Pary 34

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Merry Christmas chickens!!!!

Jackson's pov
I decided on where I was taking Lauren about three days before I landed. I told Dinah and she did the rest. I was ready. I walked up to their door and knocked.
Who else answered than Camila Cabello.
"Oh hey Jackson."
"Hey Mila."
"She's almost ready said Mani 5 minutes ago so I'll go ask." She walks to the bottom of the stairs.
"Hey yo is Lau ready?"
"Yeah she's coming down now!"
"That's your idea of asking? Yelling up the staircase?"
She shrugs.
"I'm lazy!"
She walks towards me and to places hands on either of my shoulder.
"Ok Jackson I know I've been awful and really unsupportive but I love Lauren. I do, I honestly still love her. That doesn't matter because she loves you. I see how happy you make her. You make her so happy she does things she's never done. She stopped drinking. She was never like an alcoholic but occasionally she drank away her feelings. She smiles all the time. She laughs at her phone constantly. She jumps around and plays with the girls. She actually eats. She is so much better with you and I want to thank you. For bringing back the Lauren I fell in love with. She's in better hands now. I made a mistake a few mistakes I think our issue was that we were too opposite. We never mended well. You two fit like a puzzle piece. I'm so happy for you tow. From now on I no longer hate your guts."
"I did not know you did but thank you."
"No more glares, no more cold shoulders or snarky comments. No more secretly trying to seduce her or frankly just going for it and kissing her. Now that I think about it I'm kind of a whore. Anyways what im saying is I won't stop trying to exploit every time you screw up to try and bed her but I will no longer try to sabotage you two. I will break every bone in your body if you hurt her. If you break her as bad as I did I will snap you like a twig then eat you for breakfast. So without further a do, here is your beautiful sexy elegant girlfriend Lauren as she walks down the stairs and probably heard everything I said." Camila slowly backs out of the room.
Lauren rolls her eyes and walks towards me. I reach in my back pocket and hand her a rose. She smiled.
"Thank you!"
"I got it!" Ally zooms out of nowhere and takes the flower then puts it into a lone case. These girls are the weirdest girls I've ever met.
"No sex you crazy kids!" Normani says.
"No promises when she looks this good! Nice job Mani!"
"Ah shucks Jackson gonna make me blush!" Normani says from the top of the stairs before disappearing in a blaze of light.
I grab her hand and lead her to my car. We both get in and I drive off her street.
"Ok can we just talk about the fact that your ex just told me she's trying to seduce you and if I screw up she's gonna fuck you."
"She's an idiot!"
"She does care for you but I think she's confused. I can see the way she treated you. You two were like sisters to her. I think that's why she did what she did. She was selfish because sisters are supposed to aggravate each other. She didn't think much about what you did for her because that's just what sisters do. She's confused. She really loves Shawn."
"That's actually pretty logical. She probably was just attracted to my body in a sexual way."
"Yeah let's not talk about you ex craving your body."
"Hey you brought it up." I intertwine our hands as I drive to the place. When I get there I help Lauren out like the gentleman I am. Can I just say she looks sexy in the moonlight. Her hair fell perfect on her shoulder and her green eyes sparkled. I lead her into the filed and covered her eyes and saw Dinah texting. She looked up saw us then ran to cover. I uncovered Lauren's eyes and she gasped.
"Oh my gosh this is gorgeous."
She looked at the blanket with Christams lights hanging from the tree above. The Kraft Mac and cheese looked perfect. I know Kraft Mac and cheese on a date. Well Dinah can't cook and ordering food seemed to take the point away from the whole idea. I lead her to sit down amongst the pillows.
"I didn't feel like cooking because I only cook on the 26th date and I wanted to do everything myself so I made mac and cheese."
"This is amazing this is more than any other person in the world has ever done for me."
"You deserve it princess."
"I love you so much!"
"I love you more."
We ate, talked, fed each other, messed around. It was cute. When the night es coming to a close, I finally did what I wanted to do or almost did. I held the ring in my hand but then put it back in my pocket.
"Lauren I have a question?"
"In say 2 years if I asked you to be my wife would you say yes. Based upon where our relationship is now."
"Definetly. I'm so in love with you, if I was few years older id say yes now."
"So it's the age that's a problem for you?"
"No not at all I just want to be more mature before throwing you into the deep end with me. I love you and I don't care about the 6 year difference. You are an amazing guy and age is nothing but a number unless your 15 years apart that's just nasty." They were a fetus when you were on your first date, like that's really gross." I laugh and take her cheek in one of my hands.
"Now baby girl I know it's been rough for you in life and in this relationship but I'm not going anywhere. No matter what happens we'll work it through. I believe in us truly. I am in the for the long run."
"I know babe you don't have to worry. I know I just get panic attacks sometimes like not in the exact way all of the times. Sometimes it's more like paranoia attacks. I love you though and I know you love me." I smile and kiss her lips softly.
"You know you're a great kisser."
"And you the same." I kiss her again longer and licked her lip asking for entrance which she accepts and tongue explores her mouth. She tugs my hair deepening the kiss and I wish I could just rip her dress off and treat her right for the night but I restrain myself knowing the deal. I don't know what I was thinking when I did that. Maybe I wasn't taking into account her sexy curves or her hips that don't quit, or her perfect legs, maybe it was the sexy fierce and piercing eyes that I forgot. I had to have forgotten something in order to do this. Then it hits me this isn't about that, although a huge part of it. This is about treating her right. Treating her better than any of the guys and make figures in her life have. Better than even girls have. Better than Camila did, better than pretty much anyone in her life. I have to make sure she's comfortable and she's not hurt anymore. I want to erase the pain of the past. I have an important job as her boyfriend, fix her.

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