jackson stop you're goi to hurt him."
"Shutup Lauren!" I yelled and I saw her flinch and I felt guilty.
"You gonna do what you did to Steven and Oliver and Taylen and Ben, and all of the boarders or how about Kaloi, or maybe you'll do what I did to Sarah!"
"I don't want to hurt you Nela! Your my brother!"
"No I'm not you don't need me! You have Lauren or have you hurt her too! Just do what you did to all those other guys to me. Do it to me I fucking dare you!"
"Nela stop messing with me!"
"Think about Sarah her body! You cared about her! I'll do to you exactly what I did to her!"
"Don't bring her into this!"
"What're you gonna do about it fucking prissy! Have you really changed? Are you gonna let me go so I can go beat the shit out of that creature you call your best friend! Huh no matter what I'll come back cause you won't do shit!"
"I won't go back to that life! I'm not him anymore! I won't do it!" I yelled through tears.
"I know you won't! You didn't do anything about Sarah!"
I gave in to my anger egging me on and punched him square in the jaw. So hard he almost knocked out. I pushed him against the wall repeatedly. I threw him to the ground. I punched him over and over till his face was bloody. I heard yells of my name and cries behind me but I didn't care.
"I'm not him! I won't let you hurt anymore girls! I won't let you break their hearts then their bones. I won't let you do this to Dinah! Fuck you!"
"You're a monster!" He coughed out through the blood.
I grabbed his collar.
"GENTLEMAN DONT HIT WOMEN! IM NOT THE MONSTER YOU ARE!" I knew I hurt him really bad. The blood was on my hands, my clothes, my face.
"I'm sorry Nela." I whisper in tears.
"You're him!" He whispers before passing out. I cry into my bloody hands.
"I'm sorry." I whispered then I came back to my anger full self remembering what he did.
"No no, you're a monster!" I pointed at him then ran past the horrified harmonies and right out the door into my car. I drove out of the driveway and back to my own house. I laid in bed and cried. What else could I do. How was I ever supposed to tell Lauren that I wouldn't hurt her that I would always protect her if I can't control myself. Yeah I would do anything to protect her and no I would never ever hit her. I couldn't protect Sarah from herself. How can I protect Lauren. Nela has been my best friend for years and now he turns against me. I've stuck by him, bailed him out of jail, let him sleep at my house whenever he was piss drunk, covered up all of the girls he's hit. He has so much against me, my entire past life. It's just difficult to think about now facing Lauren. She's going to want to know what I did in the past, who Sarah was, why I let Dinah date an abusive a hole. She's gonna hate me. I heard a commotion downstairs and then my door opened to my room. Lauren walked in and walked over to me. She wrapped her arms around me and kissed my temple.
"I don't hate you! I'm not mad! Just relax baby he's gonna be locked up for years. Mani and Ally will make sure of it. Now just rest and we will talk when you're all better." She soothingly ran her fingers through my hair and hummed in my ear.

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